Sentences with phrase «everyone be happy in»

Why can't everyone be happy in the choices of their own free will?
Everyone is happier in our house if this mama can get a full - ish night's sleep.
And yes, we go overboard for all of our clients in order to make sure that everyone is happy in the end.
Not everyone would be happy in an isolated rural area where they are either paid lowly or not at all and are subsidized by others, but not everyone is happy in their job anyways.

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With a strong company culture, small business owners can ensure everyone in the company is happy, motivated and working together towards the same goal.
No matter who you are or where you are, everyone in the world wants the same thing: to be happy.
Nicotero acknowledges that not everyone in the fandom will be happy after the midseason premiere.
Rauch says that when he was at Trader Joe's, customers would come up to him and say, «I love being in a store where everyone seems happy
Once the standards are in writing and the team is happy with them, they need to be communicated to everyone in your organization through meetings and emails.
Everyone in startup - land is happy when valuations are going up.
If only you could hire an assistant, limit distractions, stay head down, and crank out more work, everyone in the office would be happier, and your business would benefit, right?
You could walk into a conference room or a happy hour and not be able to tell the staff from the most senior partner in the sense that everyone is encouraged to be themselves, contribute meaningfully and drive toward the common goal of meeting our clients» needs.
Ultimately, his goal is to make the world in general a happier place for everyone.
«We're extremely excited to be the first exotic car rental company in the country to accept Bitcoin, and we're happy to be working with BitPay to make that easy for everyone,» said Noah Lehmann - Haupt, Gotham Dream Cars» Founder and President.
«In today's market environment, everyone is trigger happy because we are bombarded with information,» says Umansky.
We are going to cover the following topics: how blockchain can overcome piracy leaving everyone happy, Citigroup has started headhunting bitcoin pros to join its AML group, a popular computer game predicted the invention of bitcoin back in 1990, JPMorgan, NBC and others test blockchain debt issuance, EU Parliament approves tougher rules on prepaid cards and cryptocurrencies.
We sit in meetings and bite our tongue in order to keep everyone happy, but we're hurting ourselves in the long run.
Folman's adaptation attempts to update some of the themes of Lem's book to fit our modern obsession with entertainment, but the original novel is more about the use of psychotropic drugs to create a dream world in which everyone thinks himself happy.
And now you get to ignore all of that because everyone just like you is safe and secure in the magic happy land.
That's right... I said everyone happy in the end.
It's easy to be happy when you live in darkness and know that none of your faults or short - comings are in the light for everyone to see.
Culture says conflict in relationships is temporary, and all healthy relationships reach a point where everyone is happy, rides unicorns and chews on Skittles.
No matter how hard you work to make everyone happy and avoid saying anything provocative, you're eventually going to find yourself in a dispute.
With everyone ordered to be happy in the new Cuba and gleeful revolutionaries in Nicaragua, it should be great, at last, to have the stuffy old church out of the way so that it no longer can smear ashes on our foreheads on Wednesday or make us trudge up a hill behind a Jew on Friday.
Fidel Castro recently declared in an interview that «everyone in Cuba is happy» and, in a speech last year in Managua, that «revolutionaries must always be optimistic.»
Sometimes people in developing countries think everyone in the U.S. is rich, white and happy.
Or because when I'm in a funk, the illusion that everyone else is happy and on vacation makes me feel even worse.
There is certainly a good argument to be made to support bringing ALL religious holidays into the school calendar, and in today's culture, that might well be the only option we have to keep everyone happy.
If they would stop constantly trying to inject their nonsense into public education, politics, television, radio, reproductive laws, the workplace, and on and on and on, everyone else would be more than happy to let you go live in your fantasy land.
In summary, this article says that society would be a better place if everyone just did as they were told, stop trying to be «happy» (sissies!)
@TC - The US government is in the red because when the argument between spending more on various programs and taking in less in taxes comes up, our politicians consistently go for the «make everyone happy» option where we spend more and tax less.
Everyone was very happy that these children were released from their duties in the armed fighting.»
All the Athiests should be happy where the country sits now, because all of our founding Fathers and everyone who helped create the country before them would be rolling in their graves if they knew what America was turning into.
While I struggled to make everyone happy with lists of what foods they liked and didn't like, looking for recipies, strategizing ways to have more than one option available... in the back of my mind was the old - fashioned idea of saying grace — I knew we had so much to be grateful for, why was that so hard to connect to?
«I am happy to discuss the matter with them as well as to provide reassurance that the Remembrance Service in the church remains a Christian service and one in which everyone can feel welcome.»
One of the reasons that people suffer hives, crying jags, drinking bouts, and plain orneriness in the Christmas season is the rules: Everyone has got to celebrate, renew family ties, exchange gifts, and above all «be happy
Its teachings are very, very simple: There really are free and natural markets where the optimum value of things is assigned to them; everyone must compete with everyone; the worthy will prosper and the unworthy fail; those who succeed while others fail will be made deeply and justly happy by this experience, having had no other object in life; each of us is poorer for every cent that is used toward the wealth of all of us; governments are instituted among people chiefly to interfere with the working out of these splendid principles.
Everyone else has messed up the interpretation, but God has told us what He was really saying in the holy book, so if you hang with us, God will be happy and will give us a nice big prize for being part of the group that's got things right.
Turning yourself in for the psych help you need is in the best interest of everyone... happy to see you're recognizing that you have a problem.
Religious people have to want to convert everyone, they cant stand someone else's beliefs how can they be right if there are other beliefs, so this fear wants them to have religion in government to force it on people, so they can think happy happy thought and be dumb as a doornail
With the amount of people in this country its impossible to make everyone happy, with that being said we should let be.
Here is the culmination of Israel's thought about natural law: a glorious day should dawn when man's jungle impulses would atrophy, when right would triumph deep in human nature, and society would pursue its happy course in a state of «anarchy,» of «no law,» because everyone would do the high and noble thing through his love for it, in obedience to the unwritten law inscribed on his heart!
If you guys can't even agree over religion on a discussion board, how can one possibly think that there is one solution to make everyone happy in this ceremony.
He clearly won't be happy until he forces his perversion of abortion on everyone, and in the end, he will cost thousands of Americans their jobs (if Hobby Lobby goes out of business, the blood rests on Obama's hands alone)!
Everyone else in the house is pretty happy about it, too.
I'm happy to say I foresee a week of noteworthy dinners ahead of us, and the first creation hit the table last night in the form of these Chicken Parmesan Sliders, a four - thumbs - up family - approved dinner everyone at the table — cheese - hater included - enjoyed.
We adore all the ingredients in this salad so I know I could make this regularly and everyone would be happy.
I do love grains and think the same way so I'm very happy that everyone in my family loves porridge for breakfast!
Everyone is happy to slurp silky spaghetti pasta coated in scrumptious mushroom cream sauce.
Also, being allergic to raw protein myself, I can put myself in anyone's shoes who lives with allergy... and sharing dinner ideas, which everyone can enjoy without worrying for a family member's allergy, makes me very happy.
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