Sentences with phrase «eventual passage»

While broad trends favor eventual passage, the political currents are likely to get rougher in the short term.
There was plenty of praise for McDonald in the run - up to the law's eventual passage later that month.
No, Veganrunner, I don't think it's crazy as the preferred origin of your thyroid hormone would be internal and not through the mouth with eventual passage through the stomach and intestines.
Prospects for the anti-smoking bill's eventual passage dimmed considerably when the Senate failed to block a filibuster on the measure last week.
Kinahan also said the eventual passage of tax reforms in the U.S. could help the financial sector, some stocks in the tech sector and American multinationals.
«That acted like a carrot that continued to lead investors forward in anticipation of the eventual passage
Ever since then, the White House, despite the bill's eventual passage, has largely been playing defense on healthcare.
Its eventual passage in the 1992 regular session of the legislature was widely hailed as a progressive reform of government.
Though Skelos voted against the measure, he did vote yes for a religious exemption amendment to the bill, helping clear the way for its eventual passage.
And a rushed ending montage about the eventual passage of the Voting Rights Act threatens to slip into the tone of nonspecific historical uplift that the film otherwise so successfully avoids.
Quaytman has also displayed her paintings on storage racks placed within the exhibition space, pointing to the eventual passage into obscurity of most aesthetic objects as they make space for others.
CCX was never a stock exchange, it was a gambling scheme where people were betting on the eventual passage of cap and trade.
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