Sentences with phrase «evil of someone»

There is no rational explanation for the depth of evil of which we are capable.
«These speak evil of those things which they know not».
Just breathe deeply, remember why you entered the entrepreneurial arena in the first place, and try to view closing costs as part of the necessary evil of borrowing money.
Isn't that the great evil of liberal schools for you lot; that they lead people to actually question what they've been told to believe?
The zombies aren't the real evil of the post-apocalyptic world, but humans!
So are lawyers really the weak link in the chain of defence against the global evil of money laundering?
Since it was nothing I knew evil of I let it lie there till I hope it slept.
How evil of these instructors to teach our kids that equality and tolerance is a good thing!
The pure evil of free radicals is the reason why increasing antioxidants is so vital for acne.
So often meetings feel like yet another necessary evil of doing business.
Despite the all - consuming evil of loot boxes there was still good in the game, and now at last it has been redeemed.
The central evil of horror films is often a metaphor for something deeper, and that is very much the case here.
This process takes a necessary evil of my daily sales activities and turns it into something that I can use to get genuine results.
It does not address the real evil of zero hours contracts which is the lack of employment status; a concept which is frequently misunderstood by both employer and employee.
Especially if you insist on repeating the same argument about evils of alternative business structures and legal advice services that will destroy the profession ad nauseam.
Yasmin Said discoursed on evils of Climategate.
And the GOP was founded to fight the twin evils of slavery and polygamy, as it saw the animating aspect of virtue as being foundational to conservatism in a Burkian sense, which carries forward to this day.
They suffered from mental degradation and all other forms of evils of war.
A third misconception, implicit in the two preceding, is that personal evangelism will automatically take care of the economic evils of society by generating Christian character.
The God who saved and changed us is just as willing and mighty to save us from this, one of the deepest evils of human nature.
It is painful (but necessary) reading, for it reminds us how easily and shockingly prominent individuals, including self - professed Christians, fell sway to the radical evils of racism, anti-Semitism and nationalism.
Human religions are there to limit the uncontrollable thirst for evil of mankind.
Following a run - in with evil of the purest form at the iconic Amittyville horror house, Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) urges husband and partner - in - exorcism Ed (Patrick Wilson) to abandon their practice of ghoul cleansing.
God and religion are the most evil of man's creations!
It is important that religious people learn to argue against the manifest evil of abortion on purely secular, rational grounds.
«The simple connection between prosperity and a healthy environment has been obscured by the rantings of the international environmental establishment against the alleged evils of modern industrial civilization and corporate globalization,» Ebell said.»
Hypocritically, however, we do complain sorely at the top of our lungs about the sins and evil of others who are hurting us.
At this crossroads, Whitehead and Nietzsche meet face to face, locked in a fundamental quarrel over the particular evil of time's passage.
But it's more than redeemed by Lee's passionate ideas about America today, which he sees as plagued by evils of violence and materialism, yet unbounded in its possibilities and unquenchable in its spirit.
With the majority of society gone, the worldwide governments are now being ran by the most evil of men.
The problem with drawing moral equivalencies between the very real EVIL of terrorism and those who combat it is that the terrorists always win in such a shamelessly disgusting comparison.
Radical feminism, associated with deep hurt and anger, emphasizes female jurisdiction and overcoming evils of patriarchy.
The environmental movement quickly got involved with the New Left, becoming a sort of side - show for anti-war demonstrations while pollution became one of the litany of evils of what had been traditional American life.
Also, what Whitehead calls the «evil of triviality» must count as genuine evil (MG 697).
What motivated these German anti-Nazis to resist the powerful Hitler regime is an important object lesson for more precisely locating the roots of the moral evil of Nazism by understanding the source of its antitheses (malum privatio boni est).
War is not the vilest form of evil, not the most evil of evils.
It shows us a radically transformed human nature, no longer defined by the twin evils of sin and death.
Plantinga need only acknowledge that the possible world containing Hitler's actions — i.e., the actual world — contains the greatest net amount of good over evil of any possible world containing free moral agents which God was free to actualize.
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