Sentences with phrase «everyone in general»

There is something for everyone in the general sessions.
First, I want to give the disclaimer that this offer is not available to everyone in the general public.
You are asking for and receiving information and you expect everyone in the general area to hear both the request and response.
I want to thank everyone in general for their contributions to the conversation this post has generated.
Your outfit is beautiful and I think your advice can be applied for everyone in general!
Sure it killed a bunch of people, destroyed a bunch of other churches in its path and left everyone in general misery, but thank you jesus lord he left a church where we could go inside and give him money that we needed to rebuild our houses!
Asked if she was concerned about the future of equality in the United States, the 35 - year - old replied: «I think it's a concern for just everyone in general.
A long - standing CREA flaw has been its apparent assumption that everyone in the general public has a computer running Windows and Internet Explorer.
I added some flax seed since I've been adding it to everything lately (it's great for baby and breast feeding, but also super healthy for everyone in general!).
sandy: even though i have experienced this (at times), this cartoon, like most of my cartoons, are not about anybody in particular but everyone in general.
Arulba... my remarks were to no - one in particular and everyone in general.
Some postmodern critics suggest that the digital landscape may be little more than a seductive buzz of messages from no one in particular to everyone in general.
We recommend that anyone using Juice Beauty's GREEN APPLE ™ Collection (and everyone in general!)
I respect women and everyone in general, so I don't...
The facility of inviting and everyone in general was great.
This, in large effect, has contributed massively to the adoption of gaming by not just women, but everyone in general, as playing a game has become as easy as picking up your phone and sparing a few seconds to download anything you'd like on the App Store, Play Store, or any other digital mobile marketplace.
With a 5 - inch 720p screen, quad - core processor, strong battery life and excellent camera the Lumia 640 is Windows Phone's answer to the Moto G. For friends, family and everyone in general, you'd have real trouble doing better than this.
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