Sentences with phrase «exaggerated effect»

The CGI cutscenes are also great with exaggerated effects and action.
The figures speak for themselves but we should not exaggerate the effects for Labour because other social trends have been working in the opposite direction.
The input assumptions are adjusted to make the temperature projections match recent temperature trends, thereby grossly exaggerating the effects of CO2 on the climate.
So, compared to ground - based series, the satellite series substantially exaggerate the effect of El Nino, with some significant lag.
The scale of the discrepancy lead to accusations that weather station data had been «adjusted», thereby exaggerating the effects of global warming, something which the Foundation is keen to investigate.
Marx surely exaggerated the effects of History or modern technology or capitalism to transform the character of human life.
The Rent Stabilization Association, a major landlord group, said the report exaggerated the effect of the vacancy allowance.
Other researchers echo his warnings against exaggerating the effects of the mutation in human carriers, pointing out that there are probably around 100,000 carriers in Finland, but only a fraction of these have turned or will ever turn to violence.
The authors of the study concluded that not only does the age at menopause and smoking relate in predicting mortality, but also that smoking exaggerates the effects of estrogen deficiency on women with menopause at a younger age.
The greater the variance in returns, the more exaggerated the effect.
Like some of those articles, I've purposely exaggerated the effects of compounding by using the full 147 - year history of the S&P 500.
Her love of colours drives the atmosphere of the work where a mixture of bright hues with more neutral colours are used to create optical illusions whilst fluorescent colours exaggerate this effect.
It is possibly exaggerating the effects of El Nino and La Nina on the surface air temperature.
They also have a tendency to presume exaggerated effects for a message on the public and will take action based on this presumed influence.
A common misconception is that climate models are biased towards exaggerating the effects from CO2.
But Dimitri Lascaris, a partner at Siskinds LLP in London, Ont., who has acted for plaintiffs in numerous securities class actions, says corporations are deliberately exaggerating the effect of bounties on compliance structures for their «own self - interest.»
Also, it seems intellectually dishonest to advocate a carbon tax when the public is learning that the global warming advocates grossly exaggerated the effect of carbon dioxide on the climate and satellite data show no global warming for the past eighteen years.
In a small law firm, minor changes in client retention can have exaggerated effects on profitability.
In January the rightwing blogger Richard North claimed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had «grossly exaggerated the effects of global warming on the Amazon rain forest».
It is possible, however, to exaggerate the effects of this lack of material.
Cooking for longer will exaggerate this effect, providing a good reason to keep cooking times brief.
«We were so surprised» by the exaggerated effect of no - nicotine vapors, Zelikoff says.
The exaggerated effect in summer may be due to the heat cooking up air pollutants from fossil fuels, creating ozone - rich smog.
Rarely, thiazide diuretics can raise blood calcium and vitamin D can exaggerate this effect.
I kind of love how big the pom pom is compared to the small bag for an exaggerated effect.
Pearl does not have to exaggerate the effects of the Civil War, for even though Boston of 1868 is far removed from the physical battle scars of the war, evidence of the painful aftermath is everywhere.
Borrowing to increase investments («leverage») may exaggerate the effect of any increase or decrease in the value of Fund investments.
Borrowing to increase investments (leverage) will exaggerate the effect of any increase or decrease in the value of Fund investments.
All of this exaggerates the effect of an «emergency» on one's net worth.
Science is advancing, and overwhelming the mass delusion, the folies a beaucoup, about the exaggerated effect of carbon dioxide.
In the case of climate change, just because some scientists and environmentalist believe in their hearts and hearts that we humans are destroying our habitat, (exaggerate the effects) does not make it so.
Exaggerating these effects, however, is not helpful.
There could also be other unknown mechanisms driven by solar changes that exaggerate the effect of small variations in total solar irradiance.
Dr. Lomborg believes that when it comes to computer models of climate change, the International Panel on Climate Change deals all four wild cards in a way that exaggerates the effect of greenhouse gases.
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