Sentences with phrase «eventual size»

She won't talk about the eventual size of the Harriet Fund.
Of course, these figures are only back - of - the - envelope estimates meant to give you a general sense of how you might do, not guarantees of the eventual size of your nest egg.
Saving more, by contrast, is a much surer way to boost the eventual size of your nest egg.
But over the long term the amount you pay in expenses can play a big role in determining the eventual size of your nest egg as well as how much income you can draw from it after you retire.
Waiting just five years to embark on a savings regimen can dramatically downsize the eventual size of your nest egg.
Lofty fees can also seriously diminish the eventual size of your nest egg.
Working longer can also boost the eventual size of your Social Security check, as each year you delay claiming Social Security up to age 70 increases your benefit by roughly 7 % to 8 % a year, possibly more since the extra years of work may boost the lifetime earnings calculation the Social Security Administration makes to determine your monthly benefit.
A few percentage points on your annual return over 25 years could make a significant difference in the eventual size of your portfolio.
With a defined - contribution plan, your contributions are certain (i.e., they are defined), but the eventual size of your nest egg is not guaranteed.
True or false: Getting even a small head start on saving can make a big difference in the eventual size of your retirement nest egg.
Over the course of a career the payoff from paring investment fees even by as little as a half a percentage point a year can be impressive, potentially boosting the eventual size of your nest egg by 10 % or more.
To get a sense of that recommended mix of stocks and bonds as well as others might affect the eventual size of your retirement stash given how much you're saving — or how long your stash is likely to last at different withdrawal rates after you retire — I suggest you also rev up a good retirement income calculator like the one in the Tools & Calculators section of RealDealRetirement's Retirement Toolbox.
If your savings balance is smaller than it should be, you may be tempted to load up on stocks, in hopes that a pedal - to - the - metal investing strategy will boost the eventual size of your nest egg.
The idea is what matters — namely, that by cutting back on a big expense, especially one you incur regularly like a house or car payment, you can boost the eventual size of your retirement nest egg.
For example, although there's no magical investment that can deliver returns high enough to make up for all those years you failed to save, you may very well be able to boost the return your savings earn — and the eventual size of your nest egg — by opting for low - cost index funds and ETFs, many of which charge less than 0.25 % a year in annual expenses.
That's not to say that investing doesn't play a significant role in the eventual size of your nest egg and in determining how long it will last in retirement.
Most important is that you stick to low - cost choices like index funds or ETFs, as over the course of a long career saving even a half a percentage point a year in fees can boost the eventual size of your nest egg by 25 % or more.
Obviously, the eventual size of your nest egg and the amount of income it generates can vary greatly depending on the size returns the financial markets deliver; how early in your career you start pumping up your savings rate and by how much; and the extent to which you're able to downsize investment fees.
Clearly, saving more is the single most effective way to increase the eventual size of your nest egg and achieve a more secure retirement.
Similarly, since the advantage of lower costs can take considerable time to build, moving to lower - cost funds later in your career will have less of an impact on the eventual size of your nest egg than had you focused on less - expensive investments right out of the gate.
Others are eventual size, the temperament for which a specific breed is known, the climate in which it feels most comfortable and the purpose for which it was bred.
If you really want a puppy, this means that you are ready and willing to deal with some accidents in the house, some serious lack of sleep for at least a few months, some adolescent behavior such as chewing and perhaps temporary inattentiveness, and some unknowns about your puppy's eventual size and behavior.
Your puppy's eventual size will make a difference in many of the decisions you make, but where size makes the most difference is in nutrition.
These guys take their time growing up and aren't considered fully grown until they're between 18 and 24 months old (depending on the breed and eventual size).
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