Sentences with phrase «everyone ages in»

Part 5: Not everyone ages in the same way, but what's the difference between a jolly, intelligent oldie and a forgetful, grumpy one?

Not exact matches

«In this day and age when everyone has a megaphone and people are watching, you almost have to answer publicly,» said Bob Geller, president of Fusion Public Relations, a New York - based marketing and communications firm.
In today's social media age, almost everyone has a digital profile.
While waiting until age 70 to claim or begin your Social Security benefits in order to max them out is applicable for some people, it's not the best option for everyone, Rosenthal emphasizes.
But the programs are «not going to be for everyone,» she said, such as older workers nearing retirement age, a growing cohort in this country.
Everyone in Britain under the age of 55 should be entitled to # 10,000 ($ 14,127) from the government, a leading think tank has proposed.
In one of the most arresting points in the article, the author finds that in the 90s, 83 % of men aged 18 to 25 did not agree with the statement «It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.&raquIn one of the most arresting points in the article, the author finds that in the 90s, 83 % of men aged 18 to 25 did not agree with the statement «It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.&raquin the article, the author finds that in the 90s, 83 % of men aged 18 to 25 did not agree with the statement «It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.&raquin the 90s, 83 % of men aged 18 to 25 did not agree with the statement «It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.»
I am sometimes horrified by things people my age tend to say in social and business situations, especially when they express a disdain of modern technology or recall an earlier era as a golden age — usually everyone within hearing knows that the previous period was merely different, rather than glorious.
In an age of widespread technological disruption, it has become fashionable to say that everyone should learn to code.
Even if you don't get a flu vaccine before October, as is considered ideal, public health officials recommend that everyone — including pregnant women in any trimester — aged 6 months and older, as well as those with compromised immune systems such as small children and the elderly, get their seasonal flu shots in order to protect both themselves and those around them.
Almost 25 years ago, Boston Beer became the first brewer to age beer in spirit barrels, a now - standard practice that, Koch says, «everyone thought was illegal, because you couldn't commingle different types of alcohol.»
«It's based on average life expectancy, so if everyone in your family lived to age 99, you're getting a good deal, but if you have a terminal diagnosis, absolutely go ahead and claim,» said Shelton.
«If countries with aging populations can create a path for refugees and migrants to participate in the economy, everyone benefits.
In this age of hyper - competitiveness, thinking that someone else's victory «steals» from your own success creeps on almost everyone.
Whether your coworkers are tech savvy or not, we are in an age where everyone sends emails and texts.
In the age of social media, anyone in your organization could engage with prospects, so you want everyone to be using the same informatioIn the age of social media, anyone in your organization could engage with prospects, so you want everyone to be using the same informatioin your organization could engage with prospects, so you want everyone to be using the same information.
But remember: In the age of social media, anyone in your organization could be engaging with potential prospects and customers, so it's useful for everyone in your organization to be working from the same informatioIn the age of social media, anyone in your organization could be engaging with potential prospects and customers, so it's useful for everyone in your organization to be working from the same informatioin your organization could be engaging with potential prospects and customers, so it's useful for everyone in your organization to be working from the same informatioin your organization to be working from the same information.
It's a really good question, especially in this day and age when everyone seems to have a brand.
In this modern day and age, everyone is looking for a way to get things done quicker and more efficiently.
Everyone now loves the US stock market bull and utterly detests the ugly image of the gold stocks in the fun house mirror as the public has finally decided to run with the aging US stock bull and the final holdouts are throwing in the towel in the precious metals.
That's why we're working to win a universal prescription drug plan that covers everyone in Canada, regardless of their income, age or where they work or live.
These days everyone seems to start school sometime in August, but for those of us of a certain age, the natural annual rhythm is still to see the last few days of August as the end of a carefree summer.
Check out this link to find out about marriage to young girls claim.Very very interesting to know.I hope everyone has the patience to study history and reality of life centuries ago worldwide.This video also gives you references to online history books about facts it says.Simply, the average age of marriage was very young worldwide including church approved age of consent to marry.What Mohamed did, was very common back in the days and just to let you know, that girl was engaged to another man and then the engagement was broken due to his disbelief which tells you that that was common back in the days.Also, the age of 6 mentioned was age of engagement not age of marriage.marriage happened a few years later.
If the US went insane like this anytime Christianity, Catholicism or any of the major US religions was insulted, our country would never get anything accomplished and still be in the dark ages... so maybe these nations that apparently haven't evolved to the point of being able to tolerate an insult like the rest of us have had to should take a lesson and use their energy to better their own country instead of using any insult as an excuse to violence... grow up already and get over yourselves, everyone else has had to.
They want everyone to work for free (like they did in the middle ages).
Obviously, such groups can be less - than - helpful when they divide everyone up by age group and marital status, but I've also seen them represent what is most powerful about church as members become deeply invested in one another's lives.
Without God, we are torn in two directions: universities praise diversity, but students still form cliques; politicians promise a bright future, but our news programmes are distressing; people are obsessed with scientific explanations of everything, and equally obsessed with the sentimental love expressed in pop songs; sexual abuse with a minor is the most shameful of all crimes, but everyone has a right to complete sexual liberation once they reach the age of consent; we relocate all over the world, preferring to live anywhere but home, yet we still agonise over our local sports club; we own many things, and still feel we don't have enough; we believe in discipline at school or at work, but we all have a right to «let ourselves go» at the weekend; we tolerate everything, except people that don't agree with us.
We don't need a Church in which everyone agrees on the age of the earth.
I am that rare soul who can remember his First Confession, at age eight, very nearly word - for - word — I think because I was terrified, and hyper - alert, and intent on remembering everything that Father Newman said, mostly because it was my First Confession and I was afraid I would be sent to prison or farmed out to the Lutherans for the many times I had committed fisticuffs with my brothers and failed to honor my mother and father — but also because Father Newman was wry and funny and fond of reminding everyone that he was, as far as he knew, the only Jewish Catholic priest in the diocese.
In this age I believe everyone who is saved is saved by believing on the name of Jesus.
Obviously, such groups can be problematic when they divide everyone up by age group and marital status, but I've also seen them represent what is most powerful about church as members become deeply invested in one another's lives.
The premise here is that if Paul was not writing a theological tract for the ages — and everyone agrees he had no intention of doing that — then Romans must be understood within the circumstances of Paul's ministry, as generated, as were his other occasional letters, by a situation in his own ministry or in a church that called out for his apostolic attention.
Not convincing» which is funny circular argument because you state that everyone of that age «average education level of individuals is higher now than in the dark ages» so by your standard nothing of that age can be verified?
And it affirms that «everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well - being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.»
... you can claim free will and by so cover all of the human actions done to the world but how can say that god is real and controls nature when nature has killed more purely innocent lives then anything in history ever... if god was just and comp@ssinate why send the wave that killed 300 thousand, why create the plague that killed nearly 75 million in the middle ages when nearly everyone was a VERY devout believer....
So I learned about the humanities in the way most of us do these days — by reading, by watching documentaries, by filmstrips (okay, so maybe kids today don't know what filmstrips are but shout - out to everyone over 40 years of age).
In this day and age everyone needs to feel belonging.
The last two centuries were dominated by economic questions; the next century will be the age of ecology, in which the organism of the earth will become the all - determining factor and will have to be taken into consideration by everyone.
And everyone who thinks that salvation depends of a bit of skin on or off is still living in the middle ages!
In the latter case, everyone has access to the wisdom of the ages and all the wonders of today's world that once were reserved for a privileged few, just as everyone has access to mindless games or addictive porn.
One can therefore divert oneself by reflecting how strange it is that precisely in our age when everyone is able to accomplish the highest things doubt about the immortality of the soul could be so widespread, for the man who has really made even so much as the movement of infinity is hardly a doubter.
A cast from the audience is quickly assembled so that everyone involved in the original situation is represented on stage — the man and wife, the mother - in - law, a teen - age daughter.
So, just how many times did God present himself to everyone on Earth in the Bronze Age?
Joshua Aren't we experiencing our own «dark ages» with the war against science and series of persecutions against gays, Muslims, atheists, and basically everyone who isn't conservative Christian here in the USA, all due to protestants serving as their own scriptural authority?
If they hadn't used the facts of the time to try and pretend they were telling the truth who would have believed them even then back in the dark ages when just about everyone was an ignorant heathen, unlike today when about the only ones are the ignorant ones who still believe in these lies and myths!
Faces of Moderation: The Art of Balance in an Age of Extremesby aurelian craiutupenn, 304 pages, $ 59.95 Everyone is orthodox to himself.»
But policy innovation in an age of austerity tends to be politically perilous, because the pie seems to be shrinking and everyone's worried about losing his or her own piece.»
... you can claim free will and by so cover all of the human actions done to the world but how can say that god is real and controls nature when nature has killed more purely innocent lives then anything in history ever... if god was just and comp@ssinate why send the tsunami that killed 300 thousand, why create the plague that killed nearly 75 million in the middle ages when nearly everyone was a VERY devout believer....
Everyone in the day and age has to have answers, have to go against the grain.
When Brendan Eich, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, was named CEO of Mozilla in March 2014, he pledged to ensure that the Internet company «will remain a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion.»
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