Sentences with phrase «exact impact»

Aga said even without knowing exact impacts, consistently seeing antibiotics show up in effluent is concerning.
Kili's advanced marksmanship gives him an advantage against his enemies due to his arrows landing with exact impact.
While there is a «magic factor» to getting a cover story in the New York Times or Forbes — which can change the trajectory of a business and is hard to quantify in terms of exact impact — PR professionals can and must think of creative ways to measure outcomes in a more quantitative way.
The idea has a certain rhythm to it, but its exact impact is still unclear.
There are many other impediments at play in the housing and mortgage market that make it difficult to define the exact impact of the QM rule.
It's impossible to know the exact impact if indexing does become too popular because there will be no counterfactuals as things play out but there would certainly be ramifications in the investment business and markets if something like this were to occur.
While the exact impact of the new dimension - based pricing structure will ultimately depend on how prepared a company is to adapt its strategy, it is clear that small businesses will be hit -LSB-...]
Apple's chief financial officer Luca Maestri has said that the company expects its growing revenue from services like iCloud and Apple Music to boost Apple's overall profit margin, but the exact impact will depend on the product mix within the category...
It's difficult to predict the exact impact, Aubry said, because homebuyers could react in a variety of ways, from forgoing a home purchase to buying a cheaper home or tapping into savings to qualify under the new rules.
It also needs to show what the exact impact on the move to Coles will be, and whether Sukin can grow at the rate expected of it, and maintain its margins.
The exact impact I am unable to tell now until we finish that meeting; but clearly we must protect the integrity of the hydro dam.
Mr. Jinapor conceded that his outfit was unaware of the exact impact of their decision to rest some of the hydro plants but explained that this course of action is being taken to ultimately protect the hydro plants.
Hence, specification of particular programme type in our analysis can help pinpointing the exact impact of the IMF programmes on social spending and explain the contradictory results.
But the exact impact is unclear, and the Cuomo administration says the plan will continue regardless.
He knew that saying it off - piste in a field in Wales would allow him to say it casually, but would still land with the exact impact he needed it to.
But it's still unclear what the exact impact will be in New York.
But it remains unclear what the exact impact of including this double copy of the gene will be on a broader scale.
Humans continue to release an increasing number of new substances into the environment — often without knowing their exact impact.
The exact impact on her child during pregnancy was harder to ascertain, but the researchers found that metabolic dysfunction in the mother compromised the flow of nutrients to the foetus, altering its growth and metabolism at critical stages during its development.
It turns out the chemicals used to replace BPA may have nearly the exact impact on the human body — hormone disruption — as BPA, according to a new study in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
But it turns out the chemicals used to replace BPA may have nearly the exact impact on the human body — hormone disruption — as BPA, according to a new study in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.
Those various factors make it difficult to calculate the exact impact of your diet on iron levels.
The exact impact, of course, depends on how the districts adjust.
«While it is too early to determine the exact impact on Chicago charter public schools, these adjustments are a first step toward ensuring funding equity,» said Kelley Quinn, a spokeswoman for the Illinois Network of Charter Schools.
Whilst the illegal download of eBooks takes place, the exact impact this is having on authors income and publisher's sales remains relatively unknown.
It's difficult to predict the exact impact, Aubry said, because homebuyers could react in a variety of ways, from forgoing a home purchase to buying a cheaper home or tapping into savings to qualify under the new rules.
The exact impact of the Great Recession on the older and younger members of the Millennial generation is still to be determined, but it is safe to say that it has made the entire generation more financially conservative when applying for a new credit card.
The exact impacts are yet unknown.
Also, because currencies are traded in pairs, the exact impact of an event on the price of the pair is difficult to judge because there are two currencies involved.
Therefore, it's impossible to measure the exact impact of a single factor in how your credit score is calculated without looking at your entire report.
However, the exact impact of such changes is difficult to assess, because any variations in this area will also affect other factors in the scoring formula.
«It's not easy to intuit the exact impact from annual temperatures warming by 6 C,» Diffenbaugh said.
The Farm Bureau does not share the scientific opinion on climate change, with its official position being that «there is no generally agreed upon scientific assessment of the exact impact or extent of carbon emissions from human activities, their impact on past decades of warming or how they will affect future climate changes.»
And while the exact impact on the environment is yet to be known, using a single electronic device (with the possibility of being recharged with renewable energy) is better than buying a new printed book every time you're in the mood to read.
A driver can have points put on their license for a variety of reasons, but few know the exact impact that has on their insurance rates or future driving infractions.
Going with a private insurer could affect your rates, although the exact impact is hard to predict.
The exact impact of futures on the pricing of Bitcoin is hard to predict however futures prices are expected to come together on settling of the contract.
All of these apps were updated recently, making it difficult for the security company to calculate Judy's exact impact and reach.
Including such information in your own CV provides context to readers so that they understand the exact impact your work has had.
«We are currently reading through the bill proposed [on Thursday] to determine the exact impact it will have on California homeowners and its housing market,» said C.A.R. President Geoff McIntosh.
«But we view New Story as a charity you can trust and see the exact impact of your donations.
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