Sentences with phrase «everything you have done over»

«We really didn't want any bezel or bling or even page - turn buttons — everything we've done over 15 generations has been to reduce it to basically a piece of paper.»
Maybe everything you have done over the years has been brilliant and I never saw it...
Sit down one evening and write up a list of everything you have done over the past year that made your company money or somehow increased its bottom line.

Not exact matches

We got our first purchase order from Tappan Zee Constructors in late 2013, and since then we've done over 220 individual purchase orders with them, ranging in value from $ 500 to $ 3 million for everything from small brackets, conduits, and fence posts to the under - bridge catwalks and tower ladders to a crane trestle used in the demolition of the existing Tappan Zee bridge.
Christina has traveled all over the world as a professional dancer, while Sean has done everything from performing full time at Disney World to headlining as a singer aboard Royal Caribbean cruises.
Everything started to crystallize when Katsuyama phoned him on a Monday morning to describe some early work he and his team had done on Thor over the weekend.
One more thing Netflix has over traditional studios: It is so good at cloud computing that it has put its «studio in the cloud,» Hunt says, and uses cloud computing to do everything from managing logistics (like union drivers delivering cameras to a location) to film editing (uploading the footage to be edited immediately in another country).
Your reputation for reliability precedes you because you've proven over time that customers, clients and colleagues can trust you to do everything you say you will.
So that's kind of the way that we're making sure we don't have complete control over everything and empowering the community to grow itself.»
So does this mean your ISP now has free rein over everything you do online?
«While I regret the controversies that have adversely impacted our business over the past several months, I know that Valeant is a strong and resilient company, and I am committed to doing everything I can to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership.»
The first cross-complaint, filed in February, stated that TMG «did everything within its power over the last 17 years to protect Depp from himself and to keep Depp financially solvent» but that TMG «did not have the power or ability to control Depp's spending or his numerous other vices, or to force Depp to make wiser financial decisions.»
From the integration of media services like Netflix or «reading apps» from the likes of The Guardian, to the Like button that aggregates all of a user's online activity in one place, everything the social network has done over the past few years has suggested that it wants to be the go - to entry point of the Internet.
But you have to fight through those feelings to get over the hump and accomplish everything you set out to do.
The steps we have taken over the recent years reflect the wide - ranging efforts of the current board and management to address certain conduct of the past and ensure that Ranbaxy moves forward with integrity and professionalism in everything we do
«Everything I had, plus everything I could borrow, plus everything that came over as collateral, didn't equal the prior 90 days» losses,» he realized Everything I had, plus everything I could borrow, plus everything that came over as collateral, didn't equal the prior 90 days» losses,» he realized everything I could borrow, plus everything that came over as collateral, didn't equal the prior 90 days» losses,» he realized everything that came over as collateral, didn't equal the prior 90 days» losses,» he realized in horror.
So far, over 1.5 million Brazilian students have used Descomplica to study everything from physics to chemistry and history, as well as prepare for the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, or ENEM, Brazil's most common exam for those hoping to attend university.
Wheeler and consumer advocacy groups have argued that any difference in privacy regulation is fair on the grounds that ISPs are able to see everything a customer does over their internet connection, and that it's harder to switch internet providers than use different apps and websites.
There are a few companies which, by applying analytics to countless small projects over decades, have emerged as companies that bring a legitimately data - driven approach to everything they do.
In everything that Mark Zuckerberg has done over, that mission has been extraordinarily clear.
This raises interesting problems related to the amount of control that corporations have over everyday activities like storing computer files, especially when — as is the case with many tech companies — their services become part of the infrastructure of our lives, woven into everything we do.
«Over the past year, I've done everything from branding to logo design to writing installation guides for dental chairs.»
[24:40] Most entrepreneurs attempt too many businesses in the beginning [24:50] Find your flagship, that you will commit everything to [25:20] Business is also about your own psychology [25:30] Master one thing at a time [26:30] Massive focus and big risks [27:00] The 3 beliefs you must have when starting a business [28:00] Learning how to maximize [28:20] The business you're in and the business you're becoming [28:50] The 80 % of what I do [30:00] The business you are in and the business you are becoming [30:20] Intertwining your personal and professional brands [31:30] The importance of intent [33:20] Tony's take on social media [34:00] Why Tony prefers audio over text [36:40] The value of Facebook Live [37:20] Tony's social media director weighs in on Instagram Stories [38:00] Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure [39:00] Learning how to master the mind [39:40] What's a magnificent life for you?
With our system, you don't have to worry about the whims of a single individual or that they'll wake up in a bad mood and decide to sell everything in your account because they're panicked over something they saw on TV.
One day, Americans might wake up and realize they don't like big brother watching over their shoulder and having corporations track everything they do.
Atheists: I know many there are many people that practice religion just by fanaticism, I've seen many people in my opinion stupid (excuse the word) praying to saints hopping to solve their problems by repeating pre-made sentences over and over, but there are others different, I don't think Religion and Science need to be opposites, I believe in God, I'm Catholic and I have many reasons to believe in him, I don't think however that we should pray instead of looking for the cause and applying a solution, Atheists think they are smart because they focus on Science and technology instead of putting their faith in a God, I don't think God will solve our problems, i think he gave us the means to solve them by ourselves that's were God is, also I think that God created everything but not as a Magical thing but stablishing certain rules like Physics and Quimics etc. he's not an idiot and he knew how to make it so everything was on balance, he's the Scientist of Scientist the Mathematic of Mathematics, the Physician of Physicians, from the tiny little fact that a mosquito, an insect species needs to feed from blood from a completely different species, who created the mosquitos that way?
Such a culture simply doesn't have the ability to wave a wand of psychobabble over the Church and make everything right.
Secularized Jews, having already divested themselves of just about everything that made them singularly Jewish, puzzled over the failure of Christians to do the same.
I cintend that the bible also calls us to do the same thing — it calls us to action and then says when we have donr everything we can and there is nothing else we are to stand in faith that it will work out — of course i paraphrase — but wht do people think all christians do is sit on their butts and pray and look pie eyed at the sky - this christian worked her butt of on the streets - and look at Mother Thresa - and other christians working for humanity all over the world - i think athiests have the wrong idea about chtistians...
Well I don't believe in everything you believe but I would vote for you over Romney if you were the best fit for president because I don't base a candidate on his religion.
So let me get this straight, it's far fetched for us to NOT have been created by a God and that's illogical but you believe there's a heaven and hell, a mystical deity who watches over us yet fails to intervene in bloodshed that occurs daily in his name, this deity is all powerful but for some reason can't do anything more than a coin toss could and for some reason everything he can do is limited to exactly the same domain as nature (EX: God can never regenerate a missing limb)?
Without God, we are torn in two directions: universities praise diversity, but students still form cliques; politicians promise a bright future, but our news programmes are distressing; people are obsessed with scientific explanations of everything, and equally obsessed with the sentimental love expressed in pop songs; sexual abuse with a minor is the most shameful of all crimes, but everyone has a right to complete sexual liberation once they reach the age of consent; we relocate all over the world, preferring to live anywhere but home, yet we still agonise over our local sports club; we own many things, and still feel we don't have enough; we believe in discipline at school or at work, but we all have a right to «let ourselves go» at the weekend; we tolerate everything, except people that don't agree with us.
And we have all watched you boldly take the way of abundance — no matter how it seemed like it didn't matter — because God makes meaning out of messes, because He is the God who can make all our brokenness into abundance, because, you and I say this back to each other over and over again: The Writer of the story has written Himself into the hardest places of yours and is softening the broken edges of everything with redeeming, abundant grace.»
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
what is very interesting to me tonite is the folks who are positive there is no god... what is equally interesting is the snarling that appears whenever one does not «toe» the atheist line of no god... It has been said over and over here, «there is no proof of your God» ad nauseum I might add... OK... please, I am asking you in the nicest possible way... explain to me, without a Designed, where the universe and all it entails, first got its source... I really would like to know... from everything I see, I see beauty, design, tragedy, poetry, poverty, etc.... How did we begin to name or classify any of this... what intelligence gave us our intelligence... I have yet to see an anwer posited as to how it all came about, absent a Designer... I will wait for an answer... How did it ALL get here, and explain the precision and engineering of it all — right down to the last jot of DNA.
Too many corners of the Church have been infected with a legalistic, performance - based view of God in which God stands over our lives with crossed arms and a disappointed scowl, applauding only when we get everything just right and rendering judgment on everything we do wrong.
Jesus didn't teach on changing the world by taking over the government; He taught on changing the world by showing radical, sacrificial, merciful love (turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, giving everything we have to the poor and following Him and His ways).
What does Christianity have to do with the government taking over everything.
Just practically speaking: if these cells will do everything promised, why haven't businesses set themselves up to distribute them and why should the sales be subsidized given what profits the research will (we've been told over and over) bring?
As is everything in society ropeadope, you have a right to you opinion, they have a right to theirs, you don't care about religion, they don't care about you... get over it... just as you expect them to.
It's not about religion, get over it, if people quit attacking everything someone else does the world would be happier!
Another preacher preaching what ever goes is ok with Christianity... If your going to preach Christianity based on the Bible, then you might as well forget gay marriages are ok... If you want to twist it around then thats up to you... Paul said, «The Berens were of noble charachter because they didn't believe what they heard, but they took what they heard and confirmed it with the Bible... So its like the Yen or Yang... Its either Gods church or Satans Church... Can't be any other way... Do I hate gays, no... I have some very close friends that I have had for over 30 years that are gay, but I think they will be accountable for their life styles... Thats the thing about Christianity, we are held accountable, its not an everything goes belief... Its rules we have to follow... And rules we will be held accountable... So maybe this preacher needs to start a dfferent faith or religion... One where there are no rules and where its people are not accountable for their actions...
He knows your birth to death, everything you've thought, done, said, seen, heard, and what's going on within you... all of it... you're like an open book, we all are... all over the world.
I don't have people over for dinner often enough, and when I do, I get so stressed out about making everything perfect that it's unlikely I'll do it again anytime soon.
Everything he did had Nancy written all over it.
Such responses to abuse have nothing to do with the Gospel, and everything to do with placing the institution over the individual.
I was impressed during Advent each year with how easily we let the words of the last portion of the Magnificat (Luke 1:51 - 54) wash over us, so that we don't have to take it seriously: that the monarchs will be cast down, the poor lifted up, the hungry fed and the rich denied everything.
Everything in society is now viewed through that very instrumentalized lens and unlike a lot of other people who hold the kind of job that I do, it's totally understandable that that would be the orientation, because higher education has done a spectacularly poor job of delivering on its promises: It has racked up over $ 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, putting an immense burden upon the next generation, not only financially, but dampening their ability to innovate and create.
He did everything I needed so that I don't have to stress over it.
«Whites (and American institutions) must acknowledge historical racism to show themselves redeemed of it, but once they acknowledge it, they lose moral authority over everything having to do with race, equality, social justice, poverty, and so on.
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