Sentences with phrase «ever do any studying»

But no one's actually ever done the study to say, OK, let's take everybody's, you know, ambient temperature down 10 degrees and see if it causes weight loss.
One begins to wonder if these guys ever do any studying.
Have you ever done any studies that inflation in account?
If I ever do study another language, I was thinking Spanish for no particular reason.

Not exact matches

It was the largest scientific campaign ever at the time and responsible for collecting microbiotic samples from 2,500 people — the largest study that's ever been done on the microbiome.
With more states than ever touting their low Cost of Doing Business, that criterion carries extra weight in our study this year.
A new study by researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York suggests that bondholders still don't believe the government would ever let the firms collapse into bankruptcy — after a decade of efforts by regulators to convince them otherwise.
For instance, Charlie Munger points out that Disney is able to adapt to technological change better than any other company he had ever studied in his life, calling it the equivalent of «an oil company that can put the oil back in the ground after it is done drilling so it can drill it again.»
A new study by personal finance comparison website has found that 44.6 million American adults (18 %) don't believe they'll ever stop working.
I believe we have done a fair job of using reason as leaders from other countries routinely tour and study at our judicial centers in awe of the most fair and honest approach to justice the world has ever known.
We were surprised to see him back at BYU within the year because he said he felt so much more at home in the BYU community than he ever did in his graduate studies elsewhere.
Although I am not a Christian, I have studied the Bible and know this; the only thing Jesus ever told people they absolutely had to do was love God, and love each other.
If the Bible is a myth, it would be the truest and most helpful myth ever written, and I would still read it, study it, teach it, and try to follow it... especially the parts about Jesus, for He (even if he didn't really exist) represents the truest way to be human.
just because some things are SIMILAR does not mean it is derived from them... secondly... did you ever study as to WHY the Apocrypha was not added..
We may reasonably conclude from the studies that have been done on this issue that, more often than not, the number of Priests who have abused is tiny in proportion to the number of Priests that have not ever done so.
Did everyone who ever jotted down points on a pro vs. con list first study Socrates, Descartes, Kant, or Spinoza?
Every single Christian in the world needs to study this case as it is the only time I have ever seen a religion do what they believe.
According to studies prayer accomplishes absolutely NOTHING... NOT one study ever done has proven that prayer is effective... ever...
The first - ever study into international child sponsorship has found that it does transform lives and reduce poverty.
Unless the atheist studied the bible in college, as a masters degree to prove it, and has been studying the bible ever since, I don't believe atheists know more.
If I look back from this point on my earlier studies, I may well ask myself how it ever came about that I did not learn this much sooner and accordingly speak it out.
My theology continued do diverge from that of mainline protestantism, but there was room in our church for that, and the best «bible» study I ever took introduced me not only to the likes of Marcus Borg, John Shelby Spong, and Dominic Crossan, but also to a few fellow church members I'd known for years, but had no idea they held beliefs similar to mine.
And to be honest, I have not ever done a serious study of the Gospel of John, so you could probably help me just as much as I might be able to help you.
Do you ever plan on taking a class in Biblical Studies?
It is just a view I «invented» this past month, and do not recall ever reading it anywhere in all my studies.
That is exactly what I have been doing for fifty years, but now at the end of my journey I get to put everything I have learned together and spend my remaining years studying his Word more deeply than ever and communicating the results to God's people.
If you have ever been afraid of God, or have thought that God is out to get you, to punish you for some sin, if you think that the bad things which happen to you in life are because God hates you or is making you pay for something you did, this study of Genesis 3:8 - 10 is for you.
«We don't know that (bin Laden) was ever exposed to orthodox Islamic teachings,» said Ebrahim Moosa, a professor of religion and Islamic studies at Duke University.
So, I'll do more studying, if anyone has any links they could give me it would much appreciated, it is just baffling to me to know that man was created around animals in the beginning how ever, was able to pull away from the animals and begin an intelligent form a language, I can sort of see creating things that they needed from need.
Did it ever dawn on you why communists now called socialists would be funding a study on gays???
Also, there have been tons of studies done on ho mo $ exu ality — if it was a choice there would be precursors to that choice leading someone to want to be attracted to the same gender or leading them to actually having attraction for the same gender — yet not one study has ever found any precursor or cause.
Does it ever occur to you to raise the question about whether or not women should remain silent in your Sunday school class or in your Wednesday night home group Bible study?
Also, there have been tons of studies done on ho mo $ e xuality — if it was a choice there would be precursors to that choice leading someone to want to be attracted to the same gender or leading them to actually having attraction for the same gender — yet not one study has ever found any precursor or cause.
@ Mosihasteen i bet you hundred million go study the quran man and find every negative thing in quran you can possibly can do some more study with your byest mind and then gather all that nd then search it up y did god said those things in quran tell you what i do nt have hundred million but i have my fath which is more worth than that if every negative thing in quran u find and you actully study further you will find y it is said by god and what is the reason and how it is possitive and i give you my word if you find 1 mistake or error in quran i will convert to what ever you follow man there you go wana take the challenge
Has anyone ever done before and after DNA studies of the newly created blood?
Have you ever set out to read through the Bible — as I know some of you are doing this year — or have you ever set out to study through a certain book of the Bible or a certain passage — and after struggling with it a bit, you throw up your hands in frustration and give up?
I continue to do lectionary study at St. Frances Cabrini in Prospect Park on Thursday mornings with an ever - growing group of worship planners.
This dude purports to have watched every game Mayfield has ever played, and claims to have done additional tape study, and the entire list of criticisms he can come up with are he's short, he has possible personal issues, and he played in a playground offense?
Did you ever read commentary on the studies by medical experts?
The largest, most comprehensive study ever done of homebirth has released its results and there's nothing left to argue about: homebirth increases the risk of perinatal death.
But did you ever read the actual studies?
A new study from the Family Online Safety Institute, a nonprofit on a mission to «make the online world safe for kids and families,» found that teens are not only more connected than ever, increasingly using mobile devices and social networks, but they understand privacy and safety issues in a way that previous generations didn't.
There has only ever been 1 scientific study done on comparing diapers to babies movements and walking.
The PROBIT study (which is as close to an RCT as we'll ever get on the subject) doesn't support the idea that BF prevents obesity:
Your mama instincts are right on — the current place just doesn't sound very progressive, or like they've ever even studied the basics of normal developmental psych!
How can you trust that homebirth is safe when the most comprehensive study ever done of homebirth (and analyzed by a midwife) found that PLANNED homebirth with a LICENSED midwife has a death rate approximately 800 % higher than comparable risk hospital birth, and even MANA can't figure out how to criticize it?
The largest homebirth study ever done shows that homebirth triples the rate of neonatal death.
This is a study done by the Consumer Product Safety Commission It was done several years ago, but the facts are as relevant as ever, and more importantly, are not coming from me.
I don't think we'll ever get the studies we're hoping for (again I think we should try but SO many factors involved).
In fact, no study will probably ever do that.
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