Sentences with phrase «ever felt the pain»

If you ever feel pain, don't hesitate to call your Lactation Consultant.
Have you ever felt the pain of sore leg muscles the day after a long run?
If you ever feel pain in your legs, see varicose veins or experience swelling the best compression socks can make your life a lot easier.
If you ever feel pain while you're lying on your back, supine, or especially as you sit up.
«I hope that no other members will ever feel the pain I felt for my community.»

Not exact matches

The goal setting worksheet at the end of this article will save you from ever feeling this again: the pain of setting a big goal in January...
If you've ever had a package fail to deliver because you weren't at home, Amazon feels your pain.
You go «eliminate» some cell clumps... but if it was just «cell clumps», why has every woman I've ever met who's had an abortion express great pain and sorrow and lament over killing their unborn baby rather than feeling like they just clipped their nails?
Unless processed through grief, pain will eventually find a way out in illness or depression, or will lead the griever to avoid all the deep feelings with which it is associated, preventing her from ever again feeling love or enjoying herself as deeply as before.
It's easy to convince ourselves we're guarding the feelings of others when we're only trying to protect our own hides — and this sort of deception often ends in more complication, lying and pain than we ever imagined.
But some of these are dearer than others: if evil Bloombergian aliens ever were to conquer us and ban all hamburgers, it would pain and offend us, but if they banned all American sounds, I say it would feel like an attempt to kill and erase us.
THAT»S despair from the inside that goes so far beyond any outside pain that I've ever felt.
If this has ever happened to you, then I feel your pain.
For the first time in my life I am not in pain after every meal and I feel more energized and healthy than ever before!
And ever since one of my yoga teachers, Dr. Sada Simran, told us to take a course of turmeric to ease pain and inflammation, I've felt my turmeric obsession was more than justified.
plus, bc it was partial, he was only ever going to feel a nagging pain, not a sharp one or even sensation of destabilization.
Chelsea is infront of us, the top 3 is already out of reach and watford buzz won't last and Chelsea will finish 4th... We will finish 6 behind Liverpool... The big 4 doesn't count us anymore... Spurs are solid as Chelsea who will actually fight for 3rd place with Spurs... I hope that you are pleased and sure you won't be mad if we finish 12th... Chelsea did a century ago with mourhino help and went right back on top of table... Oh, maybe we will do great next year, or the one after as long has it makes you happy... You should go and i'm sure you will get hired as Per... Please don't ever send comment, we real fans are in pain... Maybe you one of owners hiding or in another planet than football, just like them... Don't ever post comment, i felt to get a gun and shoot myself!
I'm SURE it will hurt like no pain I've ever felt, but I know I can do it.
Experiencing contractions for the first time was, without a doubt, the most pain I've ever been in, and I hated feeling a lack of control over my body when they hit.
If you have ever experienced breast engorgement, you know all too well the pain of hard, full breasts feeling like they're ready to burst.
Engorgement is one of the worse pains I have ever felt and nothing relives engorgement like these pads.
The piano is not firewood yet But a heart can't be helped and it gathers regret Someday you'll wake up, and feel a great pain And you'll miss every toy you've ever owned You'll want to go back You wish you were small Nothing will console your crying You'll take the clock off of your wall And you'll wish that it was lying
Have you ever gotten out of bed in the morning, and felt a sudden sharp pain in your heels?
Labor, though only an hour, was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.»
Have you ever felt a constant, sharp pain in your legs while driving?
No choice is a bad choice which ever way you go, but in my case I feel the pain - in - the butt aspects of breast feeding are far outweighed by the benefits.
My goodness this was the worst pain I've ever felt!
I'd compare them to the worst period cramps you've ever felt or the pain you experience during a stomach bug.
She says the pain is worth it, you forget it real quick, not that it's the worst you've ever felt but just how bad it was.
There is an expectation among modern women that childbirth is the worst pain you could ever feel.
Kids have taken drastic measures to escape the pain it causes including committing suicide without ever admitting the hurt they were feeling.
The pain was all consuming, beyond what I have ever felt in my life.
«This was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life,» says Wall, who admits she did feel intense pain during childbirth, though it was not sharp.
But ever since cerebral organoids were first created from stem cells in 2013, they have ignited an intense ethical debate, including about whether they can suffer, feel pain, or be conscious — and whether they have human rights.
After three days of fever, chills, joint pain, and the worst headache I've ever had, I started to feel better.
I feel guilty that there were a few times she was in pain and I had promised her that I would make sure she wasn't ever in pain.
By that stage, I was experiencing pain like nothing I'd ever felt before; I was terrified that something was going badly wrong, and desperately needed a break from the physical trauma that my body was being put through.
Moreover, if by any chance you feel pain in some part of the body ever again, this knowledge can further help you to pinpoint the troubled muscle with greater precision, and alter your exercises accordingly, thus avoiding any injury or overstraining.
So a lot of those types of symptoms are fatigue, feeling like you're getting the flu but never really coming down with the flu, light sensitivity in the eyes, tinnitus in the ears, pain in the lymph nodes underneath the ears, those kinds of things, maybe a mild fever but hardly ever fever associated with it.
You'll be stronger, your feel more mobile like you can move easier, and if you ever experience any bodily pain, much of that can reside too.
Give it a try and find out what it feels like to be pain - free and more resilient than ever
Have you ever been in the midst of running or doing some other form of exercise and suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of your thigh?
DO NOT DO THIS I tried this remedy and im now living in HELL yesterday I did it and now I'm awake at 7 am and my sinuses are feeling like battery acid and more pain then EVER in my life.
It's the best feeling pain ever.
You'll feel safe and wonder why no one has ever explained pain to you before!
If you ever feel sharp shooting pain, you should immediately stop what you're doing.
Brock: All those dietary things really, it reminds me of an article I've read about the LA Lakers, how they're actually working with Dr. Cate Shanahan right now and she introduced like bone broth and antioxidants and stuff into their diet so getting them away from the real inflammatory Gatorade and all that kind of stuff and most of the people on the team, most of the guys on the team were talking about how they hardly ever get recovery pains anymore like they just don't get doms, they feel that they're recovering faster, they don't get a sore, sort of interesting.
Do you ever feel like you may have certain symptoms related to foods, such as headaches, stomach pain, diarrhea, or fatigue?
I know other moms out there feel my pain, when you've got a bunch of young children, you really don't sit down ever.
Obviously, Chrissy looked incredible as always, but anyone who's ever worn a pair of sky - high heels can definitely feel the pain behind these photographs.
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