Sentences with phrase «evidence produced»

And the length of all proceedings has to increase if adequate opportunity is to be provided to challenge and test the reliability of evidence produced by large and very complex electronic systems.
Sadly the application was unsuccessful but the weight of evidence they produced to the court was recognised by the judge.
Your claim that in the last two games his performance was not up there contradicts evidence produced in the article under discussion.
In some cases, the only evidence they produce is attached to what appears to be a robo - signed affidavit.
Given the compelling evidence produced over the past decade and presented here, we now understand that the relationships among free radicals, antioxidants and exercise are far more complex than once thought.
The working group did not address its mind to the distinction between «real evidence» produced by computers and documentary evidence produced from computers.
As well, he rejected the expert evidence produced at trial by California because it showed only a correlation and not a causal relationshihp between depiction of violence and subsequent violent behaviour by children.
I will stop telling people that the climate is getting more extreme, without producing any evidence
At trial the Crown had a variety of evidence it produced before the jury.
Computer evidence produced by TCS forensic examiners in our computer forensics lab is admissible at all levels of the Canadian courts and many American jurisdictions (subject to state licensing requirements).
The invaluable evidence it produced contributed to the ongoing funding and planning of support services for pregnant women & new families, including targeting services to the most vulnerable, strengthening evidence based practice & training of staff in all aspects of infant feeding.
ALBANY — While it's likely more money from independent expenditure groups was spent on Tuesday's races than on any primary in state history, there's not much evidence it produced any victories.
The more evidence you produce that your partner is unreasonable, unreliable, and a jerk, the more he or she will respond negatively, as anyone does when «under threat.»
Sadam Hussein's death was plastered all over the media but with bin Laden we are to just accept with very little evidence produced.
«Why are our legislators rushing to jump off the cliff of cyber charter schools when the best available evidence produced by independent analysts show that such schools will be unsuccessful?»
The teacher then used authentic assessment to assess students» knowledge, skills and abilities by examining their work products and other evidence produced throughout the course of the class.
The New Law also provides that the courts may request evidence produced in the course of the competition proceedings with some exceptions, such as confidential documents, requests for leniency of settlement or internal documents of the competition authority.
The economic benefits of investing in highquality early learning have been well documented over the past two decades, with decisive evidence produced by world - renowned economists.
Procedural laws, such as those concerning the disclosure and admissibility of evidence, provide inadequate opportunity to challenge the reliability of evidence produced by complex technology.
produce your evidence
The move has been prompted by evidence produced by the Cotton Farm Residents» Association, which installed its own noise and weather monitoring equipment in January 2013, which it claims shows the level of noise from the 126 - metre turbines could mean they have been built too close to homes.
«Because Congress did not have a «strong basis of evidence» upon which to conclude that DoD was a passive participant in pervasive, nationwide racial discrimination — at least not on the evidence produced by DoD and relied on by the district court in this case — the statute fails strict scrutiny,» the decision stated.
One section of the work of this class was to consider the evidence produced by the fulfilled prophecies referring to the first advent of Christ.
Considering that there's never been a single shred of evidence produced to support these sometimes totally goofy beliefs, you have to wonder why ANY religion still exists, at least in countries with a large number of educated people.
Look up «imaginary», figure out how this would apply in your case, evaluate the evidence produced during the relevant demonstration, and «viola»!
And I think no one could come away from the evidence he produces and still claim that «black racism» is not an appropriate and necessary term.
Holt argued that respect for the principles of scientific inquiry, as much as for the evidence it produces, should infuse our political discourse.
Well maybe it does that, but the evidence it produces is also a damning indictment of decades of neglect of the reward structure for researchers.
The evidence they produce to support this theory is, however, very selective and misleading.
Firstly, following preliminary research into the evidence produced by primary schools and their catering providers, a draft toolkit was developed.
I'm in favor of RSD continuing in New Orleans, but nothing about the evidence produced last few years is giving me the itch to replicate it in my home town.
We must be committed to organizing schools and instruction according to the evidence we produce about practices that lead to improved teaching and learning.
(5) As the MRO, if you determine that there is a legitimate medical explanation, you must cancel the test and inform ODAPC in writing of the determination and the basis for it (e.g., referral physician's findings, evidence produced by the employee).
That sounds more sophisticated than simply splitting your equity holdings in three, but there's no evidence it produces better results.
However, although the latest decision has concluded that the social media giant was at fault for censoring the image, the evidence produced by the plaintiff did «not demonstrate with the necessary rigour that the deactivation -LSB-...] was due to the posting of the painting».
There is no evidence produced, outside of self - referential studies and models, which shows any changes beyond normal variability.
That is to show to a court, if required, that the evidence produced is no more and no less than when it was first taken into the possession of the forensic examiner.
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