Sentences with phrase «exact probability»

We also don't know exact probabilities for delayed neutron emission or the amount of energy released — properties that are very important for understanding the details of energy production in nuclear reactors.
By contrast, both an objective Bayesian method using Jeffreys» prior and the SRLR method will provide exact probability matching whatever distribution of sample ages the process that actually generated the sample produces.
If the bets are priced with the true exact probabilities, bettors will only be able to win 50 % of their point - spread bets (and appropriate moneyline winning percentage)-- and the sportsbooks will collect the 4.5 % profit margin in the long run due to the cushion of the vig.
The key point here is that the objective Bayesian and the SRLR methods both provide exact probability matching whatever the true calendar date of the sample is (provided it is not near the end of the calibration curve).
I would argue that the coincidence of the Jeffreys» prior derived objective Bayesian credible intervals and the SRLR confidence intervals reflects the fact that here both methods provide exact probability matching.
Don't forget to state «Given enough time anything is possible», if other party balks at that notion, just ask them to prove you wrong by demanding that they completely list all of the virtually infinite possibilities, and show the exact probability as sociated with your claim.
With increasing size of the optical arrangement and increasing numbers of photons sent on their way, the number of possible paths and distributions of the photons at the end rises steeply as a result of the uncertainty principle which underlies quantum mechanics — so that there can be no prediction of the exact probability using the computers available to us today.
At a 45 - degree angle, the photon has a 50 percent chance of getting through (the exact probability varies as the angle is varied).
«We don't know the exact probability within each person, but this is based on patterns within a large set of data.»
She wanted to know the exact probability of finding her Mr. Right, and she knew her passion for data and numbers was the way to do it.
Additionally, publishers will have to disclose the exact probability rates for each of the items.
Jeffreys» prior would in fact provide exact probability matching — perfect agreement between the objective Bayesian posterior cumulative distribution functions (CDFs — the integrals of PDFs) and the results of repeated testing.
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