Sentences with phrase «evidence presented»

However, if both spouses agree to the divorce and qualify for a simplified dissolution, the court hearing often does not require testimony from witnesses or discussion of evidence presented by either party.
Ultimately, the court explained that there was enough evidence presented at trial for the jury to find that there was a duty of care owed by the employer to the passing motorist.
In a legal sense, a judgment refers to the final finding, statement, or ruling of the court based on evidence presented to the court.
The early evidence presented here suggests that PL approaches can help improve achievement for a broad range of students.
The judge makes a decision, or the jury gives its verdict, based on the testimony and other evidence presented during trial.
Other evidence presented in Evil Genius suggests a less clean cut, more nuanced scenario may be closer to the truth.
After that, and new evidence presented on those lines, the decision to be taken on appeal was clear.
I don't see any substantial evidence presented to support the claims made here.
The book discusses sea level rise spread over several centuries at slow rates but there is clear evidence presented in this book of a couple of periods of rapid sea level rise.
Students are expected to speak and write using evidence presented in texts, and to present analyses based on credible information that is based in the text or research - based.
Conversely, the medical evidence presented by the defendant was not relevant in the case of the orthopedic surgeon and was not credible in the case of the psychiatrist.
The length of the trial will depend on how complicated your case is, how many witnesses you call and how much evidence you present.
Overall, the genetic evidence presented here supports the hypothesis that gray whales experienced a major population decline, and that this reduction occurred recently.
These are a great source of research evidence presented in a digestible form.
You seem, nevertheless, determined to deny actual evidence presented to you, so it's useless to continue this dialogue further.
Our success in catastrophic injury claims is in part due to the detailed and persuasive evidence we present.
Since there was no such evidence presented by the plaintiffs, the jury was legally prevented from finding that the park management was negligent.
The robust and comprehensive evidence presented during the trial was an important factor leading the defendant to plead guilty, another first for the ICC.
We explore evidence presented from both sides of the debate.
The more detailed financial evidence presented to it apparently allowed a more sophisticated analysis of the rate that ought to result from this approach.
Evidence presented at trial included emails pertaining to deal - making that would financially benefit the son and keep his powerful father happy.
And there is no clear evidence presented for his assumed «two - century» cycle.
In fairness, she has plenty of evidence presented to her on a daily basis that confirms those beliefs.
Nothing goes up forever and it is important to remain flexible and open - minded as conditions change and new evidence presents itself.
A court will consider this evidence alongside other evidence presented in the case.
Overall, evidence presented in a protest against the.
@ohwilleke yes confrontation only affects evidence presented against the defendant.
Animals Australia has also lodged complaints with the Department of Agriculture based on two subsequent investigations in Jordan (in October 2013 and January 2014)-- with evidence presented of ongoing breaches of ESCAS involving the cruel handling and slaughter of Australian sheep outside the supply chain in Jordan — and implicating the same live export company.
I think that it would be impossible to argue that there couldn't be shorter timescale natural warming trends based upon evidence presented in both these studies.
Kelvin MacKenzie told the then News International boss, Rebekah Brooks, and Sun editor, Dominic Mohan, he was quitting as a columnist in 2011 because he thought they had kept the full extent of phone hacking from him, according to evidence presented as part of a civil case against the newspaper's publisher on Thursday.
In a ground - breaking new paper (Lansner and Pepke Pedersen, 2018) published in the journal Energy and Environment, an analysis of land surface instrumental records from across the globe's ocean air sheltered (OAS) regions reveals that, like the proxy evidence presented above, most of the modern era warming occurred prior to the 1940s, and the there has effectively been no net warming since then.
If evidence presents itself that God exists, I will gladly change my mind.
The indictment was returned by a federal grand jury in New York City, which heard evidence presented by the staff of Preet Bharara, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Evidence presented under Climate Impacts above makes clear that 2 °C global warming would have consequences that can be described as disastrous.
Unsatisfied that the group's recruits meet its standards despite evidence presented by TFA and its supporters, the board decided it would prefer to screen each individual potential teacher, a process that will take six to eight weeks.
Evidence presented over the course of the 24 - day hearing revealed that issues with the RCMP's current weaponry were identified in 2006 and 2007 following inquiries and investigations into officer shootings in Alberta and Saskatchewan in 2005 and 2006.
Students Matter's policy recommendations were developed using the overwhelming evidence presented at trial, through conversations with policy experts, superintendents, teachers and parents on the ground, as well as by surveying the successful teacher employment laws already implemented in other states.
During oral argument, counsel for the State of California and the State's two largest teachers unions made a number of statements that directly contradict the well - founded evidence presented during the two - month Vergara trial.

Phrases with «evidence presented»

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