Sentences with phrase «evolution as»

It is integral to evolution as cooperating organisms gain survival advantage by a quid pro quo between them.
This would have enormous implication for subsequent evolution as earth's oceans atmosphere were oxygenated by photosynthetic bacteria creating extensive stromatolitic reefs.
Evolution as a result of natural selection has led to many streamlined forms which follow directly from their function.
The finding dovetails nicely with work by the Grants that documents the species» rapid evolution as recently as the 1980s, when a drought affected the bird's food supply and its beak started to become more pointed to accommodate a new diet.
In fact, we carry among our genes many «fossilized» retroviruses — left over from the infection of distant ancestors — which can help us trace our evolution as a species.
I mean, there is no question that the scientific community is very strongly on the side of teaching evolution as an accepted and valid scientific explanation.
Sereno wonders — that's what would be expected in the traditional view of evolution as progress in adaptation.
By using strength and motion sensors, the system assesses the degree of an injury and its evolution as the treatment progresses.
We may be able to use this new Tongan island and its evolution as a way of testing whether any of those represented an oceanic environment or ephemeral lake environment.»
«It is essential to understand the dynamics of cultural inheritance at different temporal and spatial scales, to uncover the underlying mechanisms that drive these dynamics, and to shed light on their implications for our current theory of evolution as well as for our interpretation and predictions regarding human behavior.»
Do you feel it's an improvement that many theists are backing away from Young Earth creationism, and instead viewing evolution as a divinely ordained process?
«The problem is that the game features virtually none of the key ingredients of evolution as we understand it,» says Gregory.
This gave the scientists snapshots of the parasite's genome at multiple time points, allowing them to track evolution as it unfolded in the lab.
Researchers believe that the microbiome is essential to human evolution as well.
In reifying evolution as a force or power that is separate from and even inimical to human beings and their values, Julian Savulescu and Anders Sandberg are talking as much nonsense as any fundamentalist theist who believes God created us as sinners and we must struggle to be good (12 May, p 28).
Gould and Eldredge challenged the traditional view of Darwinian evolution as a gradual, stately unfolding.
In reifying evolution as a force or power that is separate from and even inimical to human beings and their...
Likewise, another popular origins trope, «Man the Hunter,» depicts evolution as driven by an early dietary shift and a dependence on males for precious meat, implying that women mated only with males who were successful hunters.
The findings could help scientists better understand evolution as well as help pave the way for highly agile underwater vehicles.
This is why the Nobel laureate François Jacob described evolution as a tinkerer, not an engineer.
Each change is an opportunity for a different copying rate, which is the basis for evolution as we know it.»
He proposes that the diversity must have narrowed in the course of whale evolution as mtDNA «hitchhiked» on the success of behaviors passed from older females to calves, such as feeding techniques, methods for fending off predators, and baby - sitting.
For instance, he says that many evangelicals he's encountered see evolution as a repudiation of their religious beliefs.
Simultaneously, the bleakly reductionist view of evolution as a product of nothing more than the sum of individual self - interest, common currency in the past half - century, is softening as we consider how natural selection may work even at the level of entire ecosystems.
All present the theory of evolution as a logical explanation of the known facts in biological history.
Another idea is that perhaps sponges used to be more complex but lost some features along the way — a marked departure from the traditional view of evolution as defined by increasingly complex development.
Some of Australia's sensitivity to climate change stems from its evolution as a continent.
This widespread lack of the need for telomerase is used by evolution as a key component of our defense against cancer, because having a limit to the size and renewal of telomeres prevents our cells from replicating themselves indefinitely — the crucial hallmark of cancer.
«I'm embarking on the next phase of my professional evolution as an independent scientist, leaving the Academia - Pharma Complex behind,» he wrote in a blog on his lab Web page — another way he had previously won media attention.
Without kinship as a pivot point, cooperation could be seen in a broader context, impacting evolution as a whole.
«We're trying to identify the mechanisms of evolution as it's occurring in the wild» and translate it into a strategy to save the devils, Jones says.
«Generally, people think of evolution as moving from simple to more complicated,» Dasen says.
Still, he says, «I welcome the novel interpretation by Baron and Barrett, because it promotes a necessary debate on poorly known aspects of dinosaur evolution as a whole,» he says.
Before then you could describe evolution as change over time, but we did not have any grip on that process until the 1980s.
They are proving as critical to understanding the workings of evolution as classic paleontology studies such as Stephen Jay Gould's research on the pace of change in mollusks.»
These icy bodies apparently survived the star's evolution as it became a bloated red giant and then collapsed to a small, dense white dwarf.
Understanding stellar pairs, and how one's individual development affects the other, is fundamental to understanding stellar evolution as a whole.
It's easy to think of evolution as something that happened millions of years ago, but Jonathan Pritchard, 37, has proved we're actually adapting to our environment in real time.
An anonymous user redefines evolution as «a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientific explanation.»
What I have found sheds new light on our body, our mind and our evolution as a social animal.
Of broader significance, Gary Graves of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History observed: «The avian microbiome is terra incognita but it is not unreasonable to suppose that the relationship between birds and their microbes has been as important in avian evolution as the development of powered flight and song.»
Charles Darwin established evolution as a viable theory by articulating its driving force, natural selection (Alfred Russel Wallace is recognized as the co-discoverer of this concept).
Pataki's evolution as a Patriots fan began in January, with the New Yorker declaring his support for the hometown Patriots while campaigning in New Hampshire.
It is vital that every young person receives a broad and balanced education including teaching evolution as the only evidence - based view of how life came to be.»
Webb's conservative position on gun laws is well - known, but here he is on evolution: «This confrontation between religious and scientific theories is still unsettled even today, as creationists rationally argue that the living world could not have been fashioned without an «intelligent designer,» and that the theory of evolution as presented by the Darwinists still rests on scientific speculation that has yet to be proven.»
Using Kadyrov's evolution as an example, Efremov asks a rhetorical question: «Can you imagine how much (Bin Laden) would like it if he attended the White House for a lunch or if he had interviews with Paris Hilton?»
While admitting that the revelation came as a shock to him, he stated that it was a sign of the former president's evolution as a person, since handing over power in 2001.
Rebecca writes of her emotional evolution as an adoptee in Don't Be Frightened By My Anger, My Grief, or Even My Love — It Only Means That I'm Awake.
This represents a profound lack of knowledge about evolution as well as a profound lack of knowledge about childbirth.
We forget sometimes that we only got to this point of evolution as humans because generations of forefathers and foremothers let their kids go.
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