Sentences with phrase «exact account»

Rather we must ask him for a much fuller and more exact account of this distinction than he has given.
Yes, they protect themselves with that late title card about the Clarke estate, along with another buried card that states, «This film is a work of fiction and is not intended to be a true or exact account of actual people or events,» but that doesn't mean they were responsible, only cautious.
«The brain keeps an exact accounting of how much sleep it is owed,» warns Stanford University sleep expert Dr. William C. Dement, who has found a direct correlation between sleep and mental acuity.
Just because God spoke to you in a dream does nt mean anything unless it is confirm by an exact account from another person (s).
Biblical scholars no longer believe that the Gospels are exact accounts of the words of Jesus, since these writings were compiled forty to seventy years after his death and thus reflect only the memories and interpretations of the early church.
The full and exact account of all that Jesus said and did during his earthly life is lost to us for ever.
Given the failure of the idea pushed by «the Partisans of Utopia... that Science is the beacon - light which points the way to universal happiness» we should remember, he wrote, that «when you have lost your way and are asking for directions, few things are more annoying than to begiven, by some local Good Samaritan, an exact account of where you went wrong.
When you have lost your way and are asking for directions, few things are more annoying than to be given, by some local Good Samaritan, an exact account of where you went wrong.
In contemporary philosophy of science, what gives its commanding significance to the work deriving from Sir Karl Popper's book, The Logic of Scientific Investigation (Hutchinson, 1958), is an analogous attempt to fuse, in an exact account of theoretical activity in the sciences, the moments of creativity and of finding.
The other factor indispensable for describing an actual entity is an exact account of perishing.
No theory is an exact account of the world, but some theories agree with observations better than others because the world has an objective form of its own.15
In addition, I am waiting for the commissioner to provide an exact accounting of the CPS budget for 2015, which I am hoping to get soon.
Interview Manager: This page gives the exact account of what you want your readers to see by formulating the type of questions that you have the best answers provided.
First, you must understand your exact account balance.
Our convenient services give you easy ways to deposit your money quickly and safely into the exact accounts you have at InvesTex.
Since much of the writing and artwork that showed these early Pugs was destroyed, the exact account of the breed's origin and its rise to popularity throughout Asia is greatly unknown.
The work was both an intimate record of a new mother's unfolding relationship with her baby and an exacting account of the minutiae of childrearing that was, at the time (and still is), primarily a woman's domain.
For a number of reasons, he or she may not be able to give an exact account of the events how they occurred.
Verbatim, despite sounding like verbal, only means that it is an exact account of what was said during the proceedings.
Rick Kabra, CosmoLex CEO, «Until CosmoLex, there was no web - based law practice management software that could also tackle the exact accounting requirements of the legal profession.
The company declined to identify the exact accounts that would be removed by its newly enacted policy, but it did acknowledge that it would «review» accounts and ban groups that identify as extremist through their goals and engage in or promote violence against civilians.
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