Sentences with phrase «exact same content»

A few years later, one of his students was teaching the exact same content but targeting a different group of people charging $ 100,000!
But how useful is the exact same content format online as mobile or email?
Congruency of message and branding can be important, but it's not the same thing as using the exact same content in every channel.
Both the in - person and Internet therapy had the exact same content, with the Internet lessons presented as audio recordings accompanied by visual graphics and animations.
The WiiU and 3DS games have the exact same content except for the online mode.
This is a lot of content that'll surely keep you busy for a long time but it's also the exact same content that was in the 2014 version.
The exact same content is far more effective when presented in its appropriate context.
Today, we look at the iPhone 5 and 6 Plus and put them side by side showing the exact same content.
We put them both side by side and load the exact same content on both units to give you an accurate portrayal of how content displays.
This video puts the exact same content side by side, giving you an indication on how graphic heavy content looks, as well as the standard eBook.
We show you the exact same content on each screen, so you can get a sense on how each handles it.
These special editions tend to include the exact same content as other books, but the content is shifted around to more accurately reflect the lesson plans and schedules of the math department.
I think why this practice emotionally hurts Kindle eBook authors more is that they've already had to reduce the price of the eBook up to half or more of the print price, even though it's the exact same content.
So, Amazon came out with a revolutionary device by the name of Kindle, which is allowing people to read the exact same content that are present in their books and magazines on a 6 - 7 inches of screen.
It'll be up for sale, but the exact same content will be available free, direct from me.
After all, how can newspapers expect consumers to pay a monthly subscription when the exact same content is available for free on the publisher's website?
We do think that version will feature the exact same content as the others with a few graphical enhancements, but as mentioned before, we'll have a gameplay video of it for a definite answer.
If you buy any digital content of Destiny (Game or DLC) for PS3 / Xbox 360, you will also be able to download the exact same content on PS4 / Xbox One for free.
Each zone is about 10 to 12 hours of content, and it is the exact same content that the other factions are doing except more difficult.
It's just that your buddy who missed the original release basically gets to spend $ 60 less than you and get the exact same content.
One word of caution: Repurposing doesn't mean publishing the exact same content in different places.
It underscores how posting the exact same content to both platforms — as tempting as that may be from an efficiency point of view — is not going to be as effective as tailoring your approach to each platform, as you've done at Éducaloi.
As a result, I'm tempted to believe that legal practitioners today would be more open to accepting content like a video recording of a conference as potentially valid commentary, but not (for example) an audio - only version of the exact same content recorded in [a basement disguised as] a studio.
I think i'd be less frustrated with all the excessively large phones if the big screens did anything other than enlarge the exact same content.
Because if you look just at performance and interaction with Google's ecosystem, the Chromecast Ultra is a better bet; and if you look at performance and availability of a remote while also having almost the exact same content offerings, Amazon and Roku offer better choices.
Both resumes had the exact same content and information, but they were structured differently, and the hiring managers were asked to review the resumes as they would any incoming candidate.
Rest assured, if it's on a template or large resume sample site there are hundreds if not thousands of others using the exact same content — which completely defeats what you're trying to do.
Now, what happens when we take this exact same content and lay it out in a more standard resume format?
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