Sentences with phrase «exact same argument»

I find it very funny that she uses the exact same argument that the LGBT community uses to defend themselves to defend children with down syndrome.
I read two articles last year (which I didn't document, like you, thinking it was out of the question) about pedophiles making the exact same argument as the present day argument that homosexuals have taken from the cause of the Black people; «they were born that way.»
The exact same arguments the gnostics put forth to explain their beliefs are the same teachings you hear today in calvinistic circles.
Oh, little ignorant Jeffy — people made the exact same argument about interracial marriage just a few decades ago.
Pedophiles are using the exact same argument.
that's exact same argument a Muslim threw at me....
Any student of history or literature knows that all the arguments used to defend the genocidal slaughter of one's enemies are the exact same arguments we find in the Bible about why the Israelites went to war with the Canaanites.
They use the exact same arguments we do.
So, he then went up to Frijns and had the exact same argument, leading to the Andretti driver uttering the now iconic words «next time, I'll break your rear wing».
Logically, that is the exact same argument as saying because some non-smokers in my family got lung cancer, and because I have a great great aunt that lived to 100 without getting lung cancer while smoking two packs a day, I don't really have to worry about lung cancer if I start smoking, using smoking as an indicator of cancer risk is garbage.
This is the exact same argument and integrity that you need to have when it comes to purchasing a traveling system for your baby.
I have had the exact same arguments with my in - laws and friends about my parenting techniques!
Rabbi Andy Bachman, for example, said that, «The argument that was used against» Jews fleeing persecution decades ago «is the exact same argument that used against refugees today.»
Well, that exact same argument holds for why a 7 ″ Tablet is more convenient.
It doesn't help that the exact same argument (letting readers read for free creates new customers) is used by --
If people who steal ebooks are using the exact same argument as you are — then your position gets poisoned.
For some reason no one on this site ever agrees with me on this one and always gives the exact same argument.
At the end of the PS1's cycle, Asymco's exact same argument that could have been made.
Funny, I could make the exact same argument with respect to limitations on free inquiry — and the use of universities and state power to expel and suppress unpopular groups and dissenting opinion (and, aside, are you really holding up Nazi Germany as a bastion of free inquiry?
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