Sentences with phrase «evidence someone have»

These guidelines have been expanding as newer evidence has shown a role in wider time windows but this point remains the same.
But still, that wealth of evidence hasn't stopped school choice opponents from claiming otherwise.
So far, however, little evidence has emerged of reduced enthusiasm for pharmaceutical careers.
Now, new evidence has emerged appearing to bolster those allegations.
The best evidence I have for his resurrection is within me.
Scientific evidence has now accumulated that indicates a further need for management of some environmental challenges at the global level.
Anyway, the whole thing is irrelevant as in thousands of years of searching, not a shred of evidence has ever been recorded that shows there are any gods.
These revisions are based on evidence we have collected about our programs, along with mandated changes in the field and research - based practices.
The strongest evidence we have so far concerns high - glycemic foods and dairy products.
More evidence has surfaced revealing that exercise benefits cardiovascular disease.
For most women, midwife led care is the recommended care option as evidence has shown this leads to less interventions.
I'm hoping you can start us off by describing what such evidence would look like.
In recent years, more and more evidence has surfaced concerning the health risks of sedentary work.
Studies using anecdotal evidence have indicated that long - term separation from a romantic partner can lead to increased anxiety and depression as well as problems such as sleep disturbances.
The trusts were then contacted and asked to provide the documents, along with evidence they had been published online.
The only evidence we have of the earth's past are rocks and fossils — but these are just stable structures in the form of an arrangement of minerals we examine in the present.
Even though we can't verify the authenticity of the photos, they're the best evidence we've seen so far.
It's hard to believe that DNA evidence has come so far so fast.
This is hardly news; much evidence has indicated the importance of effective principals for decades.
More recent evidence has shown that, as average life expectancy has increased, the disabilities traditionally associated with aging have actually decreased.
But the strength of the association found was weak, and further evidence has since emerged, prompting the authors to carry out a systematic review of research published up to 2015.
Evidence you have presented in the past about the complex interactions between vitamins A, D, and K2 appear to be critical in understanding optimal health.
But to be fully confident in the genetic evidence they had gathered, the scientists also examined the turtles for differences in body shape and size.
Read the multitude of comments you have made this evening and note how much evidence you have provided for your countless assertions.
Little evidence has emerged to bridge the contradictory theories.
This contradiction between probability and available evidence has led many scientists to attempt to explain why this is the case.
On present evidence they have yet to appreciate the issues, let alone address the answers.
Here's the only proven Award Winning Recipes supported by evidence I've found on the net, do yourself a favour and check it out.
The interviews provide valuable texture and certainly fill in the gaps of what evidence we have available.
A mountain of evidence has accumulated demonstrating that it is absolutely terrible for your health.
Finally, there is nothing wrong with saying that we don't know what happens after death, even though scientific evidence would point to nothing.
To date, every shred of empirical evidence we have suggests that pit bulls are the same as, if not better than, other breeds when it comes to human interaction.
The seven women and five men weighing the trial evidence had given no public sign of where they stood in their review of the evidence before they delivered the mixed verdict.
Still, virtually no direct evidence has supported this idea.
But much evidence has already been found to support it.
This, to me, is the most compelling piece of evidence we have about his life.
If there is such evidence I would like to review it.
There's some additional evidence I'd also like to disclose.
I have come to believe that the official expert advisory process, and the IPCC process within it, are seriously flawed... Two related forms of evidence have brought me to this view.
Some important changes relating to expert evidence have taken place as a result of this case.
Over the last several decades, evidence has mounted regarding the importance of establishing secure attachment for future adaptive development.
Over time, evidence has built up that for a particular condition, a certain treatment tends to work.
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