Sentences with phrase «eventual reduction»

Republicans including Faso have been under pressure to oppose the AHCA from progressive groups like Citizen Action, who say it will increase the cost of health insurance for senior citizens, lead to eventual reductions in Medicaid spending and eventually result in fewer people having health insurance.
They are (1) the trend data inconclusiveness, (2) there are scientific grounds for eventual reduction of shear winds in a warming world, and (3) possible eventual temperature difference decreases in a warming world.
And, if the policy does work, shouldn't you see an eventual reduction in retention rates?
Debt consolidation should lead to an eventual reduction in debt and should not be used to free up more borrowing.
Whatever ills one might associate (rightly or wrongly) with free roaming cats — whether public health concerns, wildlife predation, or anything else — it's clear that these problems can not be addressed in a comprehensive manner without the stabilization and eventual reduction in the level of the community cat population.
We can not allow this to drift - when every year of delay retards investment, locks us into a higher emissions pathway, worsens the impacts on the poorest and most vulnerable, and increases the costs of eventual reduction.
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