Sentences with phrase «everyone on earth»

And working together we can provide renewable clean electricity for everyone on earth if we just get to work.
It is current day, and everyone on earth believes that humans have only just began to explore the stars.
A robot monster has killed everyone on earth except six and he falls in love with one of the six.
And the buzz started to build in the geek community as basically everyone on earth saw an early screening but me.
Then everyone on earth is a christian and every one of their beliefs (no matter how contradictory to everyone else's) is completely valid?
That's something that literally everyone on earth will have to do in one way or another in their life time.
Does this mean that gay rights groups get to dictate what everyone on earth does based on their beliefs of whether or not being gay is wrong or right?
She considered it her personal goal to meet everyone on this earth.
I know my odds aren't good since everyone on earth reads your blog.
So, Business Insider's video team investigated what would happen if everyone on Earth jumped at the exact same time.
If it's about theology for you, whoever you are, then I suppose it would be absolutely black and white, the identically same way for everyone on earth in your opinion.
Would this be the same God who sent Israel to slaughter men, women and children, the same God who drowned almost everyone on earth?
Christianity is the ONLY religion or worldview to be the best for everyone on earth at its radicalization, because Christianity alone is TRUE and GOOD.
If everyone on Earth jumped at the same time, we wouldn't change the Earth's orbit in space, but we could cause a lot of damage on Earth.
It is supposed to have created the very universe, killed everyone on Earth with a flood (except 8), saves folks from tornadoes, heals diseases, causes touchdown passes to be caught... and it can not defend itself?!
This question has thrown me off for awhile now because I was looking at it as if God was not working or doing anything in anybody's life and basically detached himself from everyone on this earth.
Just because you want a phone with no keyboard and bunch of apps doesn't mean everyone on Earth want the same.
Acting like everyone on Earth is an idiot and you're smart doesn't make you smart.
IMHO, the series was more interesting when it was set in the supposedly - real - world (plus the Ancient Egyptian magic thing), but in every spinoff it's been set in a sci - fi make - believe futureland where everyone on Earth plays Yu - Gi - Oh!
Muslims are only dangerous to infidels and disobedient Muslims, but atheists are dangerous to everyone on earth including themselves.
With the planet apparently on track to have 4 billion wireless subscribers by 2010, let's take a second to look at the effects of the one piece of electronic equipment that will eventually reach just about everyone on Earth.
In his quest to halt the march of time and prevent anyone from dying ever again, he summons the dread Dormammu to come and take Earth and merge it into the entity's Dark Dimension, thus giving everyone on Earth a version of eternal life.
Helping Children Become Well Aware» In the book One Well, author / educator Rochelle Strauss talks about the need to view the worlds water supply as a giant, finite pool from which everyone on Earth drinks, and the responsibility we all have to protect that well.
In the book One Well, author / educator Rochelle Strauss talks about the need to view the worlds water supply as a giant, finite pool from which everyone on Earth drinks.
If we were to find a way to feed everyone on earth and cure all their illnesses, and did nothing to control population expansion, then our efforts would have been in vain, because within a generation we would have at least quadrupled the number of mouths to feed.
everyone on earth who believes in imaginary men in the sky is delusional.
Because everyone is obligated to explain every one of their feelings to everyone on Earth now.
Right now Griesa has enjoined basically everyone on earth against moving money for Argentina.
I think we all would get along a lot better if everyone on Earth agreed that we have no idea where life came from and pledged to never talk about it again.
How arrogant is it to wish death upon everyone on Earth, just because you think eternal paradise awaits you and eternal damnation awaits everyone that doesn't share your belief?
But I could just as easily say that everyone on Earth realizes the existence of the Invisible Pink Unicorn whether they admit it or not.
Ask yourself one simple question; if He would have supported Obamacare why didn't he cure everyone on Earth of every malady known to man?
Even today, with two - thirds of our brothers and sisters around the planet malnourished, it is imperative that we alter our values and lifestyles to enable everyone on the earth to have an opportunity for a genuinely human existence.
Much of this energy still comes from the burning of fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas, which release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and contribute to extreme weather patterns that imperil everyone on earth — especially our food producers.
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