Sentences with phrase «evil someone do»

The belief in the redemption of evil does not mean any security of salvation.
To most of those involved, the icon of evil did not present itself whole.
What evil does he really reveal in this party though?
If evil does not exist, then it is impossible to say that something is wrong.
Just because one knows what is morally evil doesn't mean they abide by that.
I think one dangerous thought is the grand assumption in most of humanity that true black evil doesn't exist.
The presence of evil does not lead inevitably to a greater good.
«But you would have us believe that good and evil didn't exist before the fall» On this we can agree, good and evil existed before the fall.
Whether if it does what the original Resident Evil did by making an HD version of the game, or the «over the shoulder RE4 - inspired» gameplay is anyone's guess.
Only on the basis of God's terrible willingness to accept responsibility for evil do we have grounds to trust God's promise to redeem evil.
Jesus is the consummation of all of creation, in Him there is no evil as evil does not come from God and was Not created by Him.
However I do not enjoy «scientific» atheist myths like «believers are stupid, atheists r smart» the theory of evolution of viruses, Hitler was a Christian, God is evil and above all God does not exist because evil does».
@Gaunt Good and evil do matter, however, just being good doesn't get you into heaven.
«The God that I worship would never, ever want to see evil done,» he said.
I only observe that the ballpark is a paradise into which evil does occasionally come, whenever the Yankees are in town, and this occasionally lends the game a cosmic significance that it would not be improper to call «apocalyptic.»
Without going all biblical on you, apparently evil doesn't work so well without good, and, gulp, vice versa, and most of the film unfolds around Megamind trying to resolve that issue.
God will find fault in evil doing despite the fact that He is the cause of that evil.
I've made it a point to read what I could in depth about the Holocaust, and the incredible evil done to so many innocents breaks my heart.
Given the above analysis, nonmoral evils do not have to be seen as incompatible with the goodness of the classical God.
which part of unnatural evil did you not understand?
The major «temptation» that religious people fall into is illusion — and the outright evils done in its name.
Mahmoud was his name and great evil does he plan.
God never fails to warn before he destroys evil doing.
One's inner encounter with evil does not presuppose that «self - analysis» of modern psychology which seeks to penetrate «behind» the experience, «to «reduce» it to the real elements assumed to have been «repressed.»»
would you forgive those (evil doing narrow minded racist) christians?»
Whatever evil does befall is nowhere near proportionate to the magnitude of our sins.
Evil does wield a certain power when individuals allow themselves to become a receptacle through which it can operate.
That is, it seems to me that while the standard free - will explanation for natural evil does allow the FWT to maintain logical consistency, it is not an explanation that flows in some obvious, natural sense from the basic tenets of free - will theism.
Whitehead's solution for the problem of evil does acknowledge the reality of genuine evils, and I intend to pinpoint these evils.
In response to Hasker's fourth proposition, however, I argued against his contention that the notion of gratuitous evil does not provide the needed criterion.
As William Rowe points out, when a fawn burns to death in a forest fire and no human being ever knows about it, this apparently unnecessary evil does nothing to build the character of human beings.
The ball never got to Eduardo, Rosicky and Nasri together didn't quite look right, and because of previous evils done upon our team Denilson, Vela and Theo were not quite ready.
These officials are suppose to be the «people» protectors from «EVIL» doers and not part of the «EVIL DOING SYSTEM»
Tucker and Dale vs Evil did the dark comedy horror genre better.
Contract evil does not necessarily arise out of bad intent or a genuine attempt to defraud.
In the first Austin Powers movie, Dr. Evil didn't obtain a nuclear warhead and hold the world ransom for 70 % of his pre-retirement income.
As for the Sins player they follow more or less the same procedure, except they don't get any defensive symbols because clearly evil doesn't believe in not getting itself killed stupidly.
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