Sentences with phrase «everyday reality seems»

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As a result, the United States» wealthiest are increasingly resembling President George H.W. Bush, who lost a presidential election in 1992 in part because he seemed to be out of touch with the realities of everyday life, like shopping in a supermarket.
When such events are experienced personally, Berger argues, they seem to occur on the fringes of everyday reality, thus forcing us to reckon with broader questions about the legitimacy of that reality.
In short, there seems to be a requirement for meaning that goes beyond the confines of everyday reality.
Now this seems an incredible avoidance of ones responsibility and an absolute mind twist from everyday reality.
Maybe it's the reality TV craze, but it seems that today's books for teens are less focused on moral lessons and more focused on the issues of everyday life.
This game makes you a detective, and unlike movies or books where the monotonous everyday transactions of life can be circumvented in favour of those interesting moments that we all crave and likely never witness in reality, L.A. Noire not only gives you it all, but seems to focus on the mundane.
Wall was arguing for a type of art that is surprising and strange, seeming to emanate from beyond our everyday reality.
Worse yet, on our present trajectory, it seems highly unlikely that the warming process will stop at 2 or even 3 degrees Celsius, meaning that later in this century many of the worst - case climate - change scenarios — the inundation of coastal cities, the desertification of vast interior regions, and the collapse of rain - fed agriculture in many areas — will become everyday reality.
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