Sentences with phrase «everyone about human»

I'm in favor of telling everyone about human rights abuse, especially when the facts are on our side.

Not exact matches

Even more important, don't give in to the natural human desire to know exactly what's being said about you, or to try to please everyone so they'll only have good things to say.
But while everyone talks about ImageNet's success, «we hardly talk about the failures,» she said, underscoring the hard work researchers have building powerful computers that can «see» like humans.
With Howard, it's about the human dimensions and social realities, and how everyone is responsible for creating tyrants.»
-- Secondly, no one disputes his a «ssertions about human s «exuality, and the rights of everyone to their own, (although his former, and many Christian sects, including many in his present one, DO exactly that with respect to anyone other than what they define as «straight»).
I feel everyone should sip $ 11 coffee's at trendy coffee shops, listen to underground acoustic music, care more about polar bears than humans, wear black framed glasses to look really kewl and smurt, jog in place at red lights, drink Pabst blue ribbon, hate God, and be ironic.It's the kewl and smurt way to be.
I can remember in college and graduate school reading Eliot, Yeats, Auden, Beckett, and Camus while bemoaning with everyone else, including the teacher, the loss of a shared vision about the purpose of human life.
Mainly, because in all the verbiage about freedoms of beliefs there is something so important, so blatantly acute yet everyone do not even mention it, except - oh genial me: Why would anyone in the whole world support any type of creed / belief / religion where a whole lot of humans — as in millions of human women — are not allowed to go to school, to even just read and write - less become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, president of their own companies, their own countries, mutilated by the millions when they reach puberty, WHY is this allowed?
See, that's what I mean by muddled... you humans took a little story, mixed it with some myths from earlier religions and decided I was this all powerful god with an all powerful father (that supposedly turns hair on the head as well as beards white if you look at him) that cared about each and everyone of you.
@pockets: So, what scares you is that someone who believes everyone on Earth was created for a reason, and who believes that all live is sacred, is given the power to choose whether or not to bring about the extinction of the human race.
They see religion particularly at work in the endeavor to bring about such changes in the total structure of human existence as will transform this world into one in which everyone may develop a rich and good and happy life.
It's not about human rights... it's exclusively about LGBT rights and to hell with everyone else or any other issue.
wow, some human being you are, everyone's time comes to an end, at least he has lived this long, I can't say the same about you
Whatever we perceive to be the truth about God, I think there is some things we all can agree on, believers and anyone who doesn't believe in the existence of God and that is that it is self evident that all are born equal and with dignity and it's best if everyone relate to each other as part of the human family.
I think that just about everyone would agree that these explanations fall short whenever we personally encounter the Problem of Evil in our lives and in the lives of our fellow human beings.
And we preserve the rights of countries to determine their own policies about abortion, so that everyone can work together to build a culture where the dignity of every human being is respected from conception.
When used in the historical terms with which I prefer to use it, globalization in so many ways sums up the dominant and encompassing reality (note that I underscore this word) of the collective life of people and nations in our time, so potent and full of issues and questions for or against human development, so that it presses upon everyone who wants to make sense of the times in which we live, or who wants to be concerned about «keeping and making life more human».
Still, not everyone agrees that a zygote or a fetus has a soul, and there is disagreement even among the most ardent pro-life supporters about the exact point at which an unborn child qualifies as a human being.
Rett, you are missing a key point about those you appear to be railing against: many of them are secular (because they have no religion to follow) and humanist (because everyone is human and should be treated that way).
Here is the culmination of Israel's thought about natural law: a glorious day should dawn when man's jungle impulses would atrophy, when right would triumph deep in human nature, and society would pursue its happy course in a state of «anarchy,» of «no law,» because everyone would do the high and noble thing through his love for it, in obedience to the unwritten law inscribed on his heart!
But if you're simply not in the mood to take care of your cat or dog anymore because you have a tiny new human accessory that craves all of your attention, please don't tell everyone on Facebook about it.
«Although not everyone will become a doctor or a scientist, it's important that everyone have a basic scientific knowledge about how the human body works.
Everyone has heard a story about a mom who lifted a fridge up off of her toddler or fought off a bear or some other example of super human strength in a time of crisis, right?
And if there is one thing everyone agrees about in drug policy it is that the MDA (and similar legislation in other countries) was not intended to create a huge criminal market; undermine international development and security; increase health harms including HIV / AIDS; promote stigma and discrimination; lead to deforestation and pollution, and undermine human rights all over the globe (see for details).
I think biological determinism has a degree of human decency and kindness about it that is completely absent from the environmentalist view espoused by Puritans who want to make everyone behave in a particular way.
When humans did all the short - term trading, this tended to reduce instability because everyone had their own ideas about what to buy and sell, so anything below normal value would be snapped up by someone.
«Everyone knows about the human genome project, identifying genomes; then came transcriptomes (molecules that transcribe genes),» Kubanek said.
Each of us experiences the world uniquely (meaning, your perception of reality is fundamentally different from everyone else's) because every human possesses a different combination of physical brain function, memories, beliefs, and attitudes about him - or herself, others, and the world.
We can argue about how much starch humans have historically eaten, but everyone agrees that we have eaten starch for tens of thousands of years.
Of course, everyone has heard about human growth hormone, but few people know in fact that human growth hormone supplements are extremely useful to athletes and bodybuilders.
We dream about an upgraded, healthy food system that is mutually beneficial to everyone and everything involved - from the soil to the plants to the farmers to your own human health & wellness.
There is a lot still unknown about the role of food in human biology (as this program demonstrates) and I become skeptical of anyone who can make strong pronouncements that they believe apply to everyone.
Talk, talk, talk to anyone and everyone who cares about the full human flourishing of every human being.
It is worth noting that as human beings, we judge everyone, especially strangers we know nothing about, according to their appearance.
About Blog My Empowered World transforms the human experience so that individuals, families and communities can elevate their mind, body and spirit, resulting in a world that becomes a better place for everyone.
«Ghosting:» The 21st - Century Dating Problem Everyone Talks About, But No One Knows How To Deal With Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a
Just about everyone who grew up in the past sixty years reading and loving books has come across J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye and discovered something of themselves within its pages; it's one of those cultural beacons that somehow represents the human condition.
Human beings, it seems, will go mad if they don't dream, but «Paprika» is about people whose dreams have been maddened: one of the DC - MINI prototypes has been copped by an evil genius who wants to possess everyone's inner life and is mucking around with the sleep of Chiba's colleagues.
Feeling more than up to the task, Alice joins forces with whatever living humans are still milling about to try to combat the zombie masses that have overrun the city, which puts her in between them and the law enforcement keeping everyone in the city, presumably to die in a quarantine state.
The unconscionable exclusion of Amy Adams for her work in the impossibly human drama Arrival (about aliens) has managed to annoy everyone.
The movie wants to say something about the communications industry and its apparent movement toward a sort of universal hub — a one - stop means by which we can communicate with everyone, even going as far as to literally control another human being's every action — but, as presented here, it comes across as shallow techno - phobia.
While everyone is caught up in passionately loving someone who loves somebody else, a story unfolds about art, fame, parents, children and human folly.
After creating a hyper - stylized art deco backdrop and playing with a bit of straightforward character development that makes Rogers something resembling a human being before pumping him full of mysterious chemicals that transform him into a super version thereof (The irony of using genetic experimentation to create a race of supermen to fight the Nazis is lost on just about everyone here), the movie gradually loses its design flair and human element for hastily assembled sequences of derring - do.
While there is something to be said about the film's truly madcap and increasingly absurd multilingual clusterfucks - and they are perhaps the most potent and precise of any Palme d'Or nominee in years - those that know Ade's previous films (The Forest for the Trees, Everyone Else) should also expect a work that is achingly human and nuanced, working marvelously as both an intimate and awkward study of a father - daughter relationship and as an immersive look into the corporate landscapes of post-wall Europe.
The results were clear for everyone to see: Fincher's dark, twisted and funny sensibility married to a concept that might make anyone think twice about taking the plunge into wedded bliss... or even getting to know another human being.
Keep everyone but older teens far from this one — it's a game about turning yourself into a human meat grinder in order to reduce the zombie population by tens of thousands.
They are a great team, with his ability to charm, cajole, and put people at ease teaching her a thing or two about the human side of the job and her genius putting together disparate clues into a pattern that eludes everyone else.
I could actually write forever about the role of the principal but I will stop here... (perhaps I will write a longer blog post on this topic soon) but I will end it with this... the principal is a human being with real human emotions that in most cases can't be exhibited because everyone is looking for the principal to stay in character and exhibit strength at all times.
Call or text for quick answers to your questions about this vehicle your message will be answered by a real human â never an automated system everyone approved...
Therefore our legacies aren't so much about what we've done, but rather, what we've shared with everyone else and how we've contributed to the lasting human experience.
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