Sentences with phrase «evidence to the contrary»

Faith is not belief despite evidence to the contrary... it is the belief in things unseen.
The definition of delusion is holding a belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary — the fact that a majority is deluded does not make them right.
The court ordered the plaintiffs to file their objections and provide evidence to the contrary to prove their case.
Apparently, he thinks the problem is systemic, and the trash blowing around the feet of the grim looking flight attendant closing the cabin door doesn't offer much evidence to the contrary.
However, if presented with new evidence, I am more than able to adapt and even change that conclusion if provided with evidence to the contrary.
Nor is there any evidence gluten - free diets aid weight loss, though there is strong evidence to the contrary.
This mindless drone continues to ignore evidence to the contrary of his / her lame mantra.
Why does the perception of a scientist shortage persist despite ample evidence to the contrary?
I'm not going to be able to convince you that paid links don't work; because you're seeing evidence to the contrary.
Faith would presumably be influenced by evidence to the contrary, as now the fact is no longer a question of faith, but one of evidence.
There is plenty of research being published that shows people with strongly held, partisan opinions only increase the certainty with which they hold those beliefs when presented with clear evidence to the contrary.
In a nutshell, a statement can fairly be called a lie if there is abundant evidence to the contrary that a speaker should have known about.
Not believing that anthropogenic global warming is happening despite a mountain of empirical evidence to the contrary because of what was written in a book a very long time ago.
You are welcome to give evidence to the contrary of what I am posting at any time.
Would it make sense to keep hearing that there is no causal relation between smoking and health (despite mounting evidence to the contrary)?
If, on the other hand, your teacher wanted you to answer a specific aspect of evolution and you had hard, solid evidence to the contrary.
It would be highly ignorant to pick some random explanation / age and then stick with it throughout eternity no matter what evidence to the contrary presents itself.
Challenge your negative thoughts by looking for evidence to the contrary and keep a running list of your successes, no matter how small.
Sorry, but this presentation and its reveals don't make any sense, and go completely against all reasonable evidence to the contrary.
Clients still have «confidence» in wealth managers and their ability to make money, despite substantial, statistical evidence to the contrary.
On the same token, there is no obvious evidence to the contrary either.
These guys create a model in their computers, based on arbitrary assumptions, and then ignore all the experimental evidence to the contrary.
They will seize on any tiny scrap of data supporting their claims while ignoring the vast amount of objective scientifically based evidence to the contrary.
I have yet to see anyone provide any actual evidence to the contrary.
She made the naive assertion that «all schools embrace doing right by their students» when evidence to the contrary is pervasive in all kinds of schools.
Despite our desire for simplicity, good expert advice is usually heavy with qualifying statements, candid about evidence to the contrary, and not as simple as we'd like it to be.
If you have authoritative evidence to the contrary, I'd be interested in a citation.
He is trying to convince those that are starting to doubt that his way is still correct despite the shocking evidence to the contrary.
Despite the earlier evidence to the contrary, some of you will maintain that buying big will simply fix all our problems.
Note: despite all apparent evidence to the contrary, I do in fact own more than one shirt.
That means the truth, pending evidence to the contrary, is the big 5 NEVER price ebooks more than print books.
Even in light of the overwhelming direct tangible evidence to the contrary.
Only true believers (as in no matter whether there is stark evidence to the contrary) would consider this an effect of Global Warming.....
Despite roughly 5,000 years of written evidence to the contrary, we believe it isn't normal to be unhappy.
These false arguments are used when one has few or no facts to support one's viewpoint against a scientific consensus or against overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
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