Sentences with phrase «everlasting hell»

As a Christian, we believe in an everlasting Hell.
If you continue in that state, you will suffer eternal alienation from God in everlasting hell.
Gositinthecar you are condemned by your sin to everlasting HELL for being born.
An everlasting HELL teaching and LIMITED ATONEMENT in NOT part of» THE GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY» to brought to all the nations and ends of the earth.
For me, the character of God comes into question with an everlasting hell where people burn for 100000000 x 1000000000 years and then some more.
Only one, in Carthage, Africa by the Romans, taught about a everlasting hell for those who didn't «believe.»
Strings like, «There is something wrong with you if you don't speak in tongues» (a very unBiblical one that), you must have a full submersion baptism because the last baptism you had wasn't wet enough, you must sing naff choruses or it means you do nt» want to worship God, you must believe that the vast majority of people that have lived on earth are damned to everlasting Hell, you must not say anything controversial, you must not be too intellectually assertive if you're a woman, you must do as we say and believe as we say, you must force yourself to be attracted to people with a particular set of genitalia or be lonely and unfulfilled for the rest of your life.
While we may not drown people because of their views on baptism, it is not uncommon for one group of Christians to condemn another group of Christians to everlasting hell because the other group has a different view on baptism.

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If I worship you for fear of hell, burn me in hell.If I worship you in hope of paradise, exclude me from paradise But if I worship you for your Own sake, grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty.
Violeta — Do you have any scripture to back up a hell of everlasting torment?
I agree that the church keeps people away by teaching wrong doctrine such as hell being a place of everlasting torment - who wants to serve a God like that.
A doctrine about hell being everlasting torment for all sinners is (to most people) self - evidently unjust and disproportionate.
It is not definitely stated in the Qur» an whether Hell is everlasting or not, but it is clearly stated that Paradise and its blessings are eternal.
When discussing Calvinism with Calvinists, there are two texts that are almost always brought up in defense of God's right to do anything He wants with people, even if it means deciding from all eternity to send billions of them to everlasting punishment in hell.
Or, does Scripture clearly teach that you must Repent and Believe before you physically die... though we are eternal beings and our soul / spirit live on... or face Eternal Everlasting Judgment in a fiery hell?
Brinsmead had rejected all the SDA's distinctive doctrines except its view of hell as a place of total destruction rather than a place of everlasting torment.
Only Jesus can pray to Jesus that Jesus doesn't cast us into the Hell that Jesus created because Jesus loves us and wants us to live for eternity in His Heaven unless we do not believe in and honor Him, whereupon He will vomit us up and into the everlasting agony of Hell which He prays we do not go to because He loves us so much even though we are born evil and vile in His eyes and require being born again so that He does not condemn us to a fiery eternity and, rather, can love us in Heaven for ever and ever, Amen.
Commentators and theologians from all major views of hell are agreed that this refers to the disappearance of death forever and to the everlasting cessation of hades.
Through his magical grace, and by shedding his precious blood, Jesus saves Evangelicals from everlasting torture in hell, and guarantees them a premium, luxury villa in heaven.
Those who kill deliberately will have an everlasting life in the hell - fire.
According to the beliefs of most Christian sects, we ALL have everlasting life after death, with the catch being that we whom you judge as unworthy won't enjoy our eternity as it will be in hell, correct?
We come now to say a few words about that disputed subject, the reality of hell and the possibility of everlasting punishment meted out by God.
So I wanted to write a book which explains Romans 9 in a way that presents God in light of Jesus Christ, in a way that does not make God responsible for hating Esau, hardening Pharaoh's heart, and condemning a large majority of mankind to everlasting damnation in hell.
In John 3:16, he says, «For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish (that's hell), but have everlasting life (that's heaven).»
The sinful believer who professes the unity of God and acknowledges His Prophet thus will not suffer everlasting punishment in Hell, a. view which was diametrically opposite to that of the Kharijites.
When confronting the rampant sexual immorality that was present in the Corinthian church, Paul does not threaten them with hell and everlasting destruction, but with the theological truth that as believers in Christ who have been raised with Him, we should not behave in such a manner (1 Cor 6:12 - 20).
God made a choice — he chose some individuals to be saved unto everlasting blessedness in heaven, and he chose others to pass over, allowing them to suffer the consequences of their sins, eternal punishment in hell (Sproul, Grace Unknown, 141).
first they try to coerce with words, then when that doesn't work, anger follows then outright threats of everlasting pain in Hell or some such.
There are dozens and dozens of verses in the OT that speak to this while there is not one that hints to a hell of everlasting torment.
Hell, as a place of everlasting torment, is not taught in the bible.
Yes, I agree hell is a real place but with the purpose of getting rid of evil people along with Satan and his spirits and not a place of everlasting torment.
So instead of God being called a bully, we say his judgements are indisputable, unchangeable and everlasting; he is better than us, high and lifted up, all powerful and holy; he is disappointed or sorrowful or angry about our sin; he constantly convicts us by the Holy Spirit; he sends us suffering in order to teach us, discipline us and inevitably bring us in line with his ways; and he threatens us with exclusion from him and his group now or forever in Hell unless we repent and straighten up.
It seems like sheer superstition to expect that by affirming belief in Christ one can gain a happy eternity, while those who do not affirm it must suffer everlasting torment in hell.
Admittedly, it is bad news that Hartshorne postulates that evil will be forever with us and that there is no final redemption from it; but many traditional Christian versions of hell have implied that evil in the form of inconceivably brutal torture and suffering is the everlasting lot of most of the human race!
You too can be saved from everlasting torment in the flames of hell.
A Christian, who does good deeds with the promise of everlasting life in heaven or the threat of eternal damnation in hell.
I know that the notion of Hell, a Lake of Fire and everlasting punishment flies in the face of an eternally loving God, it is none the less THERE.
If I could see in scripture the evidence for a hell of everlasting torment then so be it but not only do I not see it but I do see overwhelming scriptural evidence that the fate of the wicked is death.
He refers to hell as the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Jesus is going to burn in HELL EVERLASTING so don't ask him for anything!
The teaching that there this is an eternal everlasting tormenting hell is unbiblical and in my conversations with nonreligious people the number one reason for their unbelief.
All you have to do is believe in him and you will be saved from hell and have everlasting life.
A few more recent writers had interpreted hell in a less terrible fashion; they had even turned it into a kind of purgatory in which the anguish was a necessary means of purification — for such thinkers hell was not everlasting or eternal (whichever you choose) but temporary; in the end God would win all men to himself.
Hell Is A Place Of Everlasting Noise, Where Voices, Plaintive And Obnoxious Cry Over And Over Again Their Favourite Word In constant iteration: I, I, I. Hell Is A Place Where Mirrors Are Black Water, And Rivers Salt, And Atmosphere Like Lead, Where Suffering Is All The Rage And Fashion, And everything is dead except the dead.
But there remains Gehenna, the place of «everlasting burning and destroying fire,» (Isa 33:12) the New Testament Hell, the place from which the Church would pray that we be delivered, «from eternal damnation.»
With the alternatives being eternal blissful heaven or everlasting punitive hell, this battle frequently is intense.
You know, we who CHOOSE to believe in REALITY and who choose a morality based upon HUMAN love, compassion, mindful awareness, and LOGIC as opposed to a salvation - based transactional morality - exchange entered into with a petty, arrogant, childish, vengeful, MYTHOLOGICAL «Sky Father» in the hopes that, should we live a «good» life according to «His» contradictory, hypocritical, and inconsistent «rules» (or Commandments, or whatever you enjoy calling them) or else spend «Eternity» burning in everlasting torment in «Hell» you know, because «God» loves us so much.
With your position, you relegate one to hell who sincerely believes Jesus in His promise whereby He guarantees eternal life to the one who takes Him at His word in His promise: «Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life» (John 6:47).
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