Sentences with phrase «everyone except parents»

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Why is it that kids often seem to be on their best behavior with everyone except their own parents?
Originally, the sealed record laws were meant to keep information private from everyone except the «parties to the action» (adoptee, adoptive parent, birthparent and agency).
I'm glad it worked out for everyone in NY though (well maybe except the parents!)
Almost nobody wants out of this system — well, a handful of charter - school parents don't want their kids «identified» — and just about everyone except the taxpayer gains from its continued growth.
For years, under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Washington offered special education services to children in both public and private schools — everyone except those whose parents chose religious schools.
With parents bombarded from all directions by everyone except their zoned schools, it is no surprise that DOE schools in certain parts on New York have seen sharp declines in enrollment — which appears to be a feature rather than a bug of the system as set up by Albany law makers and abetted by Tweed under Bloomberg.
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