Sentences with phrase «everyone listening to our students»

Teachers listening to parents, parents listening to teachers, school leaders listening to the community and everyone listening to our students.

Not exact matches

When I suggest that talkers and doers need to listen to those who see things differently, that policymakers are well - served by humility, or that reform needs to work for teachers as well as students, it's not because I want everyone to get along.
Mr. Kienle tells everyone to listen as he reads the beginning of one student's paper: «On Sept. 11, 2001, I heard news that changed our country forever.»
Model what it means to engage everyone in the discussion, listen respectfully, and capture questions in students» own words.
When everyone has an equal chance to speak, students learn when it's time for them take a step back and listen to others.
«This means a lot of hands - on, multisensory activities rather than activities in which the teacher or one student reports while everyone else pretends to listen
«No one doubts his commitment to students, but he's an idealogue who failed to listen and make course corrections even when everyone in the education community was sending the same message,» said Carl Kohn, a spokesman for the state teachers union, which voted no confidence in King in 2014.
These are the songs that I listen to when I need a bit more motivation and enthusiasm in my battle against student loans, but everyone's different.
To meet, listen and discuss new ideas about how the legal profession can be improved by technology for the benefit of everyone: lawyers, law firms, the judiciary, law students, the general public, extra-terrestrial beings.
In listening to everyone during our walkout, I came away knowing that our students and leaders have the resolve to ensure that events like Parkland and Pulse do not define who we are as a nation.
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