Sentences with phrase «everyday life forces»

Unfortunately the demand of everyday life forces most of us to wake early in the morning to get the day started.

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«Everyday life ceases to appear as something manipulated by vast, mysterious forces beyond human control or understanding and becomes a world that is manipulable, predictable, and intelligible... When you can get by happily enough without God, even if you do believe in him, why bother with him at all?»
These forces are the stuff of everyday life: rates of birth higher for Mexicans and Mexican - Americans than for most other ethnic groups; a chain of entirely legal immigration, as Mexican - Americans bestow residency and citizenship on their spouses, children and parents; and a practice of illegal immigration that is, in the vast majority of instances, born from ordinary people exercising common sense.
I tried to get into the groove of using it to document some cooking and food / beverage things in my everyday sorta life, but it felt forced.
But homophobia is a pervasive force in everyday life.
Tools are not causes of social actions, but parts of socio - technical action, things that help us do some things, hinder others, and are integral to how we live, act, and see ourselves — this is also how I hope people will think of the role of social networking sites and other technologies in the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, not as causes, or as irrelevant, but as tools (for protesters, though sometimes also for security forces)-- in North Africa, even with a less than open internet, some of those involved in recent events certainly seemed to produce their own role as active citizens partially through the use of everyday tools and technologies.
Song's study looked specifically at Facebook, which, with more than one billion users and growing, is a major force in people's everyday life and social interactions.
One critical factor in the development of such microbots is the effect of electrostatic and van der Waals forces between molecules that are prevalent on the scale of microns but not on the macroscale of everyday life.
Although invisible, the magnetic field and electric currents in and around Earth generate complex forces that have a huge impact on everyday life.
Why Fannetastic Food is a Top Fitness Blog: Readers who want to make eating right a part of their everyday life, instead of forcing themselves to diet now and then, will love this blog's approach to nutrition.
Participants: * Raewyn — Be A Warrior Queen / / * Laura — Side Street Style / / Taylor — Pink Heels Pink Truck / / Katie — Beneath the Chandelier / / Betsy — Musings of a Museum Fanatic / / / * Chelsee — Southern Beauty Guide / / * Brittany — Everyday Thoughts / / * Gayle — A Gayle Force / / * Christine — Life With A Side Of Coffee / / * Lix — A Classic Notion / / Brenda — Schooling A Monkey
The final scenes are a tour de force in which the bonfire - strewn streets fill with merrymakers and the exploding fireworks look as dangerous as a war, an apt metaphor for the everyday violence in the characters» lives.
There is something both interesting and terrifying knowing that there are often unseen forces we could be encountering in our everyday life.
As digital and virtual networks infiltrate our everyday lives and subjective experiences, our relationship with technology manifests less as the fear of invasion by mysterious foreign forces, and more as an intimate grappling with newly mediated realities of time, space, and interpersonal relationships — i.e., less as the black monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and more as the metaphorical «black mirror,» the small, hyperconnected screen prone to catching us in moments of accidental self - contemplation.
Our everyday, traditional ideas of reality are delusions which we spend substantial parts of our daily lives shoring up, even at the considerable risk of trying to force facts to fit our definition of reality instead of vice versa.
I am forced to work 2 - jobs just to maintain my home and everyday living expenses.
You can see their culture in full force during a street festival, or a live music performance, or even in an everyday open - air market.
Burying, layering and unearthing the real detritus of his environment, Bradford forges a work directly from the visual signifiers of the social, historic and economic forces that structure and stratify everyday life in modern America.
These places, which seem lost in time, are a reminder that there are forces of nature at play; a sublime beauty far removed from our everyday lives.
Sonic kinetic actions may suggest psychological states, ecological instability or social disturbance that refer to forces and noise in our personal lives and everyday environment.
Rather than being undermined by Pettibon's apparently off - hand execution and whimsical subject matter, the seriousness of these issues is forced into a darkly humorous reconciliation with the commonness of everyday life.
The daily struggle to procure the basic materials of everyday life effects artists strongly; in a country where art supplies are in very short supply, artists are forced to be extremely resourceful, often using found materials in their work.
Ken Lum's visual grammar to represent the constitution of identity in the face of the relentless forces of acculturation as played out in everyday lived experience will provide an opportunity to hear fresh insights and thoughts.
Alexander Kohnke's work observes and visualizes the underlying, raw forces of life in our everyday existence.
The works included engage with the cleft between power as a general force and solitude as a state of mind, between power as the name we give to structures that regulate our everyday lives, and individuated encounters with these structures.
«The darker undertones point to the invisible and uncontrollable forces and noise in our everyday lives and in the environment as a whole.»
Through the creation of a somewhat intimidating experience, the visitor is forced to translate or identify the artwork on display to the real people, their everyday lives and struggles.
A prolific artist, musician and poet, Childish is an energetic creative force whose practice is a consistent aspect of his everyday life.
She was a force for the conservation and protection of our natural resources and for changing the way we do things in our everyday lives.
G - force, though, is something we encounter in everyday life.
Force is used in all aspects of everyday life.
Back when I came off the road, the internet was not yet the force in everyday life that it is today.
Hi Rhonda, I just wanted to let you know that I admired you for your many talents, I too always sold something or bought items for resale for a long period of time, but right now my life is on hold due to an illness but I love visiting your site and just daydream of one day doing at least half of what you do everyday, I love All your items, specially the shower curtains, you have inspired me to make my own as well, I also was so humbled to know that we like the same tea, earl grey is my favorite as well, is funny that you drink it with your husband since my husband never liked it, and recently we had no other kinds of teas left and he was forced to drink it and now he loves it too, how funny is that?
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