Sentences with phrase «everything even the things»

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People say you can't get a lot done, and what I found is you can do transformational things even within the constraints that exist, and the rewards personally and professionally far exceeded everything I might have had.
Then you'll have a buffer day before the real deadline for stepping back and getting some breathing space from the project, which will allow you to see everything clearly and perhaps even catch a few things in need of tweaking.
When concerned about political correctness and focusing on things that, quite frankly, don't even matter in the workplace, it tends to put a cloud over everything around us and communication barriers go up, and productivity goes down.
Plus, I schedule everything on my calendar — my morning activities to start my day, hours allocated for every client and even things like time to take a walk.
Of course, there's also the growth systems, irrigation controls, lights and piping, fertilizers, hydroponics, hothouse supplies, all the things involved in farming and harvesting, and even oil extraction — everything except the seeds and plants.
You want to discover everything you can that's relevant, even things you didn't think to ask about.
It's important for business owners to understand that people search online for everything now, and even if you sell things from a brick and mortar store or office location, having a professionally designed website is crucial.
One thing Patel discovered is that customers wanted the ability to have a mobile application that allows them to customize almost everything about their experience, whether it be delivery times, refill dates and even packaging options.
One of the worst things that can happen is accounting for money that isn't even there and throwing everything off.
True investing is about banking on things that are likely to work out in your favor, even if everything doesn't go according to plan — which it rarely will.
An explicit deviation from ECB capital keys would be much more powerful, in our view, yet even more politically - sensitive, unless the ECB manages to force the decision step - by - step, once it has tried everything thing else.
But even that isn't everything or the most important thing, the one thing needful.
I find it amazing when when a small group of people can control the entire country and remove things that have existed for decades atheists sue the government over everything even our money get over it
Yet all these things are well taken cared of for God Who is and will always be a God Who give justice to all and in everything, we will just eventually stop and realize that all the things we fought for and thought to be good for us are all passing, even this earthly life is but temporal, all that we are treasuring on earth are but temporal and passing, our health, our riches, our achievements, these are all useless in the next life.
Yet the beautiful thing about having a heavenly Father is that even when everything goes dark, he is working, shaping, refining, teaching and growing us.
We throw away everything in our culture — even the things that should never be thrown away, things that are designed to last for a lifetime — like marriages.
LA there is nothing wrong with making an argument that Jesus may have implied such a thing or even that Jesus agreed with everything stated in the OT.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
The Third World has recuperated a flag, a hymn, but absolutely everything is controlled by the North even down to the simple but essential things.
I hope it can work for me since I don't want to live another year like that even I have prayed for three years about this problem with all the prayer knowledge I have in the past.Although there are still many things I don't understand about my situation, I will keep on trusting my Lord that he will make everything works out for good.If anyone can see my reply, please pray to Jesus and ask Him to has more mercy on me.
She should certainly not become one sided, expecting everything from a gimmick, but she must not want to do everything with the same energy either; she must have the courage to concentrate her finite powers on a few points, even though this will mean giving up other important things.
It is effectively an article of «faith» for the materialist to believe that everything must be reducible to material laws, even when they can not explain how things such as human consciousness and free will fit into the deterministic patterns of matter.
People call «elite - style snobbery», but then claim to have the «truth» themselves, even if that truth is that everything is all good and you get to live in «heaven» as long as you pick what's right for you and do good things.
Since there's obviously a lot of semantic confusion on this blog, we'll define everything as, well, everything — all the things you can possibly imagine, and even those you can't, including all the matter and energy in the universe, all that is constructed thereof, and all that can affect such.
But even among the nonbelievers, there was a conspicuous sympathy and solidarity» a joy in recognizing that «everything was now different,» that another of the things demonized by communism was now available for them.
But till the end give me the man who takes the best of everything (even at my expense) and then talks of other things, rather than the man who serves me and talks of himself, and whose very kindnesses are a continual reproach, a continual demand for pity, gratitude, and admiration.
What I meant was that people who label everything good and bad, tend to avoid «bad» things like anger and sadness and fear so that instead of dealing with those emotions, they just pretend they aren't there — even though they still are.
And even if such things are so painful and hard to bear that we men say, or at all events the sufferer says, «This is worse than death» — everything of the sort, which, if it is not a sickness, is comparable to a sickness, is nevertheless, in the Christian understanding of it, not the sickness unto death.
It might take a year before that hole in the front yard is really empty of the rot and then my husband will fill it in with the good dirt, the healthy kind, and he'll plant grass again and everything will be restored to health, even capable of growing things.
You do not have to believe what I believe but I truly hope you do because my faith has made me someone who cares more about others than myself, cares more about people than things, and do everything I can for the sake of my brothers and sisters in need, even laying down my life.
This water was held miraculously in place to protect men from deadly gamma rays and bad things like that from the universe even though everything was «very good» on day seven when God (who does not need to rest), nevertheless, rested.
Then I discovered that even if I didn't agree with everything they wrote, they still have some fantastic things to say.
Things like this don't take away the terrible and horrible things of this world but these normal, gorgeous, ordinary joys are perhaps even more powerful once you've woke up to the real world thumping along beside us — these moments are filling us up, they're what makes life worth living, they're a glimpse of who we are at our best and that is sometimes everything we need to carThings like this don't take away the terrible and horrible things of this world but these normal, gorgeous, ordinary joys are perhaps even more powerful once you've woke up to the real world thumping along beside us — these moments are filling us up, they're what makes life worth living, they're a glimpse of who we are at our best and that is sometimes everything we need to carthings of this world but these normal, gorgeous, ordinary joys are perhaps even more powerful once you've woke up to the real world thumping along beside us — these moments are filling us up, they're what makes life worth living, they're a glimpse of who we are at our best and that is sometimes everything we need to carry on.
Like the way «god» gave the world «salvation» only tens of thousand of years LATE, we are to believe that «god» also gave us «medicine,» but only after we had suffered for TENS OF THOUSANDS of years AND only after we figured everything out ON OUR OWN??? That is one sadistic «god» to put us through all that deception... making us merely think it was solely by our own efforts that we could even... oh say, IDENTIFY things like heart disease and cancer and have even a chance to combat them.
An honest person who openly disagrees with you on a few things is a better choice than a dishonest person who claims they believe everything you do, and secretly disagrees with you... or even disdains you for your gullibility.
For Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, for example, things in the world can change only if there is something that changes or actualizes everything else without the need (or indeed even the possibility) of its being actualized itself, precisely because it is already «pure actuality.»
Of course, with humans, even though we decide things, that does not guarantee that it will happen, because we are not in control of everything.
Not only will everything eventually be renewed, but the Bible makes clear that even now God is actively sustaining all things.
Actually not every thing is equally related to the concept of knowledge and to know - ability, even though ii is also true that precisely as something and as an object of knowledge it must somehow enjoy equal status with everything else with respect to conceptual comprehension.5 The differing internal relations of the objects of knowledge to the concept of knowledge establishes the relevance of these as philosophical objects.
lol, yes clay i am an atheist... i created the sun whorshipping thing to have argument against religion from a religious stand point... however, the sun makes more sense then something you can't see or feel — the sun also gives free energy... your god once did that for the jews, my gives it to the human race as well as everything else on the planet, fuk even the planet is nothing without the sun... but back to your point — yes it is very hypocritical of me, AND thats the point, every religious person i have ever met has and on a constant basis broken the tenets of there faith without regard for there souls — it seems to only be the person's conscience that dictates what is right and wrong... the belief in a god figure is just because its tradition to and plus every else believes so its always to be part of the group instead of an outsider — that is sadly human nature to be part of the group.
The rampant evil we see in the world today: ~ the corruption of human character so prevalent even in the young, ~ the disregard of everything that is pure, virtuous and godly, being replaced with apathy and indifference toward anything that stands for righteousness, ~ the boastfulness and pride in man's own achievements... ~ the inability to recognize the beauty and virtue in things that generations of the past naturally understood.
There comes a time, when a person must decide what is good and right for them... and even when that decision requires that they walk away from everything they know, from everything they love, the only thing that remains is to leave or perish.
The only thing I've ever heard about this that was kinda cool is that if a brother or sister tells you this its more powerful because we have the power in him of course to actually «bless people» but whatever I am so pet peevish I despise someone always ending everything with GOD BLESS I don't even get an EFFN YOU.End Rant
Ever consider that at one point even before the creation of time that the only thing to exist was existence itself, with an intelligence, and everything came from that intelligence?
Even more often, we choose to hold onto everything we're already doing, while still pursuing this new thing.
We've had everything handed to us so we have no drive to think for ourselves, work harder, and achieve even greater things.
He wrote, «From the most essential and most fundamental about oneself to every single thing or affair in the world, even the meaning of one word or half a word, everything should be investigated to the utmost, and none of it is unworthy of attention... There is no other way to investigate principle to the utmost than to pay attention to everything in our daily reading of books and handling of affairs....
Aristotle taught that «[We] must strain every nerve to live in accordance with the best thing in us [reason]; for even if it be small in bulk, much more does it in power and worth surpass everything
(24) Thirteen years later Barth stated his position even more radically: «At the risk of more headshaking and displeasure I will at any rate venture to whisper one thing to you, namely, that I have become increasingly a Zinzendorfian to the extent that in the New Testament only the one central figure as such has begun to occupy me - or each and everything else only in the light and under the sign of this central figure.»
I feel exhilarated lying there on the waste ground with the snuffling thing at my feet, even though everything is so awful.
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