Sentences with phrase «exact solutions only»

Not exact matches

Another solution which might be more controversial would be putting a limit on the number of scorestreaks and individual player could use per match, with the exact limit being determined by the scorestreak itself (so, for example, more powerful streaks could only be used once or twice per match while less powerful ones could be used 3 - 5 times).
«The real solution is to go to image dif patching, which is where the full game is on the CDN in a static image, the patcher difs your version of the game vs what is on the CDN and then only downloads the exact files that have changed.
Except in perturbative contexts (such as the neighbourhood of a fixed point or invariant torus), the long - time evolution of a dynamical system for deterministic data is still largely only controllable by the classical tools of exact solutions, conservation laws and monotonicity formulae; a discovery of a new and effective tool for this purpose would be a major breakthrough.
(ii) Working with their software provider, develop a solution that will limit the search capabilities and search functionalities of the hospital's electronic information system so agents are unable to perform open - ended searches for personal health information about individuals and can only perform searches based on the following criteria: health number, medical record number, encounter number, or exact first name, last name, and date of birth.
Offering «fee - only» services through an RIA while simultaneously providing insurance solutions as a part of your comprehensive financial planning is a violation of the «fee - only» term under the CFP Board's compensation disclosure definitions — that was the exact issue that landed Jeff and Kim Camarda in hot water and spawned the 2 - year lawsuit with the CFP Board that is just now winding down.
I think the exact same thing Alex. I believe they're only still viable at this point due to going through the motions but I'm 100 % confident that business cards are about to go by the wayside and be replaced with a technological solution.
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