Sentences with phrase «evil conspiracy»

This is a real debate and the environment movement needs to tackle it head - on rather than asserting that all challenges must be part of some imagined evil conspiracy.
Churches will always be imperfect, as they are composed of human beings with flaws, but this sounds like an evil conspiracy.
I'm not quite sure how this small one - off grant could possibly lead to unemployment and misery, but perhaps I'm missing something and it really is part of an evil conspiracy...
If you look passed all these mistakes, you can enjoy a basic superhero show about good guys with capes and manly - man looks fighting an evil conspiracy (involving Arabs obviously) and a secret weapon.
The three discover an evil conspiracy to overthrow the king, Louis XIII (portrayed by Freddie Fox), by Cardinal Richelieu (played by Chistoph Waltz).
In 2001's Legally Blonde the writers threw in a Straw Feminist for cheap laughs who believes that the word «semester» is an evil conspiracy against women.
The Noble Servant by Melanie Dickerson — She lost everything to an evil conspiracy... but that loss may just give her all she ever wanted.
Explore the Zevanii System and its planets, defeat bizarre alien and robotic monstrosities, and discover the dark truth behind an evil conspiracy that threatens life as we know it!
It's all an evil conspiracy of the Koch brothers.
Sorry, no evil conspiracy here, cooking the science to support UN world domination, just the scientific method at work.
It's an evil conspiracy to keep the birth rate up.)
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