Sentences with phrase «evolving food environment»

We are currently working with other nutrition scientists in improving global nutrition indicators that will reflect changing food quality and an evolving food environment.

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The left side of the brain, for instance, might have evolved to carry out routine operations — things like foraging for food — while the right side was kept free to detect and react rapidly to unexpected challenges in the environment — an approaching predator, for instance.
At Sunbeam we are always looking for ways in which to evolve our food offering within our responsibility to the environment.
So a creature such as a field mouse, whose food is randomly distributed, needn't evolve complex foraging strategies, whereas one such as a lion, whose food sources are indicated by clues in the environment, will have an advantage if it can use sophisticated mental abilities such as planning.
From that perspective, it becomes clear that humans are prone to obesity because our bodies evolved in an environment of scarcity, where consuming as much high - energy food as possible was a useful survival strategy.
To survive their food - scarce environment, the fish have evolved extreme ways of turning nutrients into energy.
Research led by Rein Ulijn, Director of the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC)'s Nanoscience Initiative and Professor of Chemistry at Hunter College, has paved the way for the development of dynamically - evolving polymers that form spontaneously by adapting to their environment, which may lead to a number of product possibilities including drug delivery, food science and cosmetics, the results of which were published today in Nature Nanotechnology.
It's the ideal place to practice yoga, find like - minded people, eat healthy food, and evolve in an amazing natural environment.
Vikasa is the ideal place to practice yoga, find like - minded people, eat healthy food, and evolve in an amazing natural environment.
If our environment is not healthy — for example, proper food and nutrition, avoidance of chemicals and stress, etc., — our breast cancer gene may be switched on, allowing the process of cancer to slowly evolve.
«The hypothesis that higher intake of plant foods is beneficial to human health because this increases antioxidant defence against oxidative damage is logical in evolutionary terms, especially when we consider the relatively hypoxic environment in which humans may have evolved.
Our metabolisms evolved at a point in time when early humans (or our mammalian predecessors) were eating entirely foraged foods and wild meat from their local environment.
The project looks at how traditional methods of agriculture have been adapted to succeed in an urban environment, examining the evolving relationship between a city and its food source.
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