Sentences with phrase «evolutionary psychologists»

Perhaps more psychometrically robust and theoretically - derived assessments of mate preferences will better settle some of the arguments between sociocultural (e.g., Eagly, 1987) and evolutionary psychologists (e.g., Buss, 1985).
Evolutionary psychologists not only know this, they have been arguing this for decades (Kenrick et al., 1990; Symons, 1979).
On their surface, all the items seem relevant to what evolutionary psychologists call «short - term mating psychology» or «unrestricted sociosexuality.»
They've been manufacturing critiques of Straw Man positions that evolutionary psychologists don't actually hold, and they've been ignoring masses of evidence that evolutionary psychologists have generated.
Just as not all men are taller than all women (and yet men are taller than women, on average), men are expected by evolutionary psychologists to be more eager than women for indiscriminate casual sex, but only on average.
• What this paper shows: This paper offers a conceptual analysis arguing that «evolutionary psychologists do not expect that obtaining one's ideal mate will simplistically, typically, or invariantly lead to higher relationship quality» (p. 668).
Evolutionary psychologists suggest people who are afraid of heights are more likely to escape from this potentially dangerous situation or avoid it altogether.
Evolutionary psychologists say that humor plays a pivotal role in human development.
Even though gendered sexual development is quite complicated, this doesn't nullify the ability of evolutionary psychologists to make accurate predictions about average - level behavioral sex differences in sexuality.
Evolutionary psychologists have been blazing trails in terms of researching the special contexts that matter most when it comes to casual sex in humans.
The Trivers - based sex difference explanation often proffered by evolutionary psychologists does not expect that all men will always be eagerly seeking promiscuous sex, nor does it imply that all women always eschew causal mating opportunities.
Evolutionary psychologists describe jealousy as mate retention — or mate guarding behaviors — and believe that jealousy is related to an interest in ensuring that their mate is emotionally invested enough to stick around and help raise their offspring.
According to evolutionary psychologists, men need to demonstrate relationship commitment to gain sexual access to women; for women, securing commitment in a relationship is similarly valuable because it allows access to resources and ensures the long - term survival of offspring [10].
In a previous article, I discussed theories of infidelity, focusing on the different perspectives offered by evolutionary psychologists and social - role theorists.
So, yes, for a woman who does not have a «macho» partner, evolutionary psychologists might argue that cheating during ovulation is an adaptive strategy — but for women who already have a masculine guy, it's important to note that this isn't necessarily the case.
Evolutionary psychologists, including pioneers such as David Buss, have yet another perspective on this type of friendship.
Evolutionary psychologists have been long - interested in male preferences for female traits, because those traits are thought to indicate a woman's fertility.2 Whereas most studies focus on what makes specific body traits attractive, such as the waist - to - hip ratio, body mass index, 3 or breast shape and size, 4,5 little research has looked at individual preferences for specific traits.
2 So, when the idea gets thrown around that men's only interest in their female friends is for sex, even evolutionary psychologists would agree that is a very misguided stereotype.
Evolutionary psychologists have used this forced - choice paradigm to show that men are more upset by sexual infidelity, while women are more distressed by emotional infidelity.2
Evolutionary psychologists call this the «paternal certainty problem» — men who have been cuckolded and are unknowingly raising a child that's not their own have failed, from an evolutionary perspective, at passing on their genes.
Evolutionary psychologists have argued that mimicry serves the adaptive function of aiding social survival.
As evolutionary psychologists explain, the.70 waist - to - hip ratio suggests that a woman is more fertile and more well suited for bearing children (or what your grandmother might have called «good child bearing hips»).
As I have posted over and over again in this blog, evolutionary psychologists expect that only some men pursue short - term mating strategies (e.g., given their own mate value, physical attractiveness, attachment experiences, local pathogen levels, local sex ratios, and so forth; see Gangestad & Simpson, 2000).
This evidence points to some serious flaws in the evolutionary psychologists» narrative.
Many evolutionary psychologists put this trend down to the power of innate biological drives.
Evolutionary Psychology: The evolutionary psychologists believe that a human being's mental and psychological traits, such as memory, perception, language have been affected by psychological adjustments during evolution.
Evolutionary psychologists have argued that this may be because physical characteristics can be indicative of fertility and health, which are important to our survival and reproduction as a species.
This idea isn't new to evolutionary psychologists, who have long known that males of various species will change their behavior if they're trying to find, or hold on to, a mate.
, Thus Speak Evolutionary Psychologists.
Although the evolutionary psychologists had expected women and men to respond differently to questions about infidelity and jealousy, they were surprised that the differences were so strong.
Evolutionary psychologists believe that women are especially sensitive to signs that the man is devoting time and attention to other women.
Early evolutionary psychologists have often favored something like a «jukebox» model of the brain, in which it contains any number of evolved, preprogrammed behaviors waiting to be set off by various stimuli, as if at the touch of a button.
Evolutionary psychologists believe that whether someone prefers a short - term relationship over a long - term one depends partly on their circumstances, such as how difficult it might be to raise children as a single parent.
17 Evolutionary psychologists have discovered that men are far more likely to prefer sloppy tongue kisses than women.
For more than three decades evolutionary psychologists have advanced a simple theory of human sexuality: because men invest less reproductive effort in sperm than women do in eggs, men's and women's brains have been shaped differently by evolution.
Many evolutionary psychologists believe that the cognitive and emotional makeup of human beings represents an adaptation to our ancestral environment.
Evolutionary psychologists, who are not known for their sunny view of human nature, suggest that we sometimes gain power by being nice.
This allows journalists and researchers, evolutionary psychologists in particular, to legitimise and naturalise contemporary western values and behaviours by tracing them back to the «mist of prehistory».
Some evolutionary psychologists have made widely popularized claims about how the human mind evolved, but other scholars argue that the grand claims lack solid evidence
Evolutionary psychologists say that no matter how often masters of our universe like Bill Gates beat their chests, the real secret to gaining power over others is — get this — being nice
In 2013, evolutionary psychologists found that shelter dogs who raised their brows more frequently were adopted more quickly than other dogs.
Credit: Christine Gorman / Scientific American Evolutionary psychologists tell us it's human nature to search for lessons from the skies.
Evolutionary psychologists have long suspected that the human perceptual system has an innate fondness for landscapes with wide, open views, thanks to the millions of years our forebears spent on the savannas of Africa.
Second, in my study, the sample of physically abused children was 10 times the size of the sample in [a study by evolutionary psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson].
I'm not telling the world that everything in my book is right, so everyone should stop listening to evolutionary psychologists.
What I thought needed to be brought out for a more general readership were some of the methodological problems involved in these very highly publicized discoveries that evolutionary psychologists claim to have made; things that get covered in the New York Times on pretty much a weekly basis.
As I point out in one section about male preferences, there's a tendency to focus on older males who reenter the mating market after divorce, and evolutionary psychologists take this to be pretty firmly clinching evidence in favor of their hypothesis.
Evolutionary psychologists have offered an explanation: Presumably our ancestors found it important to recall where they found their last meal or the way back to the cave.
Evolutionary psychologists such as Etcoff like to point out that happiness, by its very nature, tends to be short - lived.
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