Sentences with phrase «evil leaders of»

The problem with blaming all this on faith or religion is that it hides the true culprits: fear, hatred, and selfishness — which culprits are leveraged by evil leaders of groups like ISIS.
General Ratiev, evil leader of the Zalestad nation must be stopped.
Kane, the evil leader of the Nod arrives at the GDI headquarters, to meet face to face with his arch enemies.
Your quest will take you through three different military bases in an attempt to rescue your daughter and defeat Drektor, the evil leader of the Xenos.

Not exact matches

Stone Fish, who has visited the country twice on organized tours, added that «Visiting North Korea is a rare opportunity for Americans to humanize North Koreans,» beyond the national stereotype of a «cartoonishly evil leader, nuclear weapons, and rows upon rows of goosestepping soldiers.»
Zimbabwe's virtual dictator Robert Mugabe has been one of the world's most brutal, corrupt, and just plain evil leaders for 35 + years.
Other religious leaders regularly note that «the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil» and that «a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.»
The Christian Right has lost its way and GOD himself thought the sheep needed to learn from their misguided, lying cheating and B - S - ing way... and well GOD can only lead you to water... Our Leaders are protect from the EVILS of man and in this election the EVIL doers all have green thumbs from the greedy money monsters....
Religious leaders free themselves from the obligation of talking about evil, by pretending that it's only a matter of free will and people can choose what they want and the consequences are only personal («between you and God»).
The authors judgmentally rail against the judgmentalism of religion, while graciously allowing that some religious leaders have opposed the evils engendered by religion.
What Jesus said about the evil shepherds and other individuals, who were using the flock for their own selfish gratification, could also be said today of many of our religious leaders and our political leaders.
«Faith - based groups reacted to the terrorist leader's death with renewed sympathy for victims» families, scriptural citations justifying the demise of evil, and hopeful prayers for peace among the nations,» stated the RNA release.
«In their comments, some evangelical leaders suggested that voting for a third party candidate or abstaining for that office was futile or a vote for the winning ticket,» noted the NAE on the «lesser of two evils» choice.
Maybe the next step is to read Richard Bach's Illusions and determine the meaning of «Bad is what you don't like, evil is what makes you unhappy» because things are a little more complicated then the drivel your leaders and the media feed you to shape your outlook.
Well, some of this is me projecting onto the lesser of two evils, but not everyone wants a constant reminder of the faith of our leaders.
[It] has historically been used by their leaders to justify a long succession of evil systems — including fascism, communism, anarchism, nazism, occultism, and many others.
These people can say what they want, treat others in the most despicable, cruel and out right evil ways, and their supporters, (friends and other leaders) will justify the wrong doing without any regard to the word of God.
A while back I found another blog from a church leader and the theme was something along the lines of «Every worldview must make some account of evil
those arent christians on that premise you cant relate christianity to any atrocities, because it was not administered by the Holy Spirit, only authentic non religious endwellment is what a saved person is and they areent the leaders or followers of demonic evils, opressions, and carnal endeavors
All you who will hold out to the end with our holy church please do nt listen to these hell bound haters of christianity.It is evil tryin to destroy our church.Remember our church leaders are human and are sometimes weak to temptation.Dont bash a whole religion cause a few fall!
Its leaders did not believe that the society they were building was the Kingdom of God, but they did believe that human obedience to God could usher in a world in which many of the present social evils would be overcome.
I am convinced that the corrupt and evil leaders in Africa bear much of the responsibility for the suffering of their people.
Despite their combined evil, they still didn't cause the same degree of human carnage and suffering as 20th century wars fought by world leaders who defined themselves as religious.
Good leaders take care of their people, evil leaders take care of themselves, at the expense of their leaders.
So when one Christian accuses a church leader of doing something evil or wrong, the pastor often feels justified in retorting the same way Jesus did, and accuses his accusers of committing a sin against the Holy Spirit.
As Adele points out in a recent post on her blog, Christian leaders like Rick Warren have earned a reputation for condoning the use of force to «defeat evil
I have heard from the Dear Magnificent Leader - Vladimar Oblama and those in the Appartatchik, including Commissars Pelosi (code name: Plastic Face) and Reid, they send warmest thanks in the name of the Revolution for your Victory against the evil Capitalist onslaught.
That is, that one of the main reasons for his attack on Darwinism is his conclusion that insufficiently critical adoption of evolutionary modes of thought by the majority of scientists, and also by educational (e.g., John Dewey) and legal (e.g., Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.) leaders, has led to a highly unsatisfactory cultural situation, and to many evil consequences.
Secondly, they argue that the amount of evil in the world suggests that God is not a very persuasive leader.
Religiously it was jihad against evil society and the infidels in America, an interpretation that was not accepted by the majority of Islamic leaders, theologians, and communities the world over.
In spite of the attempt of national leaders and the mass media to interpret the incident as a malicious terrorist act of disgruntled and frustrated people full of evil intensions, for many North Americans it was difficult, if not impossible, to accept it as non-religious.
The only way a person more ethically advanced than Saddam Hussein can approve of this grotesquely evil practice is by assuming, as Southern leaders once did about slaves, that there is no human victim involved.
Our political leaders designate «other» people and places as evil and engage in questionable policies because they know the body politic will buy that sort of rhetoric.
With sadness in my heart, I'm watching the America of my youth and working life, of God - fearing and law - abiding people, being totally replaced by EVIL leaders elected by a majority of a foolish and ignorant population!
We would never tolerate a leader of a country today committing genocide and infanticide for the reason that the people are «evil», so why do you let your God off the hook?
But it is the evil reality of most organized religions, that regardless of how many good intentions leaders start out with, they mean nothing under the pressure they come under in order to please the masses, their particular denominational mandates, and to be able to put food on the family table.
Some ugly and foolish thoughts expressed in slovenly language were put forth by President Ronald Reagan when, during a 1982 conference with some eastern Carribean leaders, he called Marxism a «virus»; when, in 1983, he labeled the Soviet Union an «evil empire,» telling the assembled National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida, that communism «is the focus of evil in the modern world» and that «we are enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all our might»; and when, while conferring in 1984 with 19 conservative and religious leaders, he vowed to fight the «communist cancer.»
Come now, you know why: Because of a brief period in history when a symbol that has been used around the world for thousands of years as a sign of good will was used to represent an evil socialistic nation whose leader ordered the death of millions.
Holloway affirms that «we are not to do evil that good might come» and that «we should not endorse a wicked political leader, even if he holds out the promise of forestalling greater evils
St. Paul warns us that we are not to do evil that good might come, which means we should not endorse a wicked political leader, even if he holds out the promise of forestalling greater evils.
Witness, for example, what becomes of the Golden Rule when Matthew Hale, leader of the World Church of the Creator, says that whatever is for the white race is good and whatever is against the white race is evil, is sin.
In America evil is defined by consensus of our elected leaders and validated by our court system, it is called illegal.
In the case of violent, evil political leaders, or violent & evil groups such as ISIL, we can do what we can to neutralize them.
The leaders of the world are evil but the church is good.
Roman Reigns (the one who's a handsome Dothraki prince) has run afoul of evil, creepy Bayou cult leader Bray Wyatt (the one in the hat).
People love to claim that «Dr» Amy's followers are would - be bullies, mindlessly loyal to their evil leader, but regular readers know that commenters here also have empathy, compassion, a sense of justice and a desire to make the world a better place.
She also remarked that the IPOB leader is «evil» as he was using people of the South East to «wipe the floor.»
... Delight in smooth - sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts, desire for popularity and electoral success irrespective of the vital interests of the State, genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation, obvious lack of intellectual vigour in both leaders of the British Coalition Government, marked ignorance of Europe and aversion from its problems in Mr. Baldwin, the strong and violent pacifism which at this time dominated the Labour - Socialist Party, the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality, the failure and worse than failure of Mr. Lloyd George, the erstwhile great war - time leader, to address himself to the continuity of his work, the whole supported by overwhelming majorities in both Houses of Parliament: all these constituted a picture of British fatuity and fecklessness which, though devoid of guile, was not devoid of guilt, and, though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries which, even so far as they have unfolded, are already beyond comparison in human experience.
Since returning to parliament in June and becoming Lib Dem leader Cable has not held back in attacking the PM, earlier in the summer he accused her of using «evil» language which could have been lifted from Hitler's Mein Kampf.
«We are urging every Biafran, particularly Christians in the Middle Belt Region and Yoruba leaders to stand firm and observe this sit - at - home because Armageddon is coming and a coalition of the brave must come together to rise up to confront the evil from the Sahel.
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