Sentences with phrase «everything you would do on»

It's basically the history of everything you've done on Facebook.
Kurt: Having five children is every bit as challenging as everything I've done on the police department.
Grab drinks, talk, flirt — just about everything you would do on a usual date.
Cancelling the card will reduce the amount of «credit» you are using, but everything you've done on the card in the past year still remains on your «credit profile» and hence actually closing the account probably won't have any impact on your credit rating.
But after building this experience base, people try to cram everything they've done on one page.
They've also left access to the underlying Android OS open, which means you can check email, download third - party Android apps and do pretty much everything you'd do on an Android smartphone.
Many people want to include everything they have done on their resume.
Don't focus on creating an exhaustive list of everything you've done on the job, though.

Not exact matches

You can add tasks, reorder them, tack on sub-tasks, assign dates to everything you have to do.
My to - do lists break down my goals into manageable tasks, and there is nothing better than the feeling after you cross off everything on your list, especially after it has grown throughout the day.»
While some things you can do on your own, it's best to consult with a lawyer when starting out, so you can make sure you've covered everything that you need.
In «Jessica Jones,» which debuted last month on Netflix, the series» main villain, Kilgrave, has everything to do with some form of gene editing.
Now that you understand why you need a business plan and you've spent some time doing your homework gathering the information you need to create one, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get everything down on paper.
Everything started to crystallize when Katsuyama phoned him on a Monday morning to describe some early work he and his team had done on Thor over the weekend.
I'm going to have to always strive to achieve change... based on a sheer passion to learn and a sheer inquisition to say «I'm going to do everything I can to try to change the world»,» he said.
We have a younger generation, for instance, used to being able to do everything online — ordering food, doing banking tasks, shopping and more — and they don't want to sit on a phone waiting to speak to someone who reads a script and provides little benefit.
Do you go above and beyond and put everything on the line to support your tribe with trust and everything you've got?
I've been working on this already (ie everything I've done to this point makes me ready to win here — doesn't mean industry expertise but means some combination of skills and assessment of why you'll succeed)
But Alberta's crude has to go somewhere, and with other mega-projects stalled, Browning will be doing everything he can to make sure his company's refinery on the East Coast will be it.
The government is doing really everything it can to support this ecosystem, and I think it's just a matter of time to have different experiences from different businesses, to get the right regulations in place, and so on
Take the advice of your mentors and fit it into your life as you see fit, but everything you do should have your own spin on it.
If everything had been handed to me and I had kept on winning, I don't think I would be as prepared for everything that's involved with this opportunity.
Some clients are laid back and love everything you do, some will nitpick and correct every part of how you completed your job, others will be heavily into technology and have specific platforms that you need to learn while those on the opposite end of the spectrum can barely send an email.
«But if you're sitting there saying, «I've done everything I should on Twitter, and I don't understand why more customers aren't coming,» you've got a problem,» Green says.
Just because you're the only employee of your business doesn't mean you have to do everything on your own.
According to everything I've ever read on the subject, it's just about the worst thing you can do for your productivity — and I was starting to feel like those articles were right.
«As business processes have started to rely more on information and IT, the temptation, the desire is to give people access to everything [because] we don't want to create any friction for users to do their jobs,» said Robert Sadowski, director of marketing and technology solutions at security firm RSA.
I have two people working out of their homes in California, and you would never know because we do everything on the phone together.
Barton remembers meeting one bright young thing on a recruiting visit to the University of Western Ontario who boasted he's been No. 1 at everything he'd done.
«We fought for everything we have — how do you stand on the sidelines?»
Hackers have been known to find general information about an individual online — we do, after all, share everything about ourselves on social media — and use this information to manipulate employees of companies, such as banks, to disclose personal and sensitive information.
Sometimes interns still have work to do, even if they can't be in the building, so here's the hack: If you can't finish all your work by the time you must leave, then at least finish everything you need to do on Excel.
At some point, you have to realize you can't do everything on your own.
Attacks on IoT devices could have a devastating effect, depleting consumer confidence and companies will do everything in their power to avoid becoming the next Sony or Target.
«I did everything I could to help them,» Stack says, «but they always wanted to know if the existing management team would stay on.
By choosing to focus on the positive, skillfully sharing your own personal experience, or simply reminding the person that everyone has a bad day, you do everything in your power to help that person recover.
My accountant recently told me that we, and not our LLC, will have to pay personal income taxes in Pennsylvania on everything our business did last year.
Sometimes you do have to do everything, especially early on, but when you have the knowledge and are totally immersed in your field... you figure out what you can delegate, and learn to oversee those areas.
«We tried to build on the shoulders of everything that had been done before us.»
He told them that the crew had volunteered to fly this day, that they had families, too, and that he would do everything to make sure everyone on the plane would be with their families that night.
«You are the most diverse class in Northeastern's history — in other words, you are Donald Trump's worst nightmare... I think that everything that we've lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.
We had so much work to do on Mr. that the thought of another site was overwhelming... but at the same time I realized we have the best group of employees we've ever had, and we realized we had an opportunity: Who has better infrastructure, better knowledge, better everything than we do?
Wheeler and consumer advocacy groups have argued that any difference in privacy regulation is fair on the grounds that ISPs are able to see everything a customer does over their internet connection, and that it's harder to switch internet providers than use different apps and websites.
It promises to help readers «want nothing, do anything, and have everything,» with advice on time management, career advancement, relationship - building and more.
When you realize that everything you say and do has impact on others — you have the opportunity to control the outcome.
Pressed on the issue, Tait said that producing local content would be central in everything the CBC does.
It could be that the company is a one - man show that has reached the point where one person can't do everything on their own.
Be proud of your work and imagine everything you're doing not only has your name on it, but is also being made public.
And then there's Mountain Equipment Co-op, a company with staff who are already so focused on physical activity, spokesman Andrew Sutherland has a hard time naming everything they do on site at MEC's new corporate headquarters.
«I can't say too much about the new products and the things we are developing, but from a pure technology point of view, everything that we've done on vehicles translates directly into trucks,» he said at the time.
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