Sentences with phrase «evidence suggesting»

What continues to be lost, in my view, in much of what the media has reported over the last six years about the results of autopsies conducted by researchers at the Sports Legacy Institute in Boston on the brains of athletes - autopsies which show the presence of the dark splotches of tau protein which are the tell - tale sign of CTE - which is that they provide, at most, anecdotal evidence suggesting a possible connection.
Sorry I'm unimpressed by yet another article about our team's supposedly offensive name, in spite of all empirical evidence suggesting the only people offended are non-native Americans who want to tell native Americans they should be offended.
The reasons for judgment have now been released and show that Justice Wigney preferred the economic evidence suggesting the conduct resulted from oligopoly behaviour rather than agreement.
It's another piece of evidence suggesting that people are looking to cut their refined sugar intake but are interested in replacing that with more natural alternatives.
For a long time, there have been many — including dietary experts — who felt like there was strong evidence suggesting that people should limit their intake of animal protein.
I know there is a substantial amount of evidence suggesting that the Universe is significantly older than this, but I think a lot of that evidence comes from bad science, or from a worldwide conspiracy of scientists who want to deny Leprechauns.
This historical result used to be frequently regarded as evidence suggesting that no real Christology could be developed on process principles.
is their any evidence suggesting he was an atheist, no.
Branch presents an abundance of useful evidence suggesting a conflict within the movement (and within King) over its internal politics, but he rarely pulls this material together in summary fashion, and this is but one of several themes that are left largely bereft of sustained analysis and critical judgment.
For athiests, there is simply no evidence of «his» existence, so it's not really a certainty of non-existence, it's just a lack of evidence suggesting «he» exists.
It is a fact that there is no legitimate evidence suggesting the existence of a god.
How else would you rationalize the total lack of any evidence suggesting the existence of a god?
Unlike you, I don't have to ask anyone anything to know what a smart person thinks, because there is plenty of objective evidence suggesting I am one.
The expansion is perhaps a type of «start» of the universe as we know it but again, there is no evidence suggesting causal agency in the existence of that singularity or the transition into the accelerating expansion.
Near - death studies are about the best we have and anecdotally I think that many people do report «conscious» experience whether that's due to anoxia or otherwise there is no substantial evidence suggesting the absence of «consciousness.»
Novak does not hesitate to admit that there is a great deal of historical evidence suggesting a peculiar connection between the Protestant ethic and capitalism.
Also technically you can not disprove the Tooth Fairy, and as many children will testify there is an awful lot of evidence suggesting she exists.
Also technically you can not disprove the Tooth Fairy, and as many children will testify there is a lot of evidence suggesting she exists.
Even more convincing is the increasing body of evidence suggesting that over the last generation, various factors have increased the propensity of populations in developed countries to save and reduced their propensity to invest.
«The fall in sales in the second quarter overall was revised from 0.7 per cent to 0.3 per cent, adding to other evidence suggesting that the initial estimate of GDP will be revised up in next week's second estimate,» Ms Redwood said.
Vicky Redwood, economist at Capital Economics, said the revisions added to evidence suggesting there was a jubilee boost.
The allegations against the unnamed security engineer surfaced on Sunday when Spyglass Security founder Jackie Stokes tweeted that she had evidence suggesting the employee was abusing their access.
There's mounting evidence suggesting that CRA political - activity audits are being used as a politicized tool to exert pressure on critics of the government.
The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has not found any evidence suggesting that there are defects in Tesla's vehicles.
«There's multiple modes of evidence suggesting the hippocampus is not only involved in memory but is also important for imagination.
There is some evidence suggesting that salary caps assist teams in larger markets compete with teams in the largest markets; salary caps level the playing field only so far.)
In addition to information about Page's Moscow trip, the DOJ also provided the FISA court with other evidence suggesting Page misled the committee during his testimony under oath, the Democratic memo said.
Second, there is a substantial body of economic evidence suggesting that taxation of the return to savings can harm the prospects for economic growth, investment and efficiency.
Hoodline, a Bay Area news blog, reported that it had, however, seen evidence suggesting that the compromise extended beyond Muni ticket payment terminals.
There is now considerable circumstantial evidence suggesting that the primary goal of many central bankers, despite their continued professions of fealty to inflation targeting, has become avoiding recession at all cost.
(The evidence suggesting a link between those who published the reports and those who shorted Silvercorp stock is at best circumstantial.)
In a new note to clients, she offers even more evidence suggesting that analysts might not be worth what they're getting paid for.
Aloquin's label says it is «possibly effective,» meaning there's only small amount of clinical evidence suggesting the product is safe and will work, the Financial Times reports.
The researchers collected a lot of evidence suggesting that they might.
While private equity has not suffered the embarrassment of the hedge fund industry, which has trailed the market since the start of 2009, the evidence suggests that PE now provides outsize rewards only to its managers.
Plus, research and anecdotal evidence suggests that spending too much time gazing at perfectly curated profiles on Facebook, profiles that often eliminate all the warts and stresses of a person's real life, can knock your self - esteem.
It may feel awkward or be inconvenient, but all evidence suggests a post-work pint represents sound business strategy.
But that's not the final word, apparently, because other evidence suggests that brand loyalty is as strong as it's ever been: Fully 77 percent of consumers in one survey, for instance, said they return to the same brands over and over again, with 37 percent of them qualifying as «brand loyalists» — the segment of customers who will stay true to a brand even if offered a superior product from a competitor.
But evidence suggests that Canada's shopping scene is now better than down south.
A growing body of evidence suggests that hemp roots can remove toxins from soil and water better than practically any other plant.
Sex at home The good news is, the evidence suggests more couples are having sex at home with their spouses, too.
The good news is that credit card debt is down from 2010, but evidence suggests that this is due to defaults rather than repayment.
Indeed, anecdotal evidence suggested mobile sales set a new record on Friday, data from Adobe Insights showed.
«That correlates to the stock market in the sense that historical evidence suggests investors are better off investing in the stock market long term.
Evidence suggests that many Best Picture Oscar winners do indeed get a box office bump.
Evidence suggests that taller people are more likely to be leaner, exercise more and smoke less, Batty added.
As new evidence suggests, staying put may in fact be the quickest way to the top.
In general, the historical evidence suggests that rising interest rates is overall a positive for expansion of commercial and industrial credit.
While the FCC has argued that net neutrality rules made it more difficult for broadband providers to invest in their networks and thus hurt innovation, evidence suggests that such regulation has had no negative impact on telecom investment — instead, it increased by 5 percent from 2014 to 2016, when net neutrality rules were in place.
Maybe not to all shoppers, but anecdotal evidence suggests live - chat technology works.
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