Sentences with phrase «exaggerate the sense of»

The challenge for some generals is to not exaggerate the sense of crisis as a pretext to engineer their return to power, as was the case with Harry Gray of ITT, William Paley at CBS, and Juan Trippe at PanAm.
Narcissism combines an exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and achievements with a constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise.
The notion of women's autonomy» including absolute control over our own bodies» leaves us with an unrealistic sense of human power and an exaggerated sense of independence from the consequences of our attitudes and actions.
The early Sufis had an exaggerated sense of guilt and of the terrible torments that awaited the sinners in Hell.
Their confidence was but an exaggerated sense of confidence that I see in many so - called «believers» today.
On the social level the contemplative easily intuits the roots of war: fear of self and others that springs from inability to trust God; the unrecognized self - hatred that we project onto others; the illusory view that our political ideals are purer than our opponents», and the accompanying moral paralysis that stems from an exaggerated sense of guilt about holding this illusion.
Moreover, the document as a whole is characterised by an exaggerated sense of the difficulties in conveying the gospel
True Mammons of civic uprighteousness toting an exaggerated sense of self - worth.
He adds: «In our study, this was shown to primarily apply to «grandiose narcissism», a type of narcissism that is characterized by an exaggerated sense of superiority.»
It finds Brooks once again playing himself, this time as a struggling middle - aged actor and filmmaker who accepts a questionable gig as a comic ambassador to the Muslim world (in a neat bit of stunt casting, Fred Thompson, also playing himself, gives Brooks the assignment), partly out of boredom and professional ennui and partly out of a grossly exaggerated sense of his own importance.
Instead, they were imbued with an exaggerated sense of the possible.
If they see only reflections of themselves, they will grow up with an exaggerated sense of their own importance and value in the world - a dangerous ethnocentrism.
Adichie's observations are needle - sharp when it comes to race, but her empathy makes Americanah — a term that is used for Nigerians who go to America and return with an exaggerated sense of superiority — a warm and surprisingly funny read.
He was a presence at the Artists» Club, although Cohen - Solal may give a somewhat exaggerated sense of his involvement.
When pundits and Nobel Prize winners get an exaggerated sense of their own genius, Dunning - Kruger comes into full force.
The unique perspective of the wide - angle lens can also be used to stylistic effect, allowing you to exaggerate the sense of space in any setting to capture more dramatic scenes and stunning, expansive landscapes.
More likely, though, this is the comeuppance for our exaggerated sense of self - importance, our wrongheaded belief that while the behavior of everyone else could be predicted with the right data, while everyone else has their own agendas, we ourselves are beautiful, shining beacons of individuality, spontaneity and honorably ethical opinion.
Often, the roiling waters of career transition stir up an exaggerated sense of urgency — compelling job hunters to rush to find the safe shore of a new job.
Research on optimism confirms that a somewhat exaggerated sense of self - worth facilitates mastery, leading to better mental health (Seligman, 1995).
PARANOIA AND PARANOID DISORDERS Symptoms of paranoia include feelings of persecution and an exaggerated sense of self - importance.
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder move through life with an exaggerated sense of self - importance, arrogance, and entitlement.

Not exact matches

I quite realize that this may seem an exaggerated, even an emotive, way of stating it; but I am quite sure that any honest man or woman, conscious of his mortality, is also conscious of the fact that he is not what he might have been, that he can not shift the blame to somebody else's shoulders (however many extenuating circumstances he may feel justified in adducing), and that, in at least one sense, the sense I have indicated above, he is a mortal failure.
This is that Jesus was heavily indebted to his past, but was no copyist of it; that he spoke as an apocalyptist, but that his apocalypticism was probably distorted and exaggerated in the records of the Synoptics; more important, that he had a prophetic sense of mission as God's suffering servant and agent of redemption; that he deeply respected the law of his fathers, but gave it a new depth of meaning in self - giving love.
Spinoza does give one a sense of the unity of the world and of the world with God, even though he exaggerated this unity, or conceived it too simply.
I have no wish to make exaggerated claims, but I think I can fairly say that in all these cases the sense of worthwhileness and purpose was deepened and strengthened when the work was seen to be part of the «immemorial plan.»
This approach often helps reduce her exaggerated, unrealistic, and unproductive sense of responsibility for her husband's drinking problem.
We have learned from the Enlightenment and its Marxist negative image some bad lessons: a self - righteous view of human nature, individual or collective, a good - evil dichotomy in our judgment on others and in our social action, a shallow sense of human community, and an exaggerated confidence in the power of human beings to manage and control their own destinies.
For example, I am not opposed to the idea of exaggerated numbers in some of these accounts, as I think it helps make much more sense of what is happening and helps explain some of the problems inherent within the text.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
«There's this sense of euphoria and joy and marvelous promise that you just can't exaggerate,» he says.
It's sometimes to the mutual benefit of both whips and rebels to exaggerate rebel numbers - the latter to try to create a sense of momentum, and the former to prepare the ground for claims of success afterwards.
However, scientists say the tests may have exaggerated the impact by subjecting animals to doses of CO2 far higher than they would sense during careful gas disposal.
Many symptoms of Prader - Willi make sense as exaggerated versions of strategies that benefit mothers.
A series of such experiments suggests that virulence can be tuned — turned on or off, exaggerated or attenuated — by modulating the genes for quorum sensing.
These include obsessive focus on food choice, planning, purchase, preparation, and consumption; food regarded primarily as source of health rather than pleasure; distress or disgust when in proximity to prohibited foods; exaggerated faith that inclusion or elimination of particular kinds of food can prevent or cure disease or affect daily well - being; periodic shifts in dietary beliefs while other processes persist unchanged; moral judgment of others based on dietary choices; body image distortion around sense of physical «impurity» rather than weight; persistent belief that dietary practices are health - promoting despite evidence of malnutrition.
Xunta founder Sense Luo, an ex-Baidu engineer, is tired of gay dating sites and apps that have exaggerated interfaces with either «porn all over the place» or indiscriminate use of rainbow flags.
No immersion, very little teamwork (everyone is just running around doing their «thing»), weapons are unrealistic (nothing but giant, over embellished chunks of metal with exaggerated functions), player team models make no sense (a mix of future U.S. Army soldiers, English soldiers, terrorists with masks, and this ape thing)-- the enemy has the same models too, too many screen markers
Similarly, whereas Marsh paid exquisite homage to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by never explicitly invoking them, Zemeckis turns «The Walk» into a revisionist celebration of restoration, sentimentalizing (and probably exaggerating) Petit's role in making New Yorkers fall in love with the World Trade Center, and ending on a note that, while undeniably bittersweet, still manages to convey a reassuring sense of optimism.
Radek Ladczuk's vivid cinematography gives scenes a properly macabre sense, the exaggerated colors, sizes, angles, and shadows evoking the living terror of a child's imagination.
Some may confuse what Cianfrance is doing as schmaltz but his exaggerated melodrama is grounded in a very real sense of the human experience.
As exaggerated as the film is, it nevertheless has a moral centre, like much of the Coen's output, concerning essentially decent people being buffeted by circumstances beyond their control, and trying to keep their head above water, make sense of the chaos around them and ultimately do the right thing.
But the fun of these glorious encounters, with their exaggerated mannerisms and broad humour, is soon dampened by the sense that there is something very wrong in this family.
Although Swedroe is exaggerating to some extent, let's take a look at a couple of portfolios to understand why his comment does in fact make sense.
In real life sensing that change in the bike's balance is utterly vital to sating healthy, but in virtual form there's no way to allow the player to feel it properly, other than a a very exaggerated lifting of the bikes front end so that it can be visibly seen.
Again, much of my enjoyment comes from that sense of power I mentioned earlier: attack animations are slightly exaggerated to look more suitably heroic and blows are delivered with a real sense of weight and power, giving combat a chunky, meaty, solid feeling.
Some lines of the game didn't really make full sense given the context of the situation, whilst other times the exaggerated accents of the voice actors just felt a bit over the top.
Super Daryl Deluxe is a fun exaggerated take on high school with an outlandish sense of humor.
The slightly exaggerated and bright visuals may not appeal to everyone, but they fit stylistically and with the witty sense of humor that the game exhumes throughout.
The game's sense of fun is all pervading, from the player's exaggerated physical features to the fact that they burst into tears after a strikeout.
Shot with a fisheye lens, the central image gives a sense of tunnel vision, while the side views exaggerate the feeling of extra-peripheral sight.
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