Sentences with phrase «exact example»

Always consider listing exact examples of how you have found success in your past employment or education.
If I provide exact examples, I will spoil the show for those viewers who simply desire snappy entertainment.
The experience section goes a step further than the previous sections by giving details and exact examples of how the applicant used the skills and characteristics she has mentioned.
Demonstrated expertise establishing and implementing policies and procedures for information systems including (give exact example).
99 % of the content was common sense and could have been written by anyone, More exact examples on each subject was missing (such as actually from profiles) and the results, would have been beneficial.
Without citing an exact example, I would say this: any brand that is implementing a programmatic strategy where they are hitting their ROI goals with as close to 100 % transparency throughout the process, is using it successfully.
Mostly because in speaking with a coworker about church, he said he was raised in the church and believes in God, but has never been in a church where the leaders weren't greedy — and he gave this exact example, and said that the same pastor drove a luxury car.
This is another example as why we should not follow the exact example as Jesus when he was on earth.
I promise, if you follow his exact example, then this issue is moot.
«This is the exact example I give to people about how every vote counts,» Kellogg said on November 8, noting how she knew of at least three absentee votes — her husband and two daughters — who were likely to end up in her tally, as well as how absentees tend to break for Democrats in Hurley and other rural towns in Ulster County.
Step 3: Predicting the score loss While the FICO study doesn't provide an exact example of this degree of higher utilization to draw on, it does provide us with a similar scoring scenario — a newly maxed - out card — that results in a 780 score falling by 25 to 45 points.
This exact example doesn't look too hard (follow the blocks of floating money), but some of the later examples could be a different story.
Yet, many candidates fail to recognize two key aspects that are critical to the success of every interviewee answering the behavioral question — one, that «when» requires an exact example and not a generic, hypothetical answer and two, that most of the questions to be asked can be found ahead of time.
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