Sentences with phrase «everything someone consume»

The short description is that commodities are the raw materials, ingredients or components of almost everything we consume or use in our everyday life.
The food you eat fuels your body, but not everything you consume affects you in the same way.
Those of us that live a gluten - free lifestyle check labels on everything we consume hoping to stay safe from the harmful effects gluten has on our bodies.
I made my own version (almost 5 ingredient pumpkin seed bars) but sometimes I understand you just don't have time to make everything you consume from scratch.
The probiotic lifestyle is all about incorporating fermented foods into everything you consume.
When you're pregnant, of course, everything you consume goes directly to baby, but with nursing and alcohol there are ways around things you consume going to baby.
In general I have been very lucky that almost everything I consume does not seem to bother my babies but I have heard of women having issues.
It is normal to feel anxious about everything you consume when you are breastfeeding.
If you're serious about adhering to the keto diet, that means watching everything you consume, even your caffeine.
Everything you consume determines how much body fat is burned throughout the day.
Paying attention to nutrition labels on everything you consume is key to avoiding excessive sugar.
Nowadays, 78 % of everything consumed in the U.S. is delivered by commercial drivers, making of this profession essential to the American economy since the business world could not succeed without the transportation industry.
With its fertile land, pristine mountains and uncontaminated ocean and lakes, nearly everything you consume here was grown, caught or farmed within a few miles.
Throughout throwing up everything she consumed during labor and pacing the halls of her birth center, Cheryl reflected that the pain and ridiculousness of the labor experience was an abysmal way to bring a baby into the world.
Since virtually everything consumed leaves a trace residue in hair, Cox and biochemist Murch realized they had an opportunity to see if the woman had been exposed to BMAA.
I never let a day end without logging EVERYTHING I consumed (including water).
I no longer weigh everything I consume because I enjoy eating a bit more intuitively and don't like counting macro-nutrients.
The liver is an organ located under the lower ribcage on the right side of the body that we rarely think about, even though it's an important partner of our digestive system and virtually everything we consume passes through it.
Everything you consume correlates directly with your body's health and well - being.
I was no longer eating for two, so I monitored everything I consumed.
I think it's easy to get hung up on making sure everything we consume is delicious or resembles a dish we know, which might be why chia seed puddings became a food trend.
He destroyed everything in sight so not only did I fear leaving him alone, I was too broke to go out because I spent all my money replacing everything he consumed — couches, carpets, clothes, shoes, remote controls, books, and dog beds.
Now if one corporate monolith could control absolutely everything I consume and use to get around, that would sure make things easier for me and definitely not ever have any negative repercussions for consumer choice at all.
Breastfed babies then start fussing and eat more often to increase breast milk production and they might poop less, since they make use of everything they consume.
Everything you consume during the day has the potential to naturally boost your metabolism and help you gain muscle and lose weight faster, like anything in the range from green tea to extra spicy peppers.
You'll have to keep track of your caloric intake in a logbook, log everything you consume and then adjust your caloric intake so that you consume an average of 500 calories less then what you burn each day.
7) Maintain a Healthy Diet: Much like pregnancy, your baby is getting a dose of everything you consume.
«From the cost of electricity to the price of groceries, property taxes are a part of everything we consume.
Everything we consume will actually boost metabolism as it takes energy to digest our food.
Everything you consume will either get you closer or further away from your goals.
Everything you consume has to go through it to be filtered.
If you are somebody who is actually hooked on sugar, start by tracking your sugar intake each day (actually look up the sugar content of everything you consume!)
Everything we do burns calories, and everything we consume (minus obvious stuff like water) contains calories.
Everything we consume, from technology, to media, to a sugary soft drink, has a brand that defines it and determines how we relate to it.
Everything we consume or put into our engine has to be processed, used, eliminated or stored... good stuff in at one end of the chart... bad stuff at the other end (the bits that kill us and makes the chemical plant shut down). . .
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