Sentences with phrase «exact definition»

Its content is designed to explain concepts, not to present exact definitions or to reflect how all financial institutions, mortgage lenders, or auto companies conduct business.
While exact definitions of suspension and expulsion vary across states and school districts, it is clear that what were intended to be last resort and occasional disciplinary tools have become wildly overused and disproportionately applied to children of color, resulting in dramatically negative long - term effects.
Reinhold Niebuhr was not centrally interested in exact definitions of ethical terms.
I mean, I know exact definitions vary considerably, but what...
However, they require «businesses» (whose exact definition varies by jurisdiction) to collect and remit that tax on behalf of «consumers» (which can also vary, e.g., to exclude businesses that resell).
It is hard to numerate the precise numbers of hyperinflation and there is no other exacting definition of it.
Barthes concluded that an ideal text is one that is reversible, or open to the greatest variety of independent interpretations and not restrictive in meaning; avoiding strict timelines and exact definitions of events.
In its thematization at the 1983 Vancouver Assembly, the phrase integrity of creation was clear in general implication but lacking in exact definition.2 In meetings of the Church and Society Working Committee, the phrase has come to name the intrinsic value that each and every living being has in and for itself as a creature loved by God, and the instrumental value that living beings can have for one another and for God as instances of an evolutionary and web - like creation.
If not, let us tell you the exact definition of the Public relation before proceeding.
«It has no exact definition,» says Lehockey, shrugging.
I do realize that the exact definition of «sustainability» is up for grabs at this point, and many people interpret it quite broadly.
Also, the exact definition can vary between brokerage houses.
While there is no exact definition, quality typically refers to some combination of high profitability, a low debt - to - equity ratio, and earnings consistency.
«The exact definition of assault weapon will need to be determined,» Mr. Mast said.
Since there is still no consensus on the exact definition of «integrated reporting», IFA has decided to convene a working group to identify its advantages, analyse ongoing experiments, and issue recommendations to its members on the involvement of directors and the Board of Directors in this approach.
The exact definition of assault weapon will need to be determined.
The exact definition of a bubble depends on whom you ask, but it's safe to say that bubbles are more than inflated prices.
We have to look over to our friends at the Department of the Treasury, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the exact definition.
There is no exact definition for what constitutes a high - risk business or industry.
However the word «God» does not have an exact definition so where does that leave the argument..
These exact definitions are essential for understanding what Aristotle later says about Entity.
When people submit to God's Will, it's actually the exact definition of free will.
You don't have to like Borg's theology... or even his exact definition of «kingdom»... to appreciate that metaphor as it relates to the Christian life.
To see the USDA's exact definition & regulations, you can check out the National Agricultural Library and the USDA's National Organic Program.
Although some people pride themselves on «wasting less» than other households — there's no exact definition on what that means — the Freeganism lifestyle takes wasting less to the highest level by showing that one man's trash truly is another man's treasure.
The exact definition of food loss and waste could vary by country, business and consumer.
The running back market is weird and some will say they overpaid, but the pairing of Lewis and Derrick Henry is the exact definition of a two - pronged, keep - them - off - balance attack.
We often opened the dictionary at mealtimes when we wanted to know the exact definition of a word, or to find its opposite.
As with so much of the process, the exact definition of open adoption is open to interpretation.
A Twitter Party is similar to a Twitter Chat and the exact definitions may vary depending on who you ask.
We don't need these little «fussy» and «gassy» babies brought in by moms on the verge of tears to fit this exact definition to know a colicky baby when we see and hear one.
There isn't an exact definition of what a lightweight stroller is per say, but I like to think of lightweight strollers as any stroller that weighs less than 15 pounds.
While she finds an exact definition of the word «leadership» elusive, Jody's friend and mentor Gertrude Applebaum believes her protégé's long and successful career speaks to Jody's effectiveness as a school nutrition leader.
There is no exact definition simply because «left» and «right» is a construct created by political parties to polarize the people.
Senate higher education committee chair Kenneth LaValle, a Long Island Republican, said the most difficult aspect of the bill to negotiate was the exact definition of «affirmative consent,» a new «yes means yes» standard.
In addition to what every body else said (and excellent answers) it also depends on your exact definition of gerrymandering.
«Well - being is a universally applicable concept, yet because it can mean so many different things to different people, pinning down an exact definition is difficult,» said lead author Eleanor Sterling, who is the Jaffe Chief Conservation Scientist in the American Museum of Natural History's Center for Biodiversity and Conservation.
«The exact definition of p - value,» said Ioannidis, «is that if the null hypothesis is correct, the p - value is the chance of observing the research result or some more extreme result.»
A major problem in epigenetics is that there is a lack of agreement on its exact definition.
for an exact definition and a good explanation of the concept.
First of all, scientists debate the exact definition of a heavy metal, which depends on several factors like density, atomic weight, and chemical makeup.
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