Sentences with phrase «everybody in the world»

Everybody in the world of sports, regardless of what sport it is, knows that in situations like these, the best way to move forward is change.
Everybody in the world knows this already, and almost everyone — except for one of our editors — is insanely excited.
And competition in that space is basically «everybody in the world who went to school», which doesn't help our chances.
When we needed to get a defender and a holding midfielder, he refused because everybody in the world was saying it.
In principle, the drive of the machine is to reach everybody in the world simultaneously with the same message.
There is enough food to feed everybody in the world now; in the year 2000 there will still be enough food for everyone.
In day to day life, people generally do whatever is best for themselves, while ignoring the needs of everybody in the world outside their immediate family.
You have to take on the job of a marketer trying to sell a product to anybody and everybody in the world who will listen.
Everybody in this world wants to be popular around their atmosphere, but what makes you popular, so people can easily caught by you.
«At the highest level the way to think about that is because of the philosophy of cryptocurrency — which is really about taking advantage of distributed high - performance computing — there are supercomputers in the hands of almost everybody in the world so that no singular force or entity can control the currency,» said Huang about the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies.
I hesitated to share this recipe since I thought everybody in the world had a fresh strawberry pie recipe.
He owes the Premier League, Man Utd and everybody in world football to perform.
«Generally there's one faction that will want to be so transparent, to tell everybody in the world anything that is known at any given moment, whether it's definitive or not,» he said.
Actually I think the idea that God loves everybody in the world is rather recent, right?
i once worked for a big company whose business plan was, essentially, if everybody in the world gave us a penny...
So first of all, I am going to just ask you, because not everybody in the world knows who you are, I think most people do, but just quickly, who are you and what do you do?
Facebook is presenting the project as something of a humanitarian effort, and not as a way to ensure that absolutely everybody in the world signs up for a Facebook account.
It goes like this: Everybody in the world divides his mail into two piles which I call the A-Pile and the B - Pile.
Americans hate pretty much everybody in the world just as much as these Muslims hate everybody.
In the last game he kept Sanogo on who was total shat that day, today he kept Ozil on, in the wrong position which is obvious to everybody in the WORLD except Wenger for 90 minutes again.
Of course, you could always just bring Lesnar back to wreck everybody in the world and take back the title.
Haber promptly got on the telephone to call everybody in the world, standing there limp, soaked and several pounds lighter.
Wenger is a lier and a fraud well maybe he's not a straight liar cos he does do what he says he just does nt do what everybody in the world knows he should
Then tell wenger to use ozil in the right way No 10 playmaker behind stiker, not winger Ozil is lazy as ass since play in germany, madrid and national team, everybody in the world already know that.
Think of how many touchdowns Kyle Shanahan and Matt Ryan would have been able to make happen if only they used Julio Jones in the way everybody in the world (except all his coaches) know he should be used.
In Asia, the durian is called the «King of Fruits,» but not everybody in the world bows down to these bulbous, spiny, custardy fruits.
«SCOAP3 allows everybody in the world to access high - quality scientific knowledge in peer - reviewed particle physics journals.
Everybody in world wish for wealthy women seeking me, but can someone in another State in the chat if you rarely own State leave a meeting face to face in your plans is counterproductive.
«I see them sugarcoat and pass over experiences everybody in the world has had,» he told IndieWire.
«When I was growing up I just wanted to be a runner... I'd say everybody in the world should do a foundation year in art, because of the way it opens people up.»
The entire idea of freedom is that there is an opportunity cost; otherwise everybody in the world would have a Bill of Rights.»
So, the amount of drawers that all the hackers on the earth with their phone apps and their drones, everybody in the world equally attacking at the same time would be able to open as many drawers as there are grains of sand on the earth.
I would love to know what is, Apple do [something - something - somethng]... everybody in the world rejoices!
To make sure your profile is not coming off as though you're a candidate with a mishmash of all talents that's been endorsed by everybody in the world (including people who know diddlysquat about you), follow these tips: Just because you've been endorsed does not mean you have to accept it.
A dark lord is stealing the faces of everybody in the world of Miitopia, and it's up to brave players to bring them back in this adventure sim coming to Nintendo 3DS systems later this year.
Almost everybody in the world knows about the iconic Mickey and Minnie characters.
«I think everybody in the world would look at that and say no.
Everybody in world football is telling him that a proper DM will seriously improve the squad, but he won't do it... Just because, in fact, everybody is telling him to get a DM.
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