Sentences with phrase «evil race»

The setup is that the monstrous, evil race of creatures known as...
Ursula's Race - Survive 4 laps on Ursula's evil race course.
Is this d hard work the evil race claims they do?
The Aether, was introduced in «Thor: The Dark World» as the object that spawned a war between the Asgardians and an evil race of Dark Elves led by a tyrant named Malekith.
What works especially well is the 30 minutes or so of set - up after Riddick finds himself betrayed and abandoned by the Necromongers (the evil race of the second film).
The tiny flywheel, the evil race clutch, the sticky throttle, and the gearbox seemingly filled with Swabian maple syrup make it crystal clear that this is going to be a very physical drive.
The evil race of TimeSplitters is traveling back into human history authoring events that are leading to the enslavem...
The former prisoner is released from incarceration at the start of the narrative, and he's been tasked with destroying the link between his world and the Rhogar's: a demonic, evil race that wants to subjugate what's left of the human race that they haven't already killed.
Vigilance on Talos V is about Killian Jared, a man who became a mercenary to save his daughter Celeste from an evil race of aliens known as the Xenos.
«The Edge» is the last resort for the humans after their loss in the devastating battle against the Sarahul, an evil race of lizards.
Vigilance On Talos V 1996 Vigilance on Talos V is about Killian Jared, a man who became a mercenary to save his daughter Celeste from an evil race of aliens known as the Xenos.
Hancock's sculpture is part of the artist's elaborate self - scripted mythology around «Mounds,» human - plant hybrids threatened by the evil race of «Vegans,» but his is only one of the visionary universes glimpsed within the exhibition, which surveys such «outsider» artists as Minnie Evans, Bessie Harvey, Marie «Big Mama» Roseman, and J. B. Murray.
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