Sentences with phrase «everyday use of the word»

Evolution is a scientific theory, not a theory in the sense of the everyday use of the word.

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But even as computers make it ever easier to use fewer actions — and words — to accomplish our everyday business, a couple of high - powered business leaders are pushing back, insisting employees and job candidates flex their atrophying writing muscles.
Whether you are using an adage, maxim, or idiom, you do not want to appear ignorant of correct language use as a business owner - despite the fact that so many words are commonly misused everyday.
The common definition of the word as used in everyday conversation is «guess» or «hunch.»
They will of course use the everyday words they know.»
The title has also proved highly provocative, for while the writers are using the word «myth» in its various technical senses of something that conveys a deep truth in a nonhistoric form, this word means in everyday speech something that is not true in any sense.
Though I find many creationists think the word «theory» when used in the realm of science means «guess», confusing the meaning of «scientific theory» with a meaning they may encounter in everyday parlance.
Christians always stand in the «rubble» of everyday experiences of violence and use broken words, traditions, symbols, myths, and stories to invoke the Presence of God.
A bill introduced by Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D - WI) last month, the Defending Against Imitations and Replacements of Yogurt, milk, and cheese to Promote Regular Intake of Dairy Everyday Act (DAIRY PRIDE Act), aims to suppress the use of the word «milk» on nondairy plant - based beverages such as almond, soy, and coconut milk.
Here's the kicker though; toddlers will hear a really good swear word once and use it correctly everyday thereafter, but it takes 5 million repetitions of «Please wash your hands after you use the toilet» for it to become second nature.
«Most cognitive neuroscientists focus on the signals themselves, on the words, gestures and their statistical relationships, ignoring the underlying conceptual ability that we use during communication and the flexibility of everyday life,» he said.
Using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain, she restored her health and has made it her mission to spread the word about her inspirational story of recovery (now she rides her bike to work everyday!).
I had anorexia when I was 14, and then since then have been trying to be «healthy,» by doing at first doing high intensity, but eventually drifting into some sort of low intensity cardio everyday (b / c did not have the energy for high intensity stuff anymore) and learning everything I could about food and what to eat / what not to eat (obsessive might be a good word to use here haha)... Mainly following «Nourishing Traditions» wisdom, but also did GAPS for over a year — while living a high stress lifestyle, which I'm pretty sure tanked my adrenals among other things (think my thyroid was already pretty hypo at that point).
In our everyday dealings with one another, we're still very much aware of how skin color defines us — or defines how others perceive us — and we're more confused than ever about the words we should use to acknowledge our differences.
Shure and Spivack have championed a strategy of focusing on key word pairs used in conversation in everyday social situations.
The use of simple, non-scripted everyday language without complicated words or long sentences will create a feeling of being involved in a day - to - day conversation with the user; resulting in a more enjoyable, hence more effective learning experience.
A list of words and expressions used in the classroom for everyday interactions between students and between students and teacher.
While not universal across all teachers, there is a definite trend, in the most effective schools, for grade 1 and 2 teachers to combine (a) explicit phonics instruction in isolation with (b) coaching students to use a range of strategies to figure out unknown words when they encounter them in everyday reading.
Teachers have a tremendous role to play in actually (1) speaking and using the language of math with students in everyday classroom experiences; (2) providing multiple experiences for students to learn, practice, and apply the terminology; (3) helping students understand appropriate word meanings in the context of mathematics, and (4) focusing on the important terms associated with tested concepts and the vocabulary students need for further learning.
In higher grades, rote understanding of these words helps students understand and appreciate the complexities of everyday words and figurative language, although the explanation of these words is generally not introduced using the terminology.
«Knowing how to spell the often used words in everyday writing is, and will continue to be, one quality society expects of a literate person.»
The longer sentences make this a choice for more confident emergent readers, but words for familiar, everyday objects, like articles of clothing, aid comprehension, and the use of bold type to highlight inflection offers greater clarity.
Although the title showed up after I have finished the last revisions to my new book on book titles, the title deserves attention as it's a classic case of using simple, everyday words to target a market, communicate a benefit, and establish an image.
Many owners of deaf dogs find it useful to learn a few simple words in American Sign Language and use them when doing everyday tasks with their dogs.
The average person will see your artwork in a different light if you describe it using words that connect your artwork to the smell and feeling of everyday objects.
The use of everyday objects and words was general for the generation of Pop Artists with which Ruscha has often been grouped.
Smith's films playfully explore the relationship between sound (the spoken word in particular) and image, often using documentary records of everyday life as their source material.
With artists Savannah Knoop (b. 1981) and Lee Relvas (b. 1981), Bass and Fisher perform a series of choreographed movements and sounds while using structural supports, banner - like scrolls, and everyday props to explore, in their words, «shifting relations between the body, the materials, and the audience.»
Throughout the early 1970s Nauman created several more luminous signs that used a combination of witty word games and bold colour to disturb the meaning of everyday phrases and expressions.
The use of words exemplifies Johns» utilization of everyday images to stimulate the spectator.
The SRL usually is not versed in legalese and when they tell the facts or make argument using everyday language that says the exact same thing the legalese says the judges pretend not to understand (in some cases they actually may not understand, I find them often very unaware of basic legal principles) so they take the easy and safest way out by saying the one word that works for them - dismissed.
He left his job as an attorney at Kia Motors America this month to work full - time developing a test that could pressure attorneys at law firms to work more efficiently when it comes to everyday tasks like making use of Microsoft Word and Excel.
A covered entity can satisfy the plain language requirement if it makes a reasonable effort to: organize material to serve the needs of the reader; write short sentences in the active voice, using «you» and other pronouns; use common, everyday words in sentences; and divide material into short sections.
Since the replies are intended to be made by the claimant or defendant and signed with a statement of truth the wording does not lend itself easily to everyday language yet to use words other than those recommended may result in misinterpretation.
Use everyday English and active verbs to convey information and actions without a blur of unnecessary words.
IT Support Specialists are the everyday heroes who provide assistance to people with the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word - processing, electronic mail, and operating systems.
If you drop in a bunch of high - level words and phrases not used in everyday speech, the interviewer will likely think that your answers are rehearsed.
Using positive, uplifting words like «love» and «peace» in our everyday lives can literally change pathways in our brains by boosting our cognitive reasoning and making areas of the frontal lobes more effective.
Dr Phelps, if everyday Australians causing a traffic delay is interpreted by yourself as «paralysis», I'd love to know what word you use to describe the reality of fearing your community, your home, is on the hit list for closure.
Using feeling words when you talk with your child about everyday situations will help them to learn the language of emotions.
are a bit too «formal - old - world» for me to meet my inspiration word of comfort (everyday living, nothing so formal you don't use it EVERY day) for our home.
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