Sentences with phrase «exam in a couple of hours»

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companies (the requirements for alternative teachers beyond knowledge of their subjects, if any, being unspecified, here), then failing to pass the content exam and / or, in the case of the few who actually find jobs, discovering that it's an exhausting job, requires long hours and tremendous dedication, and at least a couple of years to be any good at it, most of whom will blow right back out of what used to be a «profession» but will now be reduced to the status of a «trade.»
She was also a mom and her part time didn't always meet the 120 hour threshold over the course of those five years, though she wasn't doing anything else and so they said that she didn't meet the standards and denied her ability to waive into the Minnesota bar without having to take the bar exam and she's petitioning that to the state supreme court right now under a couple of different theories because the case also involved maternity leave and whether a gap in that counting, all sorts of interesting stuff.
If you have at least a couple weeks, we can utilize a no exam life insurance policy and be approved within a few days or weeks and split the difference in costs of a fully underwritten term policy (cheapest option) and the 24 hour approval process (most expensive).
Like you saw in the video above, getting a no medical exam policy has a couple benefits and one of them being that they are the quickest way to get covered and can take up to 48 hours versus having to wait 6 - 8 weeks.
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