Sentences with phrase «exact effects at»

But the problem with these headphones is that the sound isn't dynamic — no matter how you move your head, you're going to hear the same exact effects at the same exact volume.

Not exact matches

«Make your points clearly and succinctly and your query has a much greater chance at garnering notice, while using hyperbole in your entreaties will have its exact opposite intended effect on most VCs,» says Ian Sigalow.
= > To the contrary we can calculate the exact forces required to put a body in motion or effect motion in multiple vectors and dimensions which includes putting a body at rest.
«For the time being any past leader and even those who held office at the highest level have to be circumspect - including me - about our pronouncements and interventions which might have the exact opposite effect as was intended,» he accepts, before adding: «It doesn't mean that any of us simply should be told to get back in the box and go away, and fail to express a lifetime's experience or commitment to the party, but it does mean we need to be very careful.»
And by testing the effect of gravity on BECs of two different types of atoms, an atom interferometer could test the principle that all objects, no matter their weight or composition, accelerate at the exact same rate under gravity's pull — as Galileo Galilei supposedly demonstrated by dropping balls of different materials off the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
Paula Stephan, a labor economist at Georgia State University in Atlanta and a member of the next generation committee, has described these arrangements and their effects in exacting detail in her book, How Economics Shapes Science, and a number of the previous reports and studies concur with her observations.
This unfortunate and rare side effect of the biopsy provided Nicola Valeri at the Institute of Cancer Research in London and his colleagues with a kind of stopwatch — an exact point in time when a few cells left as the needle was withdrawn began their two year evolution into a tumour.
Although it's not uncommon for the majority of men to, at some point or another, experience the direct or indirect physical and psychological effects of reduced * testosterone, the exact reasons for these maladies may remain unknown.
Its at the point where Nintendo could never make a game ever again and it will have the same exact effect as if they made 10 more Mario games.
anticlimactic says, January 25, 2013 at 3:30 pm: «I see no reason why the exact effect of CO2 doubling could not be measured directly in a lab experiment.
But the effects clearly are not linear, and thus, when we get an ice free summer Arctic later this century while there might be natural variability involved in deciding the exact year, the fact of an ice free summer Arctic at all this century will be 100 % anthropogenic.
R, Gates, «But the effects clearly are not linear, and thus, when we get an ice free summer Arctic later this century while there might be natural variability involved in deciding the exact year, the fact of an ice free summer Arctic at all this century will be 100 % anthropogenic.»
And to even claim four inches form CO2 since 1950 one would have to make the astonishing claim that whatever natural effect was driving sea levels higher since the mid-19th century suddenly halted at the exact same moment man began burning fossil fuels in earnest.
Are you claiming that if the atmosphere were replaced with a different set of gasses that do not contain GHG molecules, but still had all the other macro effects such as clouds etc in the exact same amount as our current atmosphere... are you claiming that this atmosphere would NOT cause (directly or indirectly) the surface of the earth to warm at all?
And while the exact reason why it works is not yet known, researchers at the Teaching Hospital of Brno in the Czech Republic believe it could be that salt water has a simple mechanical effect of clearing mucus, or even that trace elements found in it may play a role.
Which raises the dilemma: if whatever natural effects were driving temperatures up until 1950 can not be explained, then how can anyone say with confidence that this mystery effect just stops after 1950, conveniently at the exact same time anthropogenic warming «takes over»?
number of days of signing said listing... period... with a «contractual addendum» to the effect that if the property does not «sell» under the initially contracted - for, agreed - upon terms, within said time frame, that said contract will become null and void to allow for a second contract at X % (a lesser) commision payable upon completion of a sale... under the exact same conditions as the preceding contract stipulated for another stipulated time frame (30 days?)
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