Sentences with phrase «exact same story»

Exact same story of the exact same character.
If you post exact same Stories on different networks, a sense of exclusivity is — well — gone.
Case in point: I have actually had the Lord SAY things to me that some other person I met somewhere else had an exact same story of the Lord saying the exact same freaky thing to them — and I KNOW this person didn't know my story, and now I'm feeling I'd be illegitimate to tell him that the Lord spoke the exact same thing to me, because he shared his story first.
Luke, are you just angry that Matthew, Mark and John (and especially Thomas) didn't tell the exact same story as your book of Luke?
Not proven beyond a doubt but by referencing various written works by many of his «disciples» and others (monks etc) over 600 years AD who all had the exact same story though threatened with death etc it seems HE did live.
The diggers all make the same tradeoffs and write the exact same stories, but they all look to her as a kind of leader.
I'm also glad that it didn't follow the exact same story as The Empire Strikes Back, which is an issue many people had with the similarities of The Force Awakens and A New Hope.
The smooth criminal character cracks me up every time even though he tells the exact same story.
Let's face it, if someone told you the exact same story that has transpired at the Emirates about their own respective club you likely couldn't help but laugh in their face for being such an obvious rube.
Having a routine does not mean that you have to do the exact same thing in the exact same order every day (although some children do like to have the exact same story read to them before every nap), but for most people a routine is simply a way of structuring your child's day so that there is a flexible yet consistent rhythm.
«It worked out to be the exact same story, but with opposite polarities,» says Katz.
Makes if I were the exact same story with him.
The reason is this: In the Name of the King 3 is pretty much the exact same story as In the Name of the King 2.
Beat for beat, it tells almost the exact same story as that or any number of low rent science - fiction movies from recent years, from Species to Splice.
By this point it's obvious how much the film owes itself to The Blair Witch Project, as it goes through more or less the exact same story beats as the found footage classic.
As Aisha Harris argues in Slate, what's so revolutionary about Ryan Coogler's film is its very retro, old - fashioned feel — the fact that the exact same story could be told about a white character and it would change almost nothing about the film.
The primary benefit of moving the action forward «millions of years» after the asteroid near - miss is having Arlo interact with Spot; otherwise, Pixar could've basically told the exact same story — which echoes The Lion King more than once — without setting it in an alternate universe.
None turned out even remotely as well as Gore Verbinski's «The Ring,» but that has less to do with the people involved and more to do with the fact that almost half of these films share the exact same story.
Doesn't it seem like we're following the exact same story as the US did a few years ago?
Titanfall 2 and Infinite Warfare struggle with attempting to tell the exact same story, just from somewhat different angles.
Game Freak could have easily taken the exact same story and most gamers would have been happy, but they instead went a whole extra step, which as a result offered the player something new that they did not experience in the original Ruby and Sapphire.
It isn't enough to rely on brand recognition or reuse the exact same story; something original and creative has to be added.
It would be a waste buying both editions, as even if you like the game that much, you're going to feel as if the storyline is very familiar, and while you can go back and play for extra character levels or stars, you're going to end up seeing the exact same story twice if you buy twice.
But every new character has to go through a long, tedious slog of the exact same story content, in exactly the same way as your first character.
Metropolis: Lux Obscura mixes the (bland) gameplay from Candy Crush with some elements from turn - based RPGs, all while presenting the exact same story you've read before in Sin City, just like a noir comic book.
It's perhaps a little colder and the palm trees are more stunted, which may explain the Nanaimo Daily News headline for the exact same story — «Housing market continues downward trend.»
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