Sentences with phrase «eventually explode as a supernova»

That's according to a new analysis — part of the biggest census of star - forming regions to date — that focused on stars eight times the mass of our sun or larger (the size that eventually explode as supernovae) at a very early stage in their lifetime, when they'd still be inside the clouds of gas and dust where they formed.
Such large and luminous massive stars are believed to be highly evolved, all of which suggests that W26 is coming towards the end of its life and will eventually explode as a supernova.

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These neighbouring bubbles eventually merged to form a superbubble, and the short life spans of the stars at its heart meant that they exploded as supernovae at similar times, expanding the superbubble even further, to the point that it merged with other superbubbles, which is when the supershell was formed.
After exploding as a supernova, the star would have faded from view within a year or so — and eventually from living memory, until, 25 years ago, a radio telescope near Canberra, Australia, found its curious remains.
Eventually, they explode as supernovae (see Székely & Benedekfi (2007) for more on the death of stars).
As this Universe Today article explains, eventually something happens — a supernova explodes nearby, for instance, or a passing star exerts its gravity — to change the pressure inside the cloud, causing it to collapse into a disk.
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