Sentences with phrase «everyday words»

Inspiration can be found in everyday words that make for some adorable picks.
Remember that you're writing to the general public, so use everyday words.
I know well the situation you are describing where basic everyday words are incorrectly written by secondary school students.
It can also be a fun way to learn everyday words in a more festive setting.
Teaching elementary scientific inquiry reveals that many everyday words have scientific meanings.
It's surprising how even the most well - spoken of individuals can somehow forget everyday words like cat or moon when under pressure, but when it comes to those last few cards in play some strange words can be yelled by players desperate to claim some last - minute points.
This can be done by leaving on the radio or television or using a specially made CD like «Songs for Dogs... and the people who love them,» which uses soft, positive music and gentle everyday words that your dog can identify and relate to.
Just kidding, I am pretty sure there is nothing on this Earth that could drive me to having a fifth child, but if you are pregnant and expecting a son you will definitely want to check these out these stunning names that are also common everyday words.
Baby sign flashcards are also very useful — we recommend the Sign Babies ASL Flash Cards (US) advertisement, which are perfect for babies from and feature everyday words like «Mom», «Dad» etc..
Strong Word Choice is characterized not so much by an exceptional vocabulary chosen to impress the reader, but more by the skill to use everyday words well.
Olsen, Creely, and Duncan each had an important influence on Chamberlain; what they did with everyday words, he sought to do with ordinary scraps of metal — arrange the familiar and unspectacular into challenging new configurations that embraced abstraction and defied narrative coherence.
From telling you how to save on auto insurance premiums, to warning you of things to watch out for, even explaining complex processes in very simple everyday words like how the auto insurance company works, or how it arrives at your premiums, or how it processes your claims.
One of the funniest running gags is Megamind's mispronunciation of everyday words: school becomes «shooool,» while Metro City winds up rhyming with «atrocity.»
which uses soft, positive music and gentle everyday words that your dog can identify and relate to.
You're in luck because there is an everyday word that has the unique ability to dramatically change the outcome of nearly any daily situation — particularly those in business.
If it were not to be heard as an all - transcending word, it would only be an everyday word among other words and would have nothing but the sound in common with the true word «God».
What messages are you giving your kids through your everyday words and actions?
She is the host of award - winning podcast Food for Thought, and spin - off podcast, Animalogy: Revealing the Animals in Our Everyday Words and Expressions.
Everyday words should be included in their word walls.
Prompt children to identify the patterns) Do use spelling patterns, everyday words and theme - based words focused on your specific curricular area.
In higher grades, rote understanding of these words helps students understand and appreciate the complexities of everyday words and figurative language, although the explanation of these words is generally not introduced using the terminology.
Everyday words and words for special occasions.
Although the title showed up after I have finished the last revisions to my new book on book titles, the title deserves attention as it's a classic case of using simple, everyday words to target a market, communicate a benefit, and establish an image.
Screen Jaw Door Arch Prism Corner Bed is a list of the blunt titles of the works in this exhibition, everyday words that sit like lead cherries on top of the melting ooze of a sundae that is each painting.
«DC and Marvel have a history of stopping others from using the word «superhero» despite it being an everyday word.
Lawyers» daylight hours revolve around words, even the interpretation of everyday words, punctuation, and dangling modifiers; whereas the media have a larger, kinder — if not more public — playground.
All were common, everyday words — not the kind that have similar sounding words with different meanings, or usage, such as «affect,» and «effect,» «allude,» and «elude,» or «complement,» and «compliment.»
Just a simple switch of everyday words — like «why» to «how» and «if» to «when» — may serve as a powerful way to motivate customers and deepen your relationships, Seidman says.
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