Sentences with phrase «evoke human presence»

Both Katherine Taylor and Shawne Major evoke human presence without depicting its form, albeit in very different ways.
Thus wires and conduits may now suggest arteries or veins flowing with life, light - bulbs symbolize creativity, and chairs that are worn out evoke human presences.

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Orians was studying how blackbirds choose where to live when he noticed that humans also select their habitat according to specific criteria, like the presence of water, large trees, open space, and distant views — criteria evoking the savanna where humans evolved.
Like totems, their symmetry and shining surface evoke an eerie human presence.
By constructing these theatrical still lifes, I can set the stage for a dream narrative using the human form to evoke emotion, establish a physical presence and render visions associated with common sleep experiences.
Dewantoro has since expanded his colour palette to include brighter, earthier tones, but maintains his focus on the landscape, a mixture of urban elements and the natural environment decidedly void of human presence, heightening the sense of drama they evoke.
The carefully selected, closely framed shots made using 35 mm film are filled completely by the seemingly impenetrable, monochromatic patterns of the rainforest flora, and — with the exception of the obvious existence of a camera — do not evoke any kind of human presence.
Like graffiti - cloaked fragments of city walls, the works evoke societies in upheaval and solemnize the distinctly human impulse to leave a record of our presence.
With only a suggested human presence in the works, they evoke similar responses to those occasioned by an Edward Hopper painting or a Raymond Carver short story.
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